Prolong your stay at Örebro University

If you wish to prolong your stay at Örebro University for an additional semester (spring semester 2024) you need to complete the following form no later than October 15, 2023.

In order to prolong your stay you need to:

  • Contact your coordinator at your home university to get an approval. You need to attached the confirmation that you are allowed to study as an exchange student at Örebro University during the spring semester 2024 in the form below. 
  • Make a course choice for the spring semester 2024. The total credits selected shall be 30 ECTS per semester. A maximum of 45 credits is accepted. Make sure you select courses for which you meet the prerequisites. To get the full information about each course, please search the course catalogue for exchange students.

After we have received your application for extension our study advisors will evaluate whether you are eligible for your chosen courses and you will receive a new letter of acceptance approximately mid November. Your new Learning Agreement (if applicable) will be signed in the beginning of December by the study advisors at the school where you study the majority of your courses. Please send it to the proper study advisor and do not send it before December as the study advisors will not be able to sign it.

Application for extension

Personal information

Course selection

I have selected courses of at least 30 ECTS and in each study period


Please note that there is no guarantee that you can stay in the same room where you are staying during the autumn semester.

Would you like to stay in the same accommodation?

Confirmation from your coordinator

Please attach the email conversation or a document certifying the approval from your coordinator at your home university. Alternatively your coordinator can also send an email to to confirm his/her approval. 


When applying for extension of my exchange studies, I consent to Örebro University processing the personal data I have entered in the registration form, for the purpose of administrating exchange studies and for the period necessary for the administration of the purpose. The data is processed in the system MoveOn. Any data provided can be changed and even deleted, following contact with

More information on how Örebro University processes personal data can be found on the webpage Data protection policy at Örebro University.

I accept the conditions above