Research projects

Academization of performing musician programs - re-/negotiations of knowledge and competence

About this project

Project information

Project status



Eva Georgii-Hemming

Research subject

Research environments

Performing musician programs have often been seen as having one distinct task; to educate good musicians. As such, craftsmanship and artistic practice has often been the primary focus of these. Yet academization is now challenging claims to this expert culture. This has led to increasing demands on research activities for the institutions and a new situation for the students whereby scientific, artistic and practical knowledge are in confrontation with each other.

Music performance students in higher education now meet with questions surrounding how musicianship and artistic practice should relate to research and critical reflection. This project seeks to investigate music students views of knowledge and competence in relation to their education. It aims to identify how these beliefs are articulated and re-/negotiated.

This research is being conducted in association with the Discourses of Academization and the Music Profession in Higher Music Education (DAPHME) project.
