Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson Position: Professor Emeritus School/office: School of Science and TechnologyEmail: c3RlZmFuLmthcmxzc29uO29ydS5zZQ==
Phone: No number available
Room: B3304

About Stefan Karlsson
Stefan Karlsson is professor in chemistry and presently also the vice dean of the Faculty of business, science and technology.
My research concerns the relationships between chemical state/speciation of trace metals in relationship to their movement in the hydrogeosphere and technical systems, but also their interactions with organisms. This includes field studies of the hydrogeochemistry behind spatial and temporal processes in boreal environments, including those that are polluted from historical mining. More applied science is directed towards the recovery of valuable elements from different kind of waste such as mining waste, slag from steel production, sewage sludge and ashes from different sources. Other applications are remediation of metal contaminated soil and treatment of contaminated water with solid waste.
Since my research is focussing on elucidating reaction mechanisms, I am also developing analytical methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis of metal species. Among these are HPLC, ICP-MS, ICP-MSMS, ion-exchange chromatography and capillary electrophoresis. In recent years I have also been involved in application development for MP-AES (micro plasma atomic emission spectroscopy.
Research projects
Active projects
- CoLiBRI - Cobalt and Lithium speciation, toxicity, and Bacterial community Regulations at the sediment-water-Interface
- Mine waste reclamation
- Element fluxes in small boreal catchments
- Heterotrophic leaching of solid waste
- Identification of ligands in fungal exudates and their function as metal ligands
- Qualitative evaluation of metal polluted soil
- Kvarntorp waste deposit
- Metal analysis in solution with micro plasma atomic emission spectroscopy
- Mixture-Risk
- PAC-Risk
- PFAS-Risk
- SEASON - Seasonal variation of the fate, availability, and toxicity of priority pollutants at the sediment-water-interface
Completed projects
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Nilsson, C. , Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. & von Kronhelm, T. (2024). Phosphorus speciation in sewage sludge and their ashes after incineration as a function of treatment processes. Waste Management & Research. [BibTeX]
- Allard, B. , Sjöberg, S. , Sjöberg, V. , Skogby, H. & Karlsson, S. (2023). Metal Exchangeability in the REE-Enriched Biogenic Mn Oxide Birnessite from Ytterby, Sweden. Minerals, 13 (8). [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, C. , Sjöberg, V. , Grandin, A. , Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. & von Kronhelm, T. (2022). Phosphorus speciation in sewage sludge from three municipal wastewater treatment plants in Sweden and their ashes after incineration. Waste Management & Research, 40 (8), 1267-1276. [BibTeX]
- Liem-Nguyen, V. , Sjöberg, V. , Dinh, N. P. , Huy, D. H. & Karlsson, S. (2020). Removal mechanism of arsenic (V) by stainless steel slags obtained from scrap metal recycling. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 8 (4). [BibTeX]
- Rai, N. , Sjöberg, V. , Forsberg, G. , Karlsson, S. , Olsson, P. & Jass, J. (2019). Metal contaminated soil leachates from an art glass factory elicit stress response, alter fatty acid metabolism and reduce lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans. Science of the Total Environment, 651, 2218-2227. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, S. , Allard, B. , Rattray, J. E. , Callac, N. , Grawunder, A. , Ivarsson, M. , Sjöberg, V. , Karlsson, S. & et al. (2017). Rare earth element enriched birnessite in water-bearing fractures, the Ytterby mine, Sweden. Applied Geochemistry, 78, 158-171. [BibTeX]
- Schindler, F. , Merbold, L. , Karlsson, S. , Sprocati, A. R. & Kothe, E. (2017). Seasonal change of microbial activity inmicrobially aided bioremediation. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 174, 4-9. [BibTeX]
- Rozpadek, P. , Rapala-Kozik, M. , Wezowicz, K. , Grandin, A. , Karlsson, S. , Wazny, R. , Anielska, T. & Turnau, K. (2016). Arbuscular mycorrhiza improves yield and nutritional properties of onion (Allium cepa). Plant physiology and biochemistry (Paris), 107, 264-272. [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2016). Mixing of acid rock drainage with alkaline leachates: Formation of solid precipitates and pH-buffering. Mine Water and the Environment, 35 (1), 64-76. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. & Ogar, A. (2015). Comparison of MP AES and ICP-MS for analysis of principal and selected trace elements in nitric acid digests of sunflower (Helianthus annuus). Talanta: The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry, 135, 124-132. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2015). Impact of organic carbon on the leachability of vanadium, manganese, iron and molybdenum from shale residues. Minerals Engineering, 75, 100-109. [BibTeX]
- Grandin, A. , Ogar, A. , Sjöberg, V. , Allard, B. & Karlsson, S. (2015). Potential use of native fungal strains for assisted uranium retention. Minerals Engineering, 81, 173-178. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Karlsson, S. , Grandin, A. & Allard, B. (2014). Conditioning sulfidic mine waste for growth of Agrostis capillaris - impact on solution chemistry. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 (11), 6888-6904. [BibTeX]
- Allard, B. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Grawunder, A. (2014). Neutralisation of an acidic pit lake by alkaline waste products. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 (11), 6930-6938. [BibTeX]
