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Research group

New methodologies across time and space: NMTS

About this group

Group information

The group New methodologies across time and space is part of the CCD research environment. The research conducted in this group deals with methodological issues in the study of human interaction in distributed networks of relationships at the boundaries of different online and offline spaces. To find methodologies that illustrate how human beings (re)use semiotic resources to make meaning and perform language, culture and identity across sites is another important dimension of the research conducted in this group. Issues related to the representation of multimodal and multilingual interaction in scholarly writing is a particular focus. CuLT (Cultural Practices, Literacies and Technological Mediations), MeMARY (Methods, Material and Analysis for research on Multilingual Youth), GTGS (Gender Talk, Gender Spaces) and LIMCUL (Literacies, Multilingualism and Cultural Practices in present day societies) are central projects in the research group Online methodologies across time and space.