This page in Swedish

Consent form - publishing in DiVA

Do you have a co-author? You can specify up to four co-authors. *
Do you have more supervisors? You can specify up to four supervisors. *

How would you like to make your thesis available in DiVA? Choose from three different options:

Option 1: I want to publish my thesis

Your thesis will be viewable in its entirety in DiVA. The thesis can be searched and viewed when searching on Google and Google Scholar. The thesis will be visible and readable in services that collect information about theses, such as the National Library of Sweden’s service find, and

Option 2: I want to publish information about my thesis

This option means that DiVA will display the names of the thesis’ authors, supervisor, and examiner as well as the title, year and semester, national subject category and subject, school affiliation and degree. Information about the thesis can be searched and viewed when searching on Google or Google Scholar. Information about the thesis can also be searched and viewed on other online services that collect information about theses, such as the National Library of Sweden’s service find, and

Option 3: I do not want my thesis displayed

Your thesis will be archived only but will not be viewable publicly. Administrators can still access it, and it can always be requested as a public document.

Select one of the options *