Recently finalised research projects

Making knowledge usable. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary challenges for international environmental expertise (2019-23). The project was funded by The Swedish Research Council Formas and participating researchers were Rolf Lidskog and James White.

The memory of risk (2021-2022). The project is funded by Örebro University and was led by Erik Löfmarck.

Green public ethics: exploring and elaborating value conflict handling of public administrators (2019-2021). Research Council Formas. Pl Jan Olsson and Monika Berg. 

The shaping of environmental expertise. Institutionalized expertise, boundary organizations and global environmental matters (2019-21) funded by The Swedish Research Council (project leader Rolf Lidskog, postdoctoral researcher Adam Standring).

Environment, Consumption, and Everyday life practices (2018-2022). Project participants are Magnus Boström, Erik Löfmarck, and Ylva Uggla. Faculty-funded.

Learning to consume less: Can experiences during the Covid-19 pandemic trigger lifestyle transformation? (2020-2022), funded by The Swedish Research Council Formas in collaboration with MSB. Project participants Magnus Boström, Helena Römmelmann and Lina Sandström. 

Becoming an expert. IPCC’s and IPBES’s socialization of young scholars as experts (2017-2020). Funded by The Swedish Research Council Formas. (Pl Karin Gustafsson).

Individualization of environmental responsibility (2015-2019). Faculty-funded and led by Ylva Uggla.

Environmental representation (2015-2018). Faculty-funded and led by Magnus Boström and Ylva Uggla.

Chemicals in textiles: Managing environmental and health risks from products with complex product chains (2009-17). (Pl Magnus Boström). 

Risk governance, legitimacy and social learning in the handling of the forest fire in Västmanland (2015-18), funded by The Swedish Research Council Formas (project leader Rolf Lidskog).

Framing and visualization of biodiversity in EU policy (2017), funded by The Seed Box: a Mistra-Formas Environmental Humanities Collaboratory, Linköping University. (Pl Ylva Uggla).

Science role in international environmental governance (2014-17), funded by The Swedish Research Council (Pl Rolf Lidskog).

Forest governance in the face of uncertainty: Regulation, decision making and learning in natural resource management (2013-17). The project was part of the national research programme Future Forests which was funded by Mistra, the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden and organizations from the Swedish forest sector (Pl Rolf Lidskog).

Green governmentality, responsibilization and the role of international ENGOs (2015-2016), funded by The Swedish Research Council (Pl Håkan Thörn, Gothenburg University. Participant ORU, Ylva Uggla).

Scientific ambiguity and its consequences (2014), funded by David R. Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA (project leader Anurag Agrawal, Bruce Lewenstein, Steven Wolf, Cornell University, participant Karin Gustafsson as postdoctoral associate at Cornell University).

The sustainable city – what is it and for whom?  (2011-2014). Ylva Uggla.

Biodiversity management in forestry (2014). The project was part of the programme Future Forest, (Project leader Stig Larsson, SLU, participant ORU Ylva Uggla.

Expertise, democracy and environmental regulation A Comparative Study financed by the Swedish Research Council Formas, 2008-12 (project leader Rolf Lidskog).

Processionary moth governance. When, why and how should society intervene in natural biological systems? financed by the Swedish Research Council Formas, 2006-11 (project leader Stig Larsson and Rolf Lidskog).

Individualized environmental responsibility. Faculty funding, 2010-2012 (Ylva Uggla and Linda Soneryd, Gothenburg University).

Risk, food and motherhood in Sweden and Poland (PhD-project 2008-14, Erik Löfmarck)
The Importance of Trust. A study of knowledge production of biodiversity, (PhD-project, 2009-13, Karin Gustafsson).

An Animal Without an Animal Within: The Powers of Pet Keeping (PhD-project, 2009-13, David Redmalm).

From the sea to the land beyond. Exploring plural perspectives on whaling (PhD-project, 2012-17, Benedict Singleton).