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Security information

Safety measures at Örebro University aim to create a safe and secure environment for all students, staff and others visiting our campus. Our work involves preventing and dealing with risks of fire, accidents, threats, theft, and security issues in general. Read more under each section.

In case of emergency – dial 112

In the event of accidents and other emergencies, you should always call 112. If there is an emergency which constitutes a hazard for people, property and/or the environment. Always state your name, where you are and what has occurred.

Reporting faults, damages and incidents

Urgent matters

Office hours:  019–30 30 00
Non-office hours: 019–324 325 – Securitas

Examples of urgent matters are: water or gas leaks, power cuts or other faults where there is risk for damage/accidents.

Non-urgent matters

If you as a student discover faults, defects or damages that do pose an immediate emergency, please make a fault report. Examples of faults are broken furniture or equipment, signs, blinking fluorescent tubes, malfunctioning printers, audiovisual equipment or networks.

Please fill in the fault report or Contact Security Officer