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CFS - Centre for Feminist Social Studies

Love, intimacy and sexuality

The research strand Love, Intimacy and Sexuality takes its point of departure in the gendered character of these practices, which have been key objects of study for gender scholars and feminist theorists. CFS has a strong tradition of theorizing the role of love and sexuality in gendered power structures, and how broader cultural and societal transformations of late capitalist societies are bound up with shifts in intimate relationships.

Experiences of love and sexuality of various LGBTIQ+ groups also constitute a key arena of research. The research strand dialogues with other CFS research areas and strands. For example, critical studies on men and masculinities inform the analysis of men’s place in intimacy, sexuality and love comprise key topics addressed in feminist theory, and the study of violence is closely related to the study of sexual and intimate relationships. 


Lena Gunnarsson

Lena Gunnarsson Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

Profile page: Lena Gunnarsson

Email: bGVuYS5ndW5uYXJzc29uO29ydS5zZQ==

Phone: +46 762 313679

Room: F3254

Lena Gunnarsson

Research areas