Reza Kormi-Nouri
Reza Kormi-Nouri Position: Professor Emeritus School/office: School of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesEmail: cmV6YS5rb3JtaS1ub3VyaTtvcnUuc2U=
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About Reza Kormi-Nouri
Reza Kormi-Nouri is professor, senior lecturer in psychology and a member of CHAMP (Center for Health & Medical Psychology). He has been employed at Örebro University since October 2005.
Reza's main research interests are in the field of cognitive and positive psychology which include memory for bilingual children and cross-cultural studies in well-being.
Reza's main teaching areas are within both free courses in psychology and the psychology program at Örebro University. His main areas of teaching are cognition and C-paper/psychology thesis. He also teaches "Positive Psychology" which is an international course for both exchanged and Swedish students.
Research projects
Completed projects
Articles in journals
- Ghamsari, A. S. M. , Kormi-Nouri, R. , Karsazi, H. & Hatami, J. (2024). Mediating Role of Inhibition Control in the Relationship Between Age and Memory Changes Throughout Adulthood: An Aging Developmental Study in Iran. Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, 15 (1), 49-60. [BibTeX]
- Karsazi, H. , Rezapour, T. , Ghamsari, A. S. M. , Kormi-Nouri, R. & Hatami, J. (2024). Which intellectual activities are related to cognitive reserve? Introduction and testing a three-dimensional model. Psychological Research, 88 (4), 1081-1091. [BibTeX]
- Noroozian, M. , Kormi-Nouri, R. , Nyberg, L. & Persson, J. (2023). Hippocampal and motor regions contribute to memory benefits after enacted encoding: cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence. Cerebral Cortex, 33 (6), 3080-3097. [BibTeX]
- Karsazi, H. , Rezapour, T. , Kormi-Nouri, R. , Mottaghi, A. , Abdekhodaie, E. & Hatami, J. (2021). The moderating effect of neuroticism and openness in the relationship between age and memory: Implications for cognitive reserve. Personality and Individual Differences, 176. [BibTeX]
- Hatami, J. , Borujeni, B. H. , Abdekhodaie, E. , Kormi-Nouri, R. , Mayeli, Z. , Mottaghi Ghamsari, A. S. & Taghavi, M. (2020). Preliminary Reliability and Validity of the Iranian Computerized Version of Memory Tasks of the Betula Study. Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, 11 (4), 535-548. [BibTeX]
- Mohammad, N. , Rezapour, T. , Kormi-Nouri, R. , Abdekhodaie, E. , Ghamsari, A. M. , Ehsan, H. B. & Hatami, J. (2020). The effects of different proxies of cognitive reserve on episodic memory performance: aging study in Iran. International psychogeriatrics, 32 (1), 25-34. [BibTeX]
- Farahani, M. , Kormi-Nouri, R. & De Raad, B. (2019). The relations between conscientiousness and mental health in a North-European and a West-Asian culture. Journal of Mental Health, 28 (2), 112-118. [BibTeX]
- Davoudkhani, M. , Kormi-Nouri, R. , Javidan, A. N. , Sharifi, F. , Younesi, F. , Zendehbad, A. S. & Noroozian, M. (2019). The Validity and Reliability of a Persian Version of the Brief Community Screening Instrument for Dementia in the Elderly Patients with Dementia in Iran. Archives of neuroscience, 6 (3). [BibTeX]
- Nyström, M. B. T. , Sörman, D. E. , Kormi-Nouri, R. & Rönnlund, M. (2019). To what extent is subjective well-being in late adulthood related to subjective and objective memory functioning?: Five-year cross-lagged panel analyses. Aging & Mental Health, 23 (1), 92-99. [BibTeX]
- Badinlou, F. , Kormi-Nouri, R. & Knopf, M. (2018). A study of retrieval processes in action memory for school-aged children: the impact of recall period and difficulty on action memory. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 30 (8), 792-802. [BibTeX]
- Badinlou, F. , Kormi-Nouri, R. & Knopf, M. (2018). Action memory and knowledge-based cuing in school-aged children: The effect of object presentation and semantic integration. Acta Psychologica, 186, 118-125. [BibTeX]
- Abdekhodaie, E. , Hatami, J. , Bahrami-Ehsan, H. & Kormi-Nouri, R. (2018). WordCommentsAnalyzer: A windows software tool for qualitative research. F1000 Research, 7. [BibTeX]
- Badinlou, F. , Kormi-Nouri, R. , Mousavi Nasab, H. & Knopf, M. (2017). Developmental differences in episodic memory across school ages: Evidence from enacted events performed by self and others. Memory, 25 (1), 84-94. [BibTeX]
- Moradi, A. R. , Hosaini, M. , Kormi-Nouri, R. , Hassani, J. & Parhoon, H. (2016). Reliability and Validity of Reading and Dyslexia Test (NEMA). Advances in Cognitive Sciences, 18 (1), 22-34. [BibTeX]
