Contact information

Postal Address
School of Science and Technology
Örebro University
S-701 82 Örebro
Visiting Address
In the building Bilbergska huset, on the street Gymnastikgatan, you will find staff in areas such as Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science och Teachers Training within Science.
In the building Teknikhuset, on the street Fakultetsgatan, you will find our office where you can get in touch with Student Advisors and Student and Research Administrators. The Department Management is also situated here as well as staff in areas such as Engineering, Building Construction, Computer Science, Quality Engineering and Mathematics.
Questions regarding education and research studies
If you have any question concerning your education at our school we will be glad to help you! Please contact the study administrator or the study advisors. For questions about research studies, contact the research administrators.
This number is to the switch board at Örebro university who can help you get in contact with any of us: +46 19 30 30 00