Henrik Andershed
Henrik Andershed Position: Adjunct Professor School/office: School of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesEmail: aGVucmlrLmFuZGVyc2hlZDtvcnUuc2U=
Phone: +46 706 581381
Room: L2263

About Henrik Andershed
Henrik Andershed is adjunt professor of criminology. Henrik's research is primarily about psychopathy and risk and protective factors for crime and psychosocial problems. His research also deals with (un)safety, the development of assessment tools, digital tools, and their importance in making interventions more effective. He is responsible for several large ongoing research projects, such as the SOFIA study (www.sofiastudien.nu - see, for example, the Swedish Research Council (VR) funded project "SOFIA likes school"). He is the author of more than 150 published articles, book chapters, books and reports. See Research Projects for a complete list of projects in which Henrik is involved.
He has previously been head of subject of Criminology and before that head of unit of the Criminology subject. He has been an elected member of the Faculty Board for Humanities and Social Sciences at Örebro University.
He has been scientific council at the Swedish Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services (SBU), member of Örebro municipality's crime prevention council, and in the County Council of Örebros council for alcohol, drugs, and crime prevention. Henrik has also been one of about ten researchers in Sweden, who been invited annually to the Minister of Justice in Sweden to provide research advice on crime prevention. For several years he has been a scientific council at the Swedish National Board of Health (Socialstyrelsen) and the Swedish National Board of Institutions (SiS).
He is a recipient of several awards and prizes for his work; European Young Scholar Award 2002, Örebro Region Collaboration Award 2017, and the Digital Inovation of the Year 2017. The SKAPA award 2019.
Henrik is the founder of EMBRACE, a system support for mapping, analysis, and follow-up for more systematic and effective crime prevention and safety promotion. See: www.embrace-safety.se or www.embrace-safety.com.
Research projects
Active projects
- 65+ and safe
- Causes and consequences of lifespan multi-morbidity in ADHD
- Research reviews of risk- and protection and effectiveness of interventions
- The GeoPred-study
- Hot och våld i ambulansen- Workplace Violence in the Ambulance (WASP)
- The IDA program
- Newbreed
- Retrospective Study of Young men and Womens' Experiences (The RESUMÉ project)
- Community Intervention Teams (CIT)
- The SOFIA-study
Completed projects
- Assessment of safety in the local community
- Checklists in police work to increase efficiency
- Framgångsfaktorer i evidensbaserad praktik med barn med eller i riskzonen för normbrytande beteende med specifikt fokus på betydelsen användning av strukturerade bedömningsinstrument . Ett forskningsprogram.
- Authoring of handbook to SMADIT
- Metodutvecklingsprojekt av Positiv utveckling genom forskningsbaserade förebyggande insatser (PUFF)
- Sofia likes school
- Uppförandestört beteende i barndomen: Praktiskt relevant forskning i ett land med stort behov
Articles in journals
- Fanti, K. A. , Mavrommatis, I. , Díaz-Vázquez, B. , López-Romero, L. , Romero, E. , Álvarez-Voces, M. , Colins, O. F. , Andershed, H. & et al. (2024). Fearlessness as an Underlying Mechanism Leading to Conduct Problems: Testing the INTERFEAR Model in a Community Sample in Spain. Children, 11 (5). [BibTeX]
- López-Romero, L. , Andershed, H. , Romero, E. & Cervin, M. (2024). In Search of Conceptual Clarity About the Structure of Psychopathic Traits in Children: A Network-Based Proposal. Child Psychiatry and Human Development. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , López-Romero, L. , Romero, E. & Andershed, H. (2024). The Prognostic Usefulness of Multiple Specifiers for Subtyping Conduct Problems in Early Childhood. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 63 (4), 443-453. [BibTeX]
- Garcia, M. , Rouchy, E. , Colins, O. , Andershed, H. & Michel, G. (2024). Validation of the French Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory-Short Version in a general population sample of emerging adults in France. Psychologie Francaise, 69 (1), 67-83. [BibTeX]
- Demetriou, C. A. , Colins, O. F. , Andershed, H. & Fanti, K. A. (2023). Assessing Psychopathic Traits Early in Development: Testing Potential Associations with Social, Behavioral, and Affective Factors. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 45 (3), 767-780. [BibTeX]
- Solares, C. , Zhang, L. , Chang, Z. , Andershed, H. , Persson, J. & Larsson, H. (2023). Externalizing Behaviors and Alzheimer's Disease and Any Dementia: A Multigeneration Cohort Study in Sweden. Innovation in Aging, 7 (9). [BibTeX]
