Research projects

Economic evaluation of suicide prevention within the transportation sector

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2023 - 2025


Elin Vimefall

Research subject

Research environments

This project aims to study how suicide prevention can be handled in economic evaluations within the transport system. The project consists of three sub-studies.

The first study aims to answer the question of whether it is reasonable to use the same value of a statistical life (VSL) for interventions that are expected to reduce the number of suicides in the traffic area as for other interventions that save lives in traffic. The second study aims to calculate the cost that can be saved through different types of suicide prevention within the traffic system. The third study aims to conduct a CBA and to show how the results of an economic evaluation are affected by different methodological choices.

Overall, the studies will provide a good basis for answering the question of how a reduction in suicide should be included in the Swedish Transport Administration's analyzes. They will also more generally contribute to increased knowledge about how suicide prevention can be evaluated with economic analyzes. 
