Cecilia Landberg

Cecilia Landberg from Stockholm on why she chose this programme.
Read more about the Master's programme in Sports Physiology and Medicine at Örebro University.
Why did you apply for the Master's programme in Sports Physiology in Örebro?
I am a chiropractor and I completed my training about three years ago. I wanted to get some further training and I checked out a few alternatives. I thought this programme sounded really interesting and applied as it felt like a good way to go for me.
I have stayed in Stockholm since I have my work and my life there. We do not have lectures every day, so commuting is not a problem. It also gives me four hours a day on the train that I can spend studying. But I might move to Örebro next semester, we'll see how it goes.
Tell us about the programme.
The programme is preparing students for a research career and it has a set study path, but with one or two elective courses on the programme. The programme concludes with us writing a 45 credit Master's dissertation.
We have just completed the first module on research methods in sports sciences, and have started a module of sports physiology. This semester focuses on theory. Next semester we will also have some laboratory practicals.
There is quite a mix of people in our group. Some have just completed their undergraduate training, others have spent a few years working. There are a number of international students and all teaching is in English. It is a great learning experience and it is challenging – and very stimulating.
Besides lectures and seminars, there are also a few group projects. For me as a commuter, it still works out as some things can be solved for example via Skype.
What are your plans for the future?
In the future, I would like to combine my work as a chiropractor with research. Chiropractic is really the heart of what I'd like to do so I am not prepared to let that go. I am thinking that I might latch it onto what I am studying now and perhaps go on to do a PhD.
How would you describe Örebro University?
It is a nice university. Since I am commuting I don't have time to see that much of campus. But there seems to be a lot of fun things happening.
Do you have any tips for future students?
Be prepared for a high pace, there is always something to do. Sometimes we are working on several parallel projects. But I am enjoying it and I am looking forward to the rest of the programme.