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Educational Philosophy

Educational Philosophy

At Örebro University we are convinced that students can and want to take responsibility for their own learning. We invest in physical and digital settings which stimulate active learning, for our students as well as our employees. Our teaching rests upon scientific and well-tried experience and the connection with research is strong. Our researchers are actively engaged in teaching as well as in designing courses and degree programmes. We strive for education where discussion, openness and reflection are promoted. Teaching is developed through regular collegial interaction which is an integrated part of the schools' quality efforts.

Örebro University’s Educational Philosophy

Örebro University’s educational philosophy is founded on the university’s vision to be “leading towards a knowledge-driven society” with “the courage to review and think differently”. It rests on the conviction that students are both able and willing to learn, and that the university provides optimal opportunities for active and continuous learning by creating challenging learning environments at all levels, from undergraduate to PhD study.

Creating conditions for learning by providing

  • Learning based on science and evidenced experience, and stemming from research and reflection on teaching, learning and didactics in higher education.
  • Teaching that offers students opportunities to take responsibility for their own learning.
  • Learning environments designed to encourage active learning.
  • Programmes that foster openness and dialogue between different perspectives, and that stimulate creativity, critical reflection and learning.

Creating conditions for development by providing

  • Strong research affiliation to programmes, with active researchers engaged in teaching and the design of courses and study programmes.
  • Structures for regular collegial interaction and exchange of ideas around educational activities as a natural part of the schools’ quality assurance.
  • Opportunities for students and teachers to take an active role in the development of teaching and learning.