- Fanti, K. A. , Mavrommatis, I. , Colins, O. & Andershed, H. (2023). Fearlessness as an Underlying Mechanism Leading to Conduct Problems: Testing the Intermediate Effects of Parenting, Anxiety, and callous-unemotional Traits. Research on child and adolescent psychopathology, 51 (8), 1115-1128. [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Evans, B. , Hellfeldt, K. , Andershed, H. & Boersma, K. (2023). Older and feeling unsafe? Differences in underlying vulnerability, anxiety and life satisfaction among older adults. Aging & Mental Health, 27 (8), 1636-1643. [BibTeX]
- Solares, C. , Garcia-Argibay, M. , Chang, Z. , Dobrosavljevic, M. , Larsson, H. & Andershed, H. (2023). Risk of dementia and mild cognitive impairment in older adults with a criminal background: a population-based register study in Sweden. Scientific Reports, 13 (1). [BibTeX]
- Ručević, S. , Farrington, D. P. & Andershed, H. (2023). The role of parental psychopathic traits: longitudinal relations with parenting, child's psychopathy features and conduct problems. Current Psychology, 42 (26), 23045-23058. [BibTeX]
- Ručević, S. & Andershed, H. (2022). Are psychopathic traits predictive of conduct problems and aggression when other risk factors are considered? A longitudinal test among Croatian children. Journal of criminal justice, 80. [BibTeX]
- Virtanen, S. , Latvala, A. , Andershed, H. , Lichtenstein, P. , Tuvblad, C. , Colins, O. F. , Suvisaari, J. , Larsson, H. & et al. (2022). Do psychopathic personality traits in childhood predict subsequent criminality and psychiatric outcomes over and above childhood behavioral problems?. Journal of criminal justice, 80. [BibTeX]
- Fanti, K. A. , Mavrommatis, I. , Georgiou, G. , Kyranides, M. N. , Andershed, H. & Colins, O. F. (2022). Extending the Construct of Psychopathy to Childhood: Testing Associations with Heart Rate, Skin Conductance, and Startle Reactivity. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 44 (1), 26-38. [BibTeX]
- Salekin, R. T. , Andershed, H. & Colins, O. F. (2022). Introduction to the Special Section: What Do We Know About the Psychophysiology of Child Psychopathy and Conduct Problems?. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 44 (1), 1-10. [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Andershed, H. , Boersma, K. & Hellfeldt, K. (2022). Perceived reasons of unsafety among independently living older adults in Sweden. Nordic Journal of Criminology, 23 (1), 44-60. [BibTeX]
- Camacho Doyle, M. , Gerell, M. & Andershed, H. (2022). Perceived Unsafety and Fear of Crime: The Role of Violent and Property Crime, Neighborhood Characteristics, and Prior Perceived Unsafety and Fear of Crime. Deviant behavior, 43 (11), 1347-1365. [BibTeX]
- Salekin, R. T. & Andershed, H. (2022). Psychopathic personality, and its dimensions in the prediction of negative outcomes: Do they offer incremental value above and beyond common risk factors? Introduction to the special section. Journal of criminal justice, 80. [BibTeX]
- López-Romero, L. , Salekin, R. T. , Romero, E. , Andershed, H. & Colins, O. F. (2022). Psychopathic Personality Configurations in Early Childhood: A Response to Dvoskin et al. (2022). Journal of Personality Disorders, 36 (3), 254-263. [BibTeX]
- Frogner, L. , Hellfeldt, K. , Ångström, A. , Andershed, A. , Källström, Å. , Fanti, K. A. & Andershed, H. (2022). Stability and Change in Early Social Skills Development in Relation to Early School Performance: A Longitudinal Study of a Swedish Cohort. Early Education and Development, 33 (1), 17-37. [BibTeX]
- López-Romero, L. , Colins, O. F. , Fanti, K. , Salekin, R. T. , Romero, E. & Andershed, H. (2022). Testing the predictive and incremental validity of callous-unemotional traits versus the multidimensional psychopathy construct in preschool children. Journal of criminal justice, 80. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , Van Damme, L. & Andershed, H. (2022). Testing the utility of the psychopathy construct for predicting criminal recidivism among detained girls. Journal of criminal justice, 80. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , Andershed, H. , Hellfeldt, K. & Fanti, K. A. (2022). The incremental usefulness of teacher-rated psychopathic traits in 5- to 7-year olds in predicting teacher-, parent-, and child self-reported antisocial behavior at a six-year follow-up. Journal of criminal justice, 80. [BibTeX]
- Ebrahimi, A. , Athar, M. E. , Bakhshizadeh, M. , Lavasani, F. F. & Andershed, H. (2022). The Persian version of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory-Short Version (YPI-S): A psychometric evaluation. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 86 (1), 48-66. [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Boersma, K. , Andershed, H. & Hellfeldt, K. (2021). Affective Fear of Crime and Its Association with Depressive Feelings and Life Satisfaction in Advanced Age: Cognitive Emotion Regulation as a Moderator?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (9). [BibTeX]
- Dobrosavljevic, M. , Zhang, L. , Garcia-Argibay, M. , Du Rietz, E. