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Research projects

Practices, outcomes, and complications in tonsil surgery

About this project

Project information

Project status

Started in 2023



Tonsil surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures, and in Sweden, around 10,000 tonsil surgeries are performed annually (mainly in the outpatient setting). Tonsil surgery is an effective treatment for upper airway obstruction due to tonsillhypertrofi and infection-related problems such as recurrent tonsillitis. Still, recovery is associated with postoperative pain and risk of bleeding, and the knowledge about long-term complications is poor.  

The project includes several studies based on data from the Swedish Quality Register for Tonsil Surgery and Swedish Perioperative Register. Long-term complications six months after surgery and analgesic regimens with satisfaction rate will be analyzed. Furthermore, data from Norway and Sweden will be used to explore risk factors for bleeding, focusing on different surgical techniques.
