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Research group

Emotion and behavior

About this group

Group information


Hugo Hesser

Research subject

Research environments

Emotion and Behavior studies the fundamental psychological mechanisms underlying both mental and physical illness. Emotion regulation is a common denominator for most of our research. Our work covers a wide variety of issues, such as tinnitus, IBS, chronic pain, eating disorders and anger-related problems. We use knowledge on basic mechanisms generated in laboratory or naturalistic settings to further develop process-based psychological treatments, especially focusing on the advancement of behavioral and cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT). We are also interested in the development and application of new methodological and statistical methods to explore individual change over time, change processes and prediction of treatment outcomes, and subgrouping of individuals.


Hugo Hesser, Professor, Örebro University
Johan Bjureberg, Assistant professor, Karolinska institutet
Sammyh Khan,  PhD, Senior Lecturer, Örebro University
Örn Kolbeinsson, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Linköping University
Johannes Larsson, PhD student, Örebro University
Peter Molander, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Linköping University
Line Nordgren, PhD student, Linköping University
Annika Norell, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Örebro University
Osame Salim, PhD student, Örebro University
Martien Schrooten, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Örebro University
Martin Södermark, PhD student, Linköping University
Ines Trindade, PhD, Associate Senior Lecturer, Örebro University
Xiang Zhao, PhD, external 

Research funding bodies

  • AFA Insurance
  • Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW)
  • Swedish Research Council
  • Örebro University