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Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

Active students at Örebro University have access to Azure Dev Tools for Teaching. Azure Dev Tools also includes Microsoft's standard developer tools and software.

The application area is mainly scientific/technical studies or for evaluation purposes. Azure Dev Tools for Teaching does not however provide access to MS Office.

Azure Dev Tools for Teaching uses a web-based system (ELMS) to distribute Microsoft software and product keys via the Internet. In Azure Dev Tools for Teaching, each user must accept the terms before the software can be downloaded.

Note! When you have logged in, you need to type in Education in the search box and press the Enter key on the keyboard. This will take you to the software hub from where you are able to download software.

Click here to log in with your ORU account and to access Azure Dev Tools for Teaching.

Here you can read more about Azure Dev Tools for Teaching.

Click here to log in with your ORU account and to access Visual Studio.