Organisation and governance

University board
The university board is the university’s highest decision-making body. On the board are eight members appointed by the government, the vice-chancellor, as well as faculty and student representatives. In addition, staff representatives (union representatives) have the right to attend and speak at the university board meetings. Read more about the university board
Senior university officers
The vice-chancellor, deputy vice-chancellor and university director make up the university management team. Read more about the university officers
There are three faculties at Örebro University. The faculties oversee the academic and pedagogical activities within their respective fields. A dean, supported by a faculty board, heads up each faculty. Each faculty encompasses a number of schools. Read more about the faculties
The university has eight schools, each led by a head of school. Read more about the schools
Professional services
Professional support and services are offered by the departments and offices of the university’s administration. Read more about the university’s administration