Societal transition[transformation] and the rule of law

Rule of Law Anthology: Theme 4
30 MAY 2023 at 15.00–17.00
Theme 4
Societal transition and the rule of law lastly is assigned to fundamental changes in societies. This could arguably range from far-reaching digitalization and datafication of human activities to social unrest and armed conflict. Other aspects of interest to discuss under this theme pertain to changes in the well-being of the State when financial crisis, or other crises, is a fact. Issues pertaining to corruption and the scope of State obligations in this area could also be discussed.
Presenters and titles of presentations:
Stjepan Gadžo, Assistant Professor at University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law, Croatia
Reform of corporate tax laws in the pursuit of sustainable development: where do the rule of law requirements fit in?“
David Silverlid, PhD Candidate, Örebro University, Sweden
Another Swing of the Pendulum? The International Rule of Law on the “Splinternet”
Magnus Kristoffersson, Senior Lecturer, Örebro University, Sweden
Rule of Law and Digitalisation: Embracing the Digital Age
Kateryna Nekit, Professor of Civil Law Department from National University "Odesa law academy", Ukraine
The right to virtual (digital) property as a paradigm for protecting the interests of digital assets’ holders