- Ogar, A. , Grandin, A. , Sjöberg, V. , Turnau, K. & Karlsson, S. (2014). Stabilization of Uranium(VI) at Low pH by Fungal Metabolites: Applications in Environmental Biotechnology. APCBEE Procedia, 10, 142-148. [BibTeX]
- Temnerud, J. , Düker, A. , Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. , Bishop, K. , Föster, S. & Köhler, S. (2013). Spatial patterns of some trace elements in four Swedish stream networks. Biogeosciences, 10 (3), 1407-1423. [BibTeX]
- Temnerud, J. , Duker, A. , Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. , Köhler, S. & Bishop, K. (2009). Landscape scale patterns in the character of natural organic matter in a Swedish boreal stream network. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13 (9), 1567-1582. [BibTeX]
- Greis, C. , Karlsson, S. , Düker, A. , Pettersson, H. & Allard, B. (2008). Determination of plutonium in environmental samples with quadrupole ICP-MS. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 275 (1), 55-70. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Düker, A. & Grahn, E. (2007). Sediment chronologies of As, Bi, and Ga in Sweden - impact of industrialisation. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 42 (2), 155-164. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Bohlin, H. , Karlsson, S. & Holm, N. (2006). Element (Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb, Tl and Zn), element ratio and lead isotope profiles in a sediment affected by a mining operation episode during the late 19th century. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 177 (1-4), 285-311. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Grahn, E. , Düker, A. & Bäckström, M. (2006). Historical pollution of seldom monitored trace elements in Sweden - Part A: sediment properties and chronological indicators. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 8 (7), 721-731. [BibTeX]
- Grahn, E. , Karlsson, S. , Karlsson, U. & Düker, A. (2006). Historical pollution of seldom monitored trace elements in Sweden: Part B: sediment analysis of silver, antimony, thallium and indium. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 8 (7), 732-744. [BibTeX]
- Grahn, E. , Karlsson, S. & Düker, A. (2006). Sediment reference concentrations of seldom monitored trace elements (Ag, Be, In, Ga, Sb, Tl) in four Swedish boreal lakes: comparison with commonly monitored elements. Science of the Total Environment, 367 (2-3), 778-790. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, U. , Düker, A. & Karlsson, S. (2006). Separation and quantification of Tl(I) and Tl(III) in fresh water samples. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering, 41 (7), 1155-1167. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, U. , Karlsson, S. & Düker, A. (2006). The effect of light and iron(II)/iron(III) on the distribution of Tl(I)/Tl(III) in fresh water systems. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 8 (6), 634-640. [BibTeX]
- Salih, I. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. , Lund, E. & Pettersson, H. B. L. (2004). Impact of fluoride and other aquatic parameters on radon concentration in natural waters. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 60 (1), 99-104. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2004). Metal leachability and anthropogenic signal in roadside soils estimated from sequential extraction and stable lead isotopes. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 90 (1-3), 135-160. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. , Bäckman, L. , Folkeson, L. & Lind, B. (2004). Mobilisation of heavy metals by deicing salts in a roadside environment. Water Research, 38 (3), 720-732. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Dario, M. , Allard, B. & Karlsson, S. (2003). Effects of a fulvic acid on the adsorption of mercury and cadmium on goethite. Science of the Total Environment, 304 (1-3), 257-268. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Nilsson, U. , Håkansson, K. , Allard, B. & Karlsson, S. (2003). Speciation of heavy metals in road runoff and roadside total deposition. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 147 (1-4), 343-366. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Börjesson, E. & Karlsson, S. (2002). Diurnal variations of abiotic parameters in a stream, recipient for drainage water in Ranstad, southwest Sweden. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 4 (5), 772-777. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2017). LC-MP AES as a screening tool for metal-DOC interactions in ARD. In: Bio-geo interactions: basic knowledge to application 16th Symposium on remediation in Jena “Jenaer Sanierungskolloquium”. Conference proceedings. Paper presented at 16th Symposium on remediation, Jena, Germany, October 5-6, 2017. (pp. 43-43). [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. & Allard, B. (2017). Metal transport dynamics in a small watershed - Dylta bruk, Sweden. In: Bio-geo interactions: basic knowledge to application 16th Symposium on remediation in Jena “Jenaer Sanierungskolloquium”. Conference proceedings. Paper presented at 16th Symposium on remediation, Jena, Germany, October 5-6, 2017. (pp. 23-23). [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, C. , Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. & von Kronhelm, T. (2016). Municipal sludge ash for abatement of ARD. In: Drebenstedt, C. & Paul, M., Mining Meets Water – Conflicts and Solutions IMWA 2016 in Leipzig, Germany, July 11–15, 2016. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the International-Mine-Water-Association (IMWA 2016), Leipzig, Germany, July 11-15, 2016. (pp. 699-705). Freiberg: TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Mining and Special Civil Engineering. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, S. , Allard, B. , Rattray, J. E. , Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2016). REE-Enriched Mn-Oxide Precipitates in Water-Bearing Fractures in the Ytterby Mine, Sweden. In: Drebenstedt, C. & Paul, M., Mining Meets Water – Conflicts and Solutions IMWA 2016 in Leipzig, Germany, July 11–15, 2016. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the International-Mine-Water-Association (IMWA 2016), Leipzig, Germany, July 11-15, 2016. (pp. 346-352). Freiberg: TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Mining and Special Civil Engineering. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Nilsson, C. , Berg, I. & Sjöberg, V. (2015). Avloppsslam som vattenreningsfilter. Paper presented at 15:e Nordiska användarmötet om ICPMS, ICP-OES, AAS, Knivsta, Sweden, November 10-12, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2015). Determination of trace metal distribution in broad beans with ICP-ORS-QMS. Paper presented at 15:e Nordiska användarmötet om ICPMS, ICP-OES, AAS, Knivsta, Sweden, November 10-12, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. & Allard, B. (2015). Impact of humic substances on the transport of metals from a boreal watershed: Time trends and annual variability. Paper presented at 14th symposium on remediation, Jena, Germany, September 30 - October 1, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Keiter, S. & Karlsson, S. (2015). Metal toxicity: Are we measuring what we want?. Paper presented at 14th symposium on remediation, Jena, Germany, September 30 - October 1, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, S. , Rattray, J. E. , Callac, N. , Allard, B. , Skelton, A. , Dupraz, C. , Ivarsson, M. , Karlsson, S. & et al. (2015). Putative Biogenic Signature found in Extremely REE Enriched Black Substance, Ytterby Mine, Sweden. In: Goldschmidt Abstracts. Paper presented at Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, August 16-21, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. & Sjöberg, V. (2014). Analysis of Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) with Micro Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (MP AES) – Comparison with ICP-MS. In: Wanghua Sui; Yajun Sun; Changshen Wang, Annual International Mine Water Association Conference An Interdisciplinary Response to Mine Water Challenges. Paper presented at Annual International Mine Water Association Conference, Xuzhou, China, August 18-22, 2014. (pp. 131-135). Xuzhou: China University of Mining and Technology Press. [BibTeX]
- Allard, B. , Grandin, A. , Karlsson, S. & Sjöberg, V. (2014). Black shale: a biogeochemical archive. In: Kothe E, Büchel G, Sedimentary Pore Space Cementation: Role of Microbes. Paper presented at 13th Symposium on Remediation in Jena/13- Sanierungskolloquium. Sept. 25-26, 2014. Jena, Germany. (pp. 6- [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Wetterholm, P. , Sjöberg, V. & Allard, B. (2014). Chemical characterization of metal polluted soils: why and how. Paper presented at Nordrocs 2014, 5th joint Nordic meeting on remediation of contaminated sites, Stockholm, Sweden, September 15-18, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. & Allard, B. (2014). Impact of humic substances on uranium mobility in soil: a case study from the Gessenwiese test field. In: Broder J. Merkel, Alireza Arab, Uranium - Past and Future Challenges Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology. Paper presented at 7th International Conference on Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology, Freiberg, Germany, September 21-25, 2014. (pp. 239-248). Cham: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. & Sjöberg, V. (2014). Influence of humic substances on metal mobility in soil from the Gessenwiese test field. Paper presented at 13 symposium on remediation, Jena. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. , Ogar, A. & Bäckström, M. (2014). Leachability of Cu, Zn, As, Ba and Pb from refuse in the Zelazny Most tailings dam. In: Sui, W., Sun, Y. & Wang, C., Annual International Mine Water Association Conference An Interdisciplinary Response to Mine Water Challenges. Paper presented at The International Mine Water Association Conference(IMWA) 2014, Xuzhou, China, 18-22 Aug, 2014. (pp. 121-125). Xuzhou, China: China University of Mining and Technology Press. [BibTeX]
- Allard, B. , Hedlund, J. , Carlsson, P. , Eriksson, I. , Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2014). Metal mobility or metal concentration as the basis for remediation strategy: a case study. Paper presented at Nordrocs 2014, 5th Joint Nordic Meeting on Remediation of Contaminated Sites, Stockholm, Sweden, September 15-18, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2014). Mobilization of vanadium from alkaline LD-slag: first year of data. Paper presented at 13 symposium on remediation, Jena. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2014). Overgrowth of alkaline LD-slag with Agrostis capillaris: impact on solution chemistry. Paper presented at 13 symposium on remediation, Jena. [BibTeX]
- Ogar, A. , Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2014). Phytostabilization of uranium-containing shale residues using Hieracium pilosella. In: Broder J. Merkel and Alireza Arab, Uranium Mining and Hydrogelogy Uranium - Past and Future Challenges. Paper presented at Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology. (pp. 425-432). Springer Publishing Company. [BibTeX]
