New senior lecturers
iRiSC would like to congratulate Samira Salihovic and Daniel Eklund for becoming senior lecturers!
Örebroforskare får skjuts i karriären
KK-stiftelsen finansierar forskningsprojekt för drygt fyra miljoner inom programmet Prospekt, och möjliggör därmed för två nydisputerade forskare att självständigt driva forskningsprojekt i samverkan med näringslivspartners. Båda projekten ska drivas vid...
X-HiDE conference puts inflammation in focus
For two days (29th-30th of September), inflammation research was on the agenda for both external and X-HiDE researchers during the conference “Inflammation in focus”.
First X-HiDE publication accepted
A manuscript spearheaded by researchers in X-HiDE have been accepted for publication in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology.
X-TriMH - Cross-disease translational inflammation research platform: revisiting taxonomy to enhance precision medicine and health
An application has been submitted to the Vinnova call: Innovation milieus within the area of Precision Health 2021.
X-HiDE – a research bridge between students and companies
Örebro University invests in inflammation research, a research topic that brings researchers, physicians, students, and companies together into the newly started inflammation project, X-HiDE. The newly redesigned international Master's Programme in...
Vice-Chancellor’s blog: University life in the age of corona
The Vice-Chancellor welcomes X-HiDE. ”X-HiDE will constitute an important step as the university moves to establish long-term collaboration with the life sciences industry.”
X-HiDE - a new Centre for Inflammation Research
Örebro University are taking on inflammation with an entirely new approach.