Örebro University School of Business

The Impact of AI on White Collar Work - November 25, 2020

The AI-Econ Lab at Örebro University will host an online interdisciplinary conference on the use of artificial intelligence in white collar work and implications for the labour market.

White collar work is increasingly important in employment. Meanwhile, it performs a number of tasks that is susceptible to AI-induced automation. At the conference, researchers will present their recent research. We welcome researchers in economics, computer-science, informatics and related disciplines. A limited number of non-presenters are also welcomed to sign up for attending. To benefit the research presented, we aim for an active and close interaction between participants, akin to a workshop.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Anna Salomons, professor, Utrecht University School of Economics, Netherlands.
  • Morgan Frank, assistant professor, School of Computing and Information,
    University of Pittsburg, USA.

The conference will be held online on Zoom November 25th 2020.

Detailed program - The Impact of AI on White Collar Work

Summary of the AI conference (in Swedish)

For more information about the AI-Econ Lab, see www.ai-econlab.com


Liudmila Alekseeva, Mireia Giné, Sampsa Samila, and Bledi Taska
"AI Adoption and Firm Performance: Management versus IT"

Sofia Hernnäs
"Automation, Task Content and Occupations when Skills and
Tasks are Bundled"

Charlotta Kronblad, Johanna Pregmark, Mikael Hansson
"At the Boundary of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Work -
Why Machines Cannot (and Should Not) Do What We Do"

Keller Scholl, Robin Hanson
"Testing The Automation Revolution Hypothesis"

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