Martin Eriksson-Crommert
Martin Eriksson-Crommert Position: Affiliated Researcher School/office: School of Medical SciencesEmail: bWFydGluLmVyaWtzc29uLWNyb21tZXJ0O29ydS5zZQ==
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About Martin Eriksson-Crommert
Martin Eriksson Crommert is Reg Physiotherapist and researcher at the University Health Care Research Centre, Region Örebro County, affiliated to the School of Medical Sciences, Örebro University. Martin’s research is primarily oriented towards the neuromuscular control of the trunk, i.e. the study of how we control/coordinate our abdominal and back muscles. As a part of this research, he investigates the relationship between various biological and psychological factors and diastasis recti, in women after pregnancy.
Research projects
Active projects
Articles in journals
- Andersson-Watz, A. , Nygren-Bonnier, M. , Bergdahl, E. , Eriksson Crommert, M. & Svantesson, M. (2024). Introducing Mechanically Assisted Cough for Patients with Progressive Neurological Disease: Patient-Physical Therapist Interaction and Physical Therapist Perspective. Physical Therapy, 104 (5). [BibTeX]
- Tofiq, a. , Eriksson Crommert, M. , Zakrisson, A. , von Euler, M. & Nilsing Strid, E. (2024). Physical functioning post-COVID-19 and the recovery process: a mixed methods study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 46 (8), 1570-1579. [BibTeX]
- Poikonen, H. , Duberg, A. , Eriksson, M. , Eriksson Crommert, M. , Lund, M. , Möller, M. & Msghina, M. (2023). “InMotion”—Mixed physical exercise program with creative movement as an intervention for adults with schizophrenia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson Crommert, M. , Bjerkefors, A. , Tarassova, O. & Ekblom, M. M. (2021). Abdominal Muscle Activation During Common Modifications of the Trunk Curl-Up Exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 35 (2), 428-435. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson Crommert, M. , Flink, I. & Gustavsson, C. (2021). Predictors of disability attributed to symptoms of increased interrecti distance in women after childbirth: an observational study. Physical Therapy, 101 (6). [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, C. & Eriksson Crommert, M. (2020). Physiotherapists' and midwives' views of increased inter recti abdominis distance and its management in women after childbirth. BMC Women's Health, 20 (1). [BibTeX]
- Eriksson Crommert, M. , Petrov Fieril, K. & Gustavsson, C. (2020). Women's experiences of living with increased inter-recti distance after childbirth: an interview study. BMC Women's Health, 20 (1). [BibTeX]
- Eriksson Crommert, M. , Unsgaard-Tøndel, M. & Vasseljen, O. (2017). Can Sonography Be Used to Estimate Deep Abdominal Muscle Activation in Different Static Arm Positions While Standing?. Journal of ultrasound in medicine, 36 (1), 129-139. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson Crommert, M. , Tucker, K. , Holford, C. , Wight, A. , McCook, D. & Hodges, P. (2017). Directional preference of activation of abdominal and paraspinal muscles during position-control tasks in sitting. Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology, 35, 9-16. [BibTeX]
- Crommert, M. E. , Lacourpaille, L. , Heales, L. J. , Tucker, K. & Hug, F. (2015). Massage induces an immediate, albeit short-term, reduction in muscle stiffness. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 25 (5), E490-E496. [BibTeX]
- Crommert, M. E. , Halvorsen, K. & Ekblom, M. M. (2015). Trunk Muscle Activation at the Initiation and Braking of Bilateral Shoulder Flexion Movements of Different Amplitudes. PLOS ONE, 10 (11). [BibTeX]
- Crommert, M. E. , Ekblom, M. M. & Thorstensson, A. (2014). Motor control of the trunk during a modified clean and jerk lift. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 24 (5), 758-763. [BibTeX]
- Crommert, M. E. , Ekblom, M. M. & Thorstensson, A. (2011). Activation of transversus abdominis varies with postural demand in standing. Gait & Posture, 33 (3), 473-477. [BibTeX]
- Crommert, M. E. & Thorstensson, A. (2009). Trunk muscle reactions to sudden unexpected and expected perturbations in the absence of upright postural demand. Experimental Brain Research, 196 (3), 385-392. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson Crommert, A. E. M. & Thorstensson, A. (2008). Trunk muscle coordination in reaction to load-release in a position without vertical postural demand. Experimental Brain Research, 185 (3), 383-390. [BibTeX]
- Rasmussen Barr, E. & Eriksson Crommert, M. (2014). Ländryggssmärta och bålkontroll: från teori till praktik.. Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Röijezon, U. , Rasmussen Barr, E. & Eriksson Crommert, M. (2019). Ländryggen. In: Röijezon, Ulrik, Motorisk kontroll och inlärning: Med inriktning på muskuloskeletal rehabilitering (pp. 215-228). . Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Rasmussen Barr, E. , Heijne, A. & Eriksson Crommert, M. (2018). Rehabilitering vid ryggbesvär. In: Eva Rasmussen Barr & Annette Heijne, Motorisk kontroll och inlärning: Med inriktning på muskuloskeletal rehabilitering (pp. 207-218). . Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Poikonen, H. , Duberg, A. , Eriksson, M. , Eriksson Crommert, M. , Lund, M. , Möller, M. & Msghina, M. (2023). InMotion – Mixed physical exercise with creative movement as an intervention for people with schizophrenia. Paper presented at 5th Body Representation Network Conference 2023, 14-15 September 2023, Majorca, Spain. [BibTeX]
- Crommert, M. E. & Thorstensson, A. (2009). Abdominal muscle reactions to rapid shoulder flexion in a situation without upright postural demand. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson Crommert, M. (2008). Trunk muscle reactions to sudden loading in a position without vertical postural demand. Paper presented at ISEK, Niagara Falls. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
- Crommert, M. E. (2011). On the role of transversus abdominis in trunk motor control. (Doctoral dissertation). (Comprehensive summary) Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson Crommert, M. , Thorstensson, A. & Ekblom, M. M. Trunk muscle activation at the initiation and breaking of bilateral arm flexion movements of different amplitudes. [BibTeX]