Research projects

Identifiera: Identification of toxicity driving polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC s) for improving environmental risk assessment of contaminated sites

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2020 - 2023


Maria Larsson

Research subject

Research environments

The main purpose of the project is to identify toxicity driving polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) (besides the common 16 PAHs) in order to provide new recommendations of compounds to include in risk assessment and monitoring programs for PAC contaminated sites. The project will use a novel high resolution effect-directed analysis (EDA) approach in combination with a battery of in vitro bioreporter assays and chemical analysis for the identification of harmful PACs (novel and known) in contaminated soils before and after remedial actions.

The project will focus on PAC-contaminated soil and (bio)available concentrations of PAC in soil, that is the fraction that can leach from soil to water.

The overall goal of this project is to increase the knowledge about PAC mixtures, their toxicity and mixture effects.

Research groups

Research funding bodies

  • The Swedish Research Council Formas