Research infrastructure

Research infrastructure is an essential prerequisite for conducting high-quality research. In addition to the university’s research infrastructures, researchers have access to other infrastructures via national and international collaborations and agreements.
Örebro University is also actively participating in forming several major regional, national, and international research infrastructures. Here are some examples of these.
Center for Experimental and Biomedical Imaging in Örebro, CEBIO
Region Örebro County and Örebro University have invested in an MRI camera for research and educational purposes. This initiative has enabled advanced functional brain imaging, fMRI, and a wide range of MRI scans. The MRI camera is located at the X-ray clinic at Örebro University Hospital (USÖ).
For more information, contact Per Thunberg.
Swedish Infrastructure for Medical Population-Based Life-Course and Environmental Research, SIMPLER
SIMPLER is a national research infrastructure providing national and international researchers with material on how genetics along with dietary and lifestyle factors affect our health, especially in the later stages of life. It is a collaborative effort between Örebro University, Uppsala University, Karolinska Institutet, Chalmers University of Technology and the regions of Uppsala, Västmanland and Örebro County.
For more information, contact Katja Fall.
Genomic Medical Centre Örebro – GMC Örebro
GMC Örebro is one of seven Genomic Medicine Sweden’s national initiative centres. GMS’s mission is to coordinate the introduction of precision medicine within healthcare in Sweden. Precision medicine involves personalising diagnosis, care, and treatment using genome sequencing.
For more information, contact Bianca Stenmark.
Clinical Genomics Örebro
Clinical Genomics is organised under the same alliance as the Genomic Medicine Center. The platform develops diagnostics for healthcare and helps researchers with translational research projects in genomics. Clinical Genomics Örebro is the local unit within SciLifeLab’s national Clinical Genomics platform.
For more information, contact Bianca Stenmark.
Fifty research institutions in sixteen EU countries and one in the US – designed as shared infrastructure. EIRENE RI will enable the investigation of how people are affected by everything we are exposed to – both natural exposure in our surroundings and that introduced by man – and known as exposom. Although the initiative is in its build-up period, it will continue for the next 35 years. Örebro University is the national coordinator for the six Swedish universities in EIRENE.
For more information, contact Åke Bergman.