- Ogar, A. , Sobczyk, L. , Sjöberg, V. , Karlsson, S. & Turnau, K. (2014). Plant-associated microbes in heavy metal phytoremediation: a network of interaction. Paper presented at 13th symposium on remediation, Jena. (pp. 6- [BibTeX]
- Allard, B. , Martell, U. , Andersson, M. , Nordén, A. , Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. & Carlsson, P. (2014). Reduction in situ of chromium(VI) at a heavily polluted site: a feasible remediation strategy. Paper presented at Nordrocs 2014, 5th Joint Nordic Meeting on Remediation of Contaminated Sites, Stockholm, Sweden, September 15-18, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2014). Release of uranium from weathered black shale in meso-scale reactor systems: first year of data. In: Merkel Broder J., Arab Alireza, Uranium - Past and Future Challenges Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology. Paper presented at Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology 7, 2014, Freiberg, Germany. (pp. 139-146). Springer. [BibTeX]
- Grandin, A. , Ogar, A. , Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2014). Uranium induced stress promotes fungal excretion of uranium/metal stabilizing ligands: Analysis of metal-organic compounds with Size Exclusion Chromatography and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy. In: Uranium - Past and Future Challenges Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology. Paper presented at Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology 2014 International Conference and UMREG 2014. Freiberg, Saxony, Germany. September 21-25, 2014. (pp. 347-354). Springer Publishing Company. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Karlsson, L. , Allard, B. , Sjöberg, V. & Bäckström, M. (2014). Water quality in a black shale mining area: effects of pH and natural organic acids on weathering and subsequent metal releases. In: Wanghua Sui, Yajun Sun and Changshen Wang, An Interdisciplinary Response to Mine Water Challenges. Paper presented at 12th International Mine Water Association Congress (IMWA), An Interdisciplinary Response to Mine Water Challenges, Xuzhou, China, August 11-22, 2014. (pp. 136-136). China University of Mining and Techno logy Press. [BibTeX]
- Grandin, A. , Ogar, A. , Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2013). Biosorption of uranium by fungi isolated from weathered alum shale residues. Paper presented at 12th symposium on remediation, Jena. September 26-27, 2013. Jena, Germany. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. , Grandin, A. & Allard, B. (2013). Leaching pattern of metals from historic sulphidic mine waste upon addition of bark compost. In: Adrian Brown; Linda Figueroa; Christian Wolkersdorfer, Annual International Mine Water Association Conference Relialbe Mine Water Technology, Vol.1. Paper presented at International Mine Water Association Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA, August 5-9, 2013. (pp. 625-632). IMWA & QuarkXPress. [BibTeX]
- Allard, B. , Karlsson, S. & Sjöberg, V. (2013). Metal loads or metal concentrations as the basis for risk assessment of a polluted site: a case study. In: Raffaello Cossu, Pinjing He, Peter Kjeldsen, Yasushi Matsufuji, Debra Reinhart, Rainer Stegmann, Sardinia 2013 executive summaries : proceedings of the fourteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. Paper presented at 14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, September 30-October 4, 2013,. Cagliari: CISA. [BibTeX]
- Grawunder, A. , Meissner, S. , Merten, D. , Basilie, S. , Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. & Büchel, G. (2013). Origin of REE patterns in AMD-impacted areas. In: Mineralogical magazine. Walter de Gruyter. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, L. , Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. , Sjöberg, V. & Bäckström, M. (2013). Release of metals from unprocessed and processed black shale due to natural weathering. In: Adrian Brown; Linda Figueroa; Christian Wolkersdorfer, Reliable Mine Water Technology. Volume 1 Proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Annual Conference 2013. Paper presented at International Mine Water Association Conference, Golden, USA, August 5-9, 2013. (pp. 391-397). Colorado, USA: IMWA. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. , Grandin, A. & Allard, B. (2013). Substrate conditioning for growth of Agrostis capillaris on historical sulphidic mine waste: Impact on ARD composition. Paper presented at 12th Symposium on remediation in Jena. September 26-27, 2013. Jena, Germany. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Johansson, A. , Nyåker, S. , Thurfors, J. & Karlsson, S. (2013). Uptake of arsenic in Pisum sativum grown on arsenic contaminated soil. Paper presented at 12 symposium on remediation, Jena. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Ekqvist, I. , Hultman, C. , Ingvarsson, J. & Karlsson, S. (2013). Uptake of metals in Pisum sativum grown on sulfidic shale residues. Paper presented at 12 symposium on remediation, Jena. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Karlsson, S. , Grandin, A. & Allard, B. (2013). Vegetation of historical mine waste from the Ljusnarsberg deposit with Agrostis capillaris: impact on leaching of copper. In: Reliable mine water technology. Proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Annual Conference 2013, Golden, Colorado, USA, August 6-9, 2013. Paper presented at International Mine Water Association Symposium, 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA. (pp. 1119-1124). Golden Co.. [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. , Sädbom, S. