Karl Ågerup
Karl Ågerup Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: a2FybC5hZ2VydXA7b3J1LnNl
Phone: +46 19 303804
Room: F2141
![Karl Ågerup](/portraits/5919.jpg)
About Karl Ågerup
With a background in French Studies I currently hold the position of Head of the Humanities Division. My research revolves around exploring the pedagogical and political aspects of fictional discourse.
Research projects
Active projects
Research groups
Articles in journals |
Articles, book reviews |
Books |
Chapters in books |
Conference papers |
Doctoral theses, monographs |
Licentiate theses, monographs |
Articles in journals
- Ågerup, K. (2023). Att närma sig Mellanöstern genom fiktionsläsning – gymnasieelever läser Yasmina Khadras Sirenerna i Bagdad. Forskning om undervisning och lärande, 11 (2), 6-29. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2023). Discussing Yasmina Khadra’s novel The Sirens of Baghdad in the upper secondary classroom to promote intercultural learning. Essays in Education, 29 (2), 1-17. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2022). Puer Aeternus? Antoine de Saint-Exupérys brev till mamman. Dixikon. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2021). La Réception critique de l'écriture engagée de Jean Genet: les exemples de «Violence et brutalité» et d'Un captif amoureux. Nottingham French Studies, 60 (1), 50-63. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2020). Effective Ambiguity: Algerian negotiator Hamdan Khodja building anticolonial critique on identity expression and admiration for the colonizer. Res Rhetorica, 7 (2), 104-117. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2020). Submission beyond Islam: Yielding as Organizing Principle in Michel Houellebecq's novels. The Comparatist: Journal of the Southern Comparative Literature Association, 44, 196-214. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2019). Efter Handkes Nobelpris: Frågan om den farliga litteraturen behöver formuleras om. Fokus : Sveriges nyhetsmagasin. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2019). Saïd et Genet: La représentation des Palestiniens et la question de l’orientalisme chez Jean Genet. Bergen Language and Linguistic Studies, 10 (1). [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2019). The Political Reception of Michel Houellebecq’s Submission. European review: interdisciplinary journal of the Academia Europaea, 27 (4), 615-635. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. & Larsson, G. (2019). The Use and Understanding of Michel Houellebecq’s Novel Submission in Today’s Europe: Introduction. European review : interdisciplinary journal of the Academia Europaea, 27 (4), 585-590. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2018). Action for Art’s Sake: Rethinking Jean Genet’s Political Turn. Interlitteraria, 23 (2), 399-413. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2018). Knowing an Arab: Yasmina Khadra and the aesthetics of didactic fiction. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 59 (2), 180-190. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2018). La place des littératures africaines dans six encyclopédies littéraires françaises 1959– 2006. Revue Nordique des Études Francophones, 1 (1), 36-44. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2017). Competing Images: The Question of Anti-Semitism in the Posthumous Reception of Jean Genet. Moderna Språk, 111 (2), 1-14. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2017). Det goda våldets gränser: Om Jean Genets Violence et brutalité. Dixikon (3 april). [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2017). Diegetic Biographism: Metanarrative Commentary and Referential Play Producing a Rhetoric of Authenticity in Three Books by Annie Ernaux. Enthymema, 19, 222-234. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2013). La Shoah comme matière de fiction: Robert Bober. Synergies Pays Riverains de la Baltique, 10, 107-116. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2012). Människor är byggda av minnen: [Robert Bober]. Judisk krönika : organ för Skandinavisk-judiska ungdomsförbundet (2), 30-32. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2009). Motiven bakom självmordsdåd inte självklara: understreckare om Yasmina Khadra. Svenska Dagbladet (9 December). [BibTeX]
Articles, book reviews
- Ågerup, K. (2023). Avbilda och förändra: Om Rembrandt och Comenius. Dixikon. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2023). Using Fiction to Teach Secondary Students about the Middle East. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. [BibTeX]
- Ågerup, K. (2022). Critical Responses to the Nobel Prize in Literature: An Analysis of 22 Awards, 2000-2021. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Ågerup, K. (2014). La place de William Morris dans la structure narrative de La carte et le territoire. In: Sabine Van Wesemael et Bruno Viard, L'Unité de l'œuvre de Michel Houellebecq (pp. 353-360). Paris: Classiques Garnier. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Ågerup, K. (2011). Yasmina Khadra et le lecteur occidental. In: João Amadeu Carvalho da Silva, José Cândido de Oliveira Martins, Miguel Gonçalves, Pensar a Literatura no Séc. XXI. Paper presented at Pensar a Literatura no Séc. XXI. (pp. 365-376). Braga: ALETHEIA – Associação Científica e Cultural. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Ågerup, K. (2013). Didafictions: Littérarité, didacticité et interdiscursivité dans douze romans de Robert Bober, Michel Houellebecq et Yasmina Khadra. (Doctoral dissertation). Stockholm: Department of Romance Studies and Classics, Stockholm University. [BibTeX]
Licentiate theses, monographs
- Ågerup, K. (2011). L'esthétique didactique de Yasmina Khadra. Lic. Stockholm: Department of French, Italian and Classical languages. [BibTeX]