- Farahani, M. & Kormi-Nouri, R. (2016). مفهوم سلامت و بیمـاري در فرهنـگ هـاي فردگرا و جمعگرا: یک پژوهش بین فرهنگی: [Concepts of Health and Disease in Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures: A Cross-Cultural Study]. Journal of Research in Psychological Health, 9 (4), 1-10. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , MacDonald, S. , Farahani, M. , Trost, K. & Shokri, O. (2015). Academic Stress as A Health Measure and Its Relationship to Patterns of Emotion in Collectivist and Individualist Cultures: Similarities and Differences. International Journal of Higher Education, 4 (2), 92-104. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , Jalali-Moghadam, N. & Moradi, A. (2015). The Dissociative Effects in Lexical and Non-lexical Reading Tasks for Bilingual Children. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 8 (1), 47-62. [BibTeX]
- Jalali-Moghadam, N. & Kormi-Nouri, R. (2015). The role of executive functions in bilingual children with reading difficulties. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56 (3), 297-305. [BibTeX]
- Shokri, O. , Farahani, M. N. , Kormi-Nouri, R. & Moradi, A. (2014). Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Relationships between Negative Life Events, Academic Stress and Subjective Well-being among Iranian and Swedish University Students. Journal of Research in Psychological Health, 8 (1), 1-10. [BibTeX]
- Mousavi-Nasab, S. M. H. , Kormi-Nouri, R. & Nilsson, L. (2014). Examination of the bidirectional influences of leisure activity and memory in old people: a dissociative effect on episodic memory. British Journal of Psychology, 105 (3), 382-398. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , Bidabad, F. & Zare, H. (2013). Effects of Time pressure and Test Priority on Verbal & Action Memory and Recall for Words Rehearsed via Maintenance & Elaborative Rehearsal. Advances in Cognitive Science, 15 (2), 20-31. [BibTeX]
- Shokri, O. , Kormi-Nouri, R. , Farahani, M. N. & Moradi, A. (2013). Gender and academic stress: a model for moderating effects in cultural context. Journal of Behavioral Science, 7 (1), 35-42. [BibTeX]
- MacDonald, S. & Kormi-Nouri, R. (2013). The affective personality, sleep, and autobiographical memories. Journal of Positive Psychology, 8 (4), 305-313. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , Farahani, M. & Trost, K. (2013). The role of positive and negative affect on well-being amongst Swedish and Iranian university students. Journal of Positive Psychology, 8 (5), 435-443. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , Moradi, A. , Moradi, S. , Akbari-Zardkhaneh, S. & Zahedian, H. (2012). The effect of bilingualism on letter and category fluency tasks in primary school children: advantage or disadvantage?. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15 (2), 351-364. [BibTeX]
- Mousavi-Nasab, S. -. -. , Kormi-Nouri, R. , Sundström, A. & Nilsson, L. (2012). The effects of marital status on episodic and semantic memory in healthy middle-aged and old individuals. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 53 (1), 1-8. [BibTeX]
- Tavakoli, M. , Barekatain, M. , Doust, H. T. N. , Molavi, H. , Kormi Nouri, R. , Moradi, A. , Mehvari, J. & Zare, M. (2011). Cognitive impairments in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 16 (11), 1466-1472. [BibTeX]
- Tavakoli, M. , Neshat Dorst, H. , Molavi, H. , Barekatain, M. , Kormi-Nouri, R. & Mehvari, J. (2011). Evaluation of memory in refractory temporal lobe epilepsy. Journal of Research in Behavioural Sciences, 9 (1), 63-69. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , Nikdel, F. & Arabzadeh, M. (2009). The effect of memory self-efficacy on episodic and semantic memory. Advances in Cognitive Science, 11 (2), 19-26. [BibTeX]
- Mahdavian, A. & Kormi-Nouri, R. (2008). Effects of attention and levels of processing on explicit and implicit memory function with interesting and uninteresting tasks in university students. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8 (6), 1055-1060. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , Shojaei, R. , Moniri, S. , Gholami, A. , Moradi, A. , Akbari-Zardkhaneh, S. & Nilsson, L. (2008). The effect of childhood bilingualism on episodic and semantic memory tasks. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49 (2), 93-109. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. & Mousavi, S. (2008). مقايسة انواع حافظة رويدادي و معنايي در دانشآموزان شنوا و ناشنوا: [A study of episodic and semantic memory in deaf and hearing children]. Advances in Cognitive Science, 10 (4), 83-93. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , Nilsson, L. & Ohta, N. (2005). The novelty effect: Support for the Novelty-Encoding Hypothesis. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 46 (2), 133-143. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , Nilsson, L. & Bramdal, U. (2004). An examination of process dissociation procedure (pdp) in sentence and action memory. Journal of Iranian Psychologists (1), 1-11. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , Moniri, S. & Nilsson, L. (2003). Episodic and semantic memory in bilingual and monolingual children. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 44 (1), 47-54. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , Karlsson, T. , Johnsson, F. , Nilsson, L. , Minagar, A. R. & Ghaem Maghami, A. B. (2001). Is there memory deficit in Parkinson’s disease? Explicit and implicit memory for verbal and action events. Advances in Cognitive Sciences, 3 (1-2), 28-39. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. (2000). The role of movement and object in action memory: a comparative study between blind, blindfolded and sighted subjects. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 41 (1), 71-75. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. & Nilsson, L. G. (1999). Negative cueing effects with weak and strong intralist cues. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 11 (2), 199-218. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. & Nilsson, L. (1998). The role of integration in recognition failure and action memory. Memory & Cognition, 26 (4), 681-691. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, L. , Nyberg, L. , Kormi-Nouri, R. & Rönnlund, M. (1995). Dissociative effects of elaboration on memory of enacted and non-enacted events: A case of negative effect. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 36 (2), 225-231. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. (1995). The nature of memory for action events: An episodic integration view. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 7 (4), 337-363. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , Nilsson, L. G. & Bäckman, L. A. (1994). The dual-conception view reexamined: attentional demands and the encoding of verbal and physical information in action events. Psychological Research, 57 (1), 42-46. [BibTeX]
- Kormi-Nouri, R. , Nyberg, L. & Nilsson, L. (1994). The effect of retrieval enactment on recall of subject-performed tasks and verbal tasks. Memory & Cognition, 22 (6), 723-728. [BibTeX]
- Bäckman, L. , Nilsson, L. & Kormi-Nouri, R. (1993). Attentional demands and recall of verbal and color information in action events. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 34 (3), 246-254. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Jalali-Moghadam, N. & Kormi-Nouri, R. (2017). Bilingualism and reading difficulties: An exploration in episodic and semantic memory. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 29 (5), 570-582. [BibTeX]
- Vatanparast, S. , Kormi-Nouri, R. , Abaollahi, M. , Ashayeri, H. , Vafadar, Z. & Choopani, F. (2015). Mental Imagery of Representation beyond the Equivalence of Perception by Emphasizing Methods FMRI. International Journal of Medical Reviews, 2 (4), 339-348. [BibTeX]
- Zimmer, H. D. , Cohen, R. L. , Guynn, M. J. , Engelkamp, J. , Kormi-Nouri, R. & Foley, M. A. (2001). Memory for Action: A Distinct Form of Episodic Memory? (1ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press (Counterpoints: Cognition, Memory, and Language ). [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Kormi-Nouri, R. & Nilsson, L. (2001). The motor component is not crucial!. In: Hubert D. Zimmer, Ronald L. Cohen, Melissa J. Guynn, Johannes Engelkamp, Reza Kormi-Nouri, Mary Ann Foley, Memory for Action: A Distinct Form of Episodic Memory? (pp. 97-111). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, L. & Kormi-Nouri, R. (2001). What is the Meaning of a Memory-Systems Approach? Comments on Engelkamp. In: H. D.Zimmer, R. L. Cohen, M. J. Guynn, J. Engelkamp, R. Kormi-Nouri, & M. A. Foley, Memory for Action: A Distinct Form of Episodic Memory? (pp. 136-143). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Badinlou, F. & Kormi-Nouri, R. (2015). Enactment Effect In Development: Comparing Action Memory In School-Aged Children. Paper presented at 17th European Conference on Developmental Psychology. [BibTeX]
- Badinlou, F. , Kormi-Nouri, R. & Knopf, M. A study of retrieval processes in action memory for school-aged children : The impact of recall period and difficulty on action memory. [BibTeX]
- Jalali-Moghadam, N. & Kormi-Nouri, R. Bilingualism and Reading Difficulties : An Exploration in Episodic and Semantic Memory. [BibTeX]
- Mousavi-Nasab, S. M. H. , Kormi-Nouri, R. & Nilsson, L. Engaged lifestyle and episodic memory performance : health as a mediator. [BibTeX]