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2012). Applicability and suitability of different alkaline by-products in historic mine sites remediation. In: Price, W.A., Hogan, C. and Tremblay, G., 9th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD 2012). Paper presented at 9th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD 2012), Ottawa, Canada, 20-26 May, 2012. (pp. 682-693). Mine Environment Neutral Drainage ( MEND ). [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, L. , Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2012). Bark compost for removal of Nickel in complex waste water. Paper presented at 11 symposium on remediation, Jena. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. , Pourjabbar, A. , Grandin, A. & Allard, B. (2012). Distribution of rare earth elements and other metals in a stratified acidic pit lake in black shales 45 years after mine closure. In: Price WA, Hogan C, Tremblay G, 9th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD 2012) Ottawa, Canada20-26 May 2012. Paper presented at 9th Internat. Conf. on Acid Rock Drainage ICARD 2012, 20-26 May, Ottawa, Canada. (pp. 812-821). Curran Associates, Inc.. [BibTeX]
- Pourjabbar, A. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2012). Dry covers on historical sulphidic mine waste: long term statistic performance assessmentof surface water quality. In: W. A. Price, C. Hogan, G. Tremblay, 9th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage. Paper presented at 9th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD 2012), Ottawa, Canada, May 20-26, 2012. (pp. 466-478). Kanata, Ont.: Golder Associates. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Karlsson, S. & Grandin, A. (2012). Impact of an Organic Carbon Source on the Leaching of Vanadium from LD-Slag. In: 9th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage,ICARD 2012, Ottawa, Canada, 20-26 May 2012 Volume 1 of 2. Paper presented at International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, 2012, Ottawa, Canada.700). [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2012). Removal of vanadium from neutralized acid mine drainage (AMD) by adsorption to saw dust. In: McCullough C.D., Lund M.A., Wyse L., International Mine Water Association Symposium Bunbury, Australia 2012. Paper presented at International Mine Water Association Symposium, Bunbury, Australia, 2012. (pp. 727-734). International Mine Water Association ( IMWA ). [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. & Grandin, A. (2012). Revegetating acidic mine waste using UMBRELLA guidelines: The second summer. In: 11 Symposium on remediation in Jena, "Jenaer Sanierungskolloquium" Geobiotechnology: from lost areas to resources: Conference Proceedings. Paper presented at 11 Symposium on remediation in Jena, Jena, Germany, October 4-5, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2012). Revegetation of acidic mine waste: impact of commercial bark compost. Paper presented at 11 symposium on remediation, Jena. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. , Grandin, A. & Allard, B. (2012). Revegetation of historic acid mine waste with Agrostis capillaris: Impact on leachate composition in pot experiments. In: McCullough C D; Lund M A; Wyse L, International Mine Water Association Symposium. Paper presented at Internat. Mine Water Association Ann. Conf. 2012 (IMWA 2012), Bunbury, Australia, September 30 - October 4, 2012. (pp. 489-497). Perth: IMWA & The Expo Group. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. , Grandin, A. & Allard, B. (2012). Revegetation of historic acidic mine waste with Agrostis capillaris: Remediation strategy. In: McCullough, C.D.; Lund, M.A. & Wyse, L., International Mine Water Association Symposium. Paper presented at ”International Mine Water Association Symposium” Bunbury, Australia 2012. (pp. 317-325). International Mine Water Association ( IMWA ). [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Grandin, A. , Karlsson, L. & Karlsson, S. (2011). Bioleaching of shale: impact of carbon source. In: Broder Merkel, Mandy Schipek, The new uranium mining boom challenges and lessons learned. Paper presented at The international conference Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology VI, Freiberg. (pp. 449-454). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2011). Concentration dynamics and speciation of uranium in a boreal forest creek: six years of weekly observations. In: Broder Merkel, Mandy Schipek, The new uranium mining boom challenges and lessons learned. Paper presented at The international conference Uranium Mining and Hydrogeology VI, Freiberg. (pp. 119-126). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. & Sjöberg, V. (2011). Concentration dynamics in a boreal catchment: trace elements, REEs and humic substances. In: Pertti Sarala, V. Juhani Ojala, Marja-Leena Porsanger, 25th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, 22-26 August, 2011, Rovaniemi, Finland. Paper presented at 25th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, 22-26 August, 2011, Rovaniemi, Finland. (pp. 63-63). Rovaniemi, Finland: Vuorimiesyhdistys - Finnish Association of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sjöberg, V. & Grandin, A. (2011). Heterotrophic leaching of LD-slag: formation of organic ligands. In: Trude R.Rüde, Antje Freund, Christian Wolkersdorfer, Mine Water Managing the Challenges: proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Congress 2011. Paper presented at 11th IMWA congress, Mine Water – Managing the Challenges, Aachen, Germany, September 4-11, 2011. (pp. 371-374). Aachen: RWTH. