School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences

IAPL 2024 - Procedural Law in Multicultural Context - Örebro University

Örebro University Novahuset

Procedural Law in Multicultural Context

Date: 9-11 October 2024

There are still spots available for the conference.

You are very welcome to register!

The next Conference of the International Association of Procedural Law (IAPL 2024) will be hosted by Juridicum, Örebro University and will take place 9-11 October 2024. The theme of the Congress is "Procedural Law in Multicultural Context".

The conference will address, on the one hand, the way justice systems deal with civil and criminal cases involving persons stemming from different regional cultures, and, on the other hand, the impact of multiculturalism on judicial proceedings and judicial systems.

For further information