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Todd, K. , Sartz, L. & Karlsson, S. (2011). Impact of organic carbon in the release of vanadium from LD-slag. In: Trude R.Rüde, Antje Freund, Christian Wolkersdorfer, Mine water managing the challenges: proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Congress 2011. Paper presented at 11th IMWA congress, Mine Water – Managing the Challenges, Aachen, Germany, September 4-11, 2011. (pp. 481-484). Aachen: Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH). [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Tachauer, H. , Grandin, A. & Karlsson, S. (2011). Leaching of low-grade black shale for recovery of vanadium, molybdenum and uranium. In: Pertti Sarala, V. Juhani Ojala, Marja-Leena Porsanger, 25th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, 22-26 August, 2011, Rovaniemi, Finland Final Programme and Abstracts. Paper presented at 25th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, 22-26 August, 2011, Rovaniemi, Finland. (pp. 132-133). Vuorimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Arwidsson, Z. , Ålund, M. , Allard, B. & Karlsson, S. (2011). Metal mobilisation from soils and sediments by hydroxycarboxylic acids of natural origin. In: Pertti Sarala, V. Juhani Ojala, Marja-Leena Porsanger, Programme and Abstracts 25th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, 22-26 August, 2011, Rovaniemi, Finland. Paper presented at 25th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, 22-26 August, 2011, Rovaniemi, Finland. (pp. 77-77). Vuorimiesyhdistys - Finnish Association of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. [BibTeX]
- Grandin, A. , Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2011). Mobilization of vanadium from LD slag by salt-roasting/alkaline heterotrophic leaching. In: Pertti Sarala, V. Juhani Ojala, Marja-Leena Porsanger, 25th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, 22-26 August, 2011, Rovaniemi, Finland Final Programme and Abstracts. Paper presented at 25th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, 22-26 August, 2011, Rovaniemi, Finland. (pp. 135-136). Vuorimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Sartz, L. , Larsson, E. & Karlsson, S. (2011). Properties of alkaline materials for injection into weathered mine waste piles: methods and initial pilot trials. In: Rüde, Thomas R.; Freund, Antje; Wolkersdorfer, Christian, Mine water managing the challenges: proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Congress 2011. Paper presented at 11th IMWA congress, Mine Water – Managing the Challenges, Aachen, Germany, September 4-11, 2011. (pp. 265-269). Aachen: RWTH. [BibTeX]
- Grawunder, A. , Schäffner, F. , Merten, D. , Büchel, G. , Sjöberg, V. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2011). Rare earth elements distribution and fractionation in a former acidic shale pit lake. Paper presented at 10 Jenaer Sanierungskolloquium / 10th symposium on remediation, Jena, October 5-6, 2011. (pp. 44-44). [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Grandin, A. & Karlsson, S. (2011). Re-adsorption of uranium from low grade shale to aspen wood during heterotrophic leaching. In: E. Kothe and G. Büchel, Proceedings of the 10th symposium on remediation in Dornburg. Paper presented at 10th symposium on remediation, Jena/Dornburg, Germany. October 3-6, 2011. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Todd, K. , Sartz, L. & Karlsson, S. (2011). Release of vanadium from LD-slag: influence of organic carbon and water saturation. In: Pertti Sarala, V. Juhani Ojala, Marja-Leena Porsanger, 25th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, 22-26 August, 2011, Rovaniemi, Finland. Paper presented at 25th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, 22-26 August, 2011, Rovaniemi, Finland. (pp. 132-132). Vuorimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Grandin, A. , Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. (2011). Stability of weathered shales at water field capacity in the presence of Aspen wood shavings. In: Trude R.Rüde, Antje Freund, Christian Wolkersdorfer, Mine water managing the challenges: proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Congress 2011. Paper presented at 11th IMWA congress, Mine Water – Managing the Challenges, Aachen, Germany, September 4-11, 2011. (pp. 331-335). Aachen: RWTH. [BibTeX]
- Allard, B. , Bäckström, M. , Häller, S. , Panova, E. , Grawunder, A. & Karlsson, S. (2011). Water chemistry and trace metal concentrations in an acidic alum shale pit lake: effects of liming. In: Trude R.Rüde, Antje Freund, Christian Wolkersdorfer, Mine water managing the challenges: proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Congress 2011. Paper presented at 11th IMWA congress, Mine Water – Managing the Challenges, Aachen, Germany, September 4-11, 2011. (pp. 503-508). Aachen: RWTH. [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. & Karlsson, S. (2010). Alkaline by-products as amendments for stabilization and neutralization of oxidized sulphidic mine waste deposits. In: 34th British Columbia Mine Reclamation & 35th CLRA/ACRSD National Conference. Paper presented at 34th British Columbia Mine Reclamation & 35th CLRA/ACRSD National Conference, Vancouver, Canada. (pp. 10 pages- [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. , Sädbom, S. & Allard, B. (2010). Alkaline by-products to ameliorate oxidized sulphidic mine waste and ARD. In: Proc. EU Mine Drainage Research Exchange Conf. PADRE, June 11, Freiberg, Germany. Paper presented at EU Mine Drainage Research Exchange Conf. PADRE,June 11, Freiberg, Germany. (pp. 1 p- [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Sjöberg, V. (2010). ARD treatment in sequential filter sections: efficiency of different alkaline waste materials. In: Christian Wolkersdorfer, Antje Freund, Mine water and innovative thinking proceedings 2010. Paper presented at International Mine Water Association symposium: Mine Water and Innovative Thinking (IMWA), Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, Sep. 05-09, 2010. (pp. 271-274). Nova Scotia, Canada: Cape Breton University Press. [BibTeX]
- Allard, B. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. , Sartz, L. , Sjöberg, V. & Sädbom, S. (2010). Control of metal releases from historic sulphidic mine waste: Experience from the test site at the Ljusnarsberg mine field, Sweden (Project Bergskraft Bergslagen). In: Proc. EU Mine Drainage Research Exchange Conf. PADRE, June 11, Freiberg, Germany. Paper presented at EU Mine Drainage Research Exchange Conference PADRE, June 11, 2010. Freiberg, Germany. (pp. 1 p- [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2010). Leaching of metals from incinerated black shales. Paper presented at EU Mine Drainage Research Exchange, Physical & chemical stability of mine-sites, Freiberg, Germany, June 11, 2010. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Sartz, L. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2010). Prevention of ARD through stabilization of waste rock with alkaline by-products: results from a meso-scale experiment. In: Wolkersdorfer, C. & Freund, A, Mina Water & Innovative Thinking proceedings 2010. Paper presented at International Mine Water Association symposium: Mine Water and Innovative Thinking (IMWA), Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, Sep. 05-09, 2010. (pp. 559-563). Nova Scotia, Canada: Cape Breton University Press. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, V. , Karlsson, S. & Sartz, L. (2010). Release of vanadium from LD-slag by exposure to ARD. In: Christian Wolkersdorfer, Antje Freund, Mine water and innovative thinking proceedings 2010. Paper presented at International Mine Water Association symposium: Mine Water and Innovative Thinking (IMWA), Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, Sep. 05-09, 2010. (pp. 399-402). Cape Breton University Press. [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2010). Strategy for instant neutralisation and metal immobilisation in ARD. In: Christian Wolkersdorfer, Antje Freund, Mine water and innovative thinking proceedings 2010. Paper presented at International Mine Water Association symposium: Mine Water and Innovative Thinking (IMWA), Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, sep. 05-09, 2010. (pp. 267-270). Nova Scotia, Canada: Cape Breton University Press. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. & Bäckström, M. (2010). Weathering mechanisms and composition of effluents from a sulphide mine waste deposit after covering: twenty years of field data. In: Christian Wolkersdorfer, Antje Freund, Mine water and innovative thinking proceedings 2010. Paper presented at International Mine Water Association symposium: Mine Water and Innovative Thinking (IMWA), Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, Sep. 05-09, 2010. (pp. 359-362). Nova Scotia, Canada: Cape Breton, University Press. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. & Allard, B. (2009). Abatement of ARD with solid alkaline waste materials: A meso-scale field test with emphasis on general hydrochemical parameters. In: Securing the Future and 8th ICARD. Paper presented at Securing the Future and 8th ICARD, June 22-26, 2009, Skellefteå, Sweden. (pp. 10 pages- [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2009). Effect of pH and time on the release of vanadium from LD -slag. Paper presented at SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 31 - June 4, 2009. [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2009). From bench to field: A stepwise method towards full scale remediation of historic mine sites. In: 8th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD) and Securing the Future Mining, Metals & the Environment in a Sustainable Society 2009. Paper presented at Securing the Future and 8th ICARD, 23-26 June 2009, Skellefteå, Sweden. (pp. 1207-1216). [BibTeX]
- Temnerud, J. , Düker, A. , Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. , Köhler, S. & Bishop, K. (2009). Landscape scale patterns in the character of natural organic matter in a Swedish boreal stream network. Paper presented at European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, April 19-24, 2009. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. & Grahn, E. (2009). Mobility of Cs and Pu from fallout in boreal lake sediments. Paper presented at SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Göteborg, Sweden, May 31-June 4, 2009. [BibTeX]
- Allard, B. , Karlsson, S. , Greis, C. , Pettersson, H. & Düker, A. (2009). Redistribution of Pu, Am, Cs and Np in salt marsh sediment: Wigtown Merse, Irish Sea. In: Rolf Zeisler, Kenan Ünlü, Susan Heller-Zeisler, 8th International Conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC VIII). Paper presented at 8th International Conference on Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC VIII), Kona, Hawaii, April 5-10, 2009. (pp. 1-24). Melville, N.Y.: American Institute of Physics (AIP). [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. , Ekholm, D. , Evenhamre, P. & Skogsjö, E. (2009). Sediment quality before, during and after remediation of historical mine waste at Bersbo, Sweden. In: Securing the Future and 8th ICARD. Paper presented at Securing the Future and 8th ICARD, June 22-26, 2009, Skellefteå, Sweden. (pp. 11 pages- [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2009). Stabilisation of acid-generating waste rock with alkaline by-products: Results from a meso-scale experiment. In: Securing the Future and 8th ICARD. Paper presented at Securing the Future and 8th ICARD, June 22-26, 2009, Skellefteå, Sweden. (pp. 10 pages- [BibTeX]
- Allard, B. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. , Sartz, L. & Sädbom, S. (2009). Strategy for treatment of historic sulphidic mine waste: Experiences from the Ljusnarsberg Mine Field, Sweden. In: Proc. 12th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, June 14-17, Stockholm. Paper presented at 12th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, June 14-17, 2009. Stockholm, Sweden. (pp. 197- [BibTeX]
- Allard, B. , Sartz, L. , Karlsson, S. & Bäckström, M. (2008). Metal releases from historic sulphidic mine site (Ljusnarsberg, Sweden): mobilization and attenuation processes. Paper presented at 7th Symposium on remediation in Jena, "Jenaer Sanierungskolloquium", "Metal stress: biotic and abiotic factors", Jena, Germany, September 22-23, 2008. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. & Bäckström, M. (2005). Changes in hydrochemistry some 15 years after covering of sulphidic mine waste, Bersbo, Sweden. In: Securing the future international conference on mining and the environment, metals and energy recovery : proceedings. Paper presented at Securing the future : international conference on mining and the environment, metals and energy recovery, June 27-July 1, 2005, Skellefteå, Sweden. (pp. 509-518). [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, S. & Bäckström, M. (2003). Surface water quality in Bersbo, Sweden: fifteen years after amelioration of sulphidic waste. Paper presented at Mining and the Environment III. Sudbury, Canada: [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Lifvergren, T. (2001). Estimation of molecular weight distributions of humic substances in sediment pore waters: PLS modelling of field data. In: 8th Nordic IHSS symposium on humic substances characterisation, dynamics, transport and effects. Paper presented at 8th Nordic IHSS symposium on humic substances – characterisation, dynamics, transport and effects. (pp. 17-21). Copenhagen: Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. (2000). Mobilisation of lead: field measurements at a trap range compared to solubility experiments. Paper presented at 11th Annual International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Ann Arbor, Michigan. [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. Leaching of lime kiln dust and LD-slag with ARD in a sequential batch experiment. [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Allard, B. Mixing of acid rock drainage with alkaline ash leachates : formation of solid precipitates and pH-buffering. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. , Salih, I. & Pettersson, H. Chemical character of drinking water from Swedish crystaline bedrock. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Karlsson, S. & Mellberg, K. Factors affecting the dissolution of lead pellets in natural waters. [BibTeX]
- Saqib, N. , Sjöberg, V. , Karlsson, S. & Bäckström, M. Flotation tailings as a copper resource - Extraction and characterization through chemical leaching. [BibTeX]
- Lifvergren, T. , Krantz-Rülcker, C. , Ledin, M. , Persson, C. , Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. & Gadd, G. M. Fungal responses to mercury. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, C. , Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. , Sjöberg, V. & von Kronhelm, T. Leaching behaviour of principal elements (Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na) and P in incinerated sewage sludge. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Lifvergren, T. & Karlsson, S. Migration and mobility of lead and antimony from a heavily polluted lake sediment. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. & Karlsson, S. Multielement contamination at a skeet and trap shooting range : I: mobility assessment through sequential extraction. [BibTeX]
- Bäckström, M. , Sartz, L. & Karlsson, S. Multielement contamination at a skeet and trap shooting range : II: seasonal and spatial variations in surface and groundwaters. [BibTeX]
- Hagberg, J. , Forsgren, B. , Lifvergren, T. & Karlsson, S. Organic acids excreted by soil-living fungi as a response to heavy metal (Pb and Cd) stress : Part 1: capillary zone electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry for quantitative analysis. [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. & Karlsson, S. Paper mill by-products and fly ash as amendments to oxidized waste rock : neutralization and trace metal reduction in a meso-scale field study. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, C. , Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. Phosphorus sorption to sewage sludge ash. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, C. , Karlsson, S. , Grandin, A. & Sjöberg, V. Phosphorus speciation in sewage sludge and ashes from three municipal WWTPs in Sweden : investigating the possibilities for phosphorus recovery. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, C. , Karlsson, S. , Allard, B. & von Kronhelm, T. Phosphorus speciation in sewage sludge and their ashes after incineration as a function of treatment processes. [BibTeX]
- Grandin, A. , Ogar, A. , Nilsson, C. , Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. Retention of uranium (VI) by live fungal biomass from a uranyl nitrate solution : Implications and applications under nutrient-poor conditions. [BibTeX]
- Sartz, L. , Bäckström, M. , Sjöberg, V. & Karlsson, S. Successive neutralization, precipitation and trace metal immobilization in meso-scale filters for ARD treatment. [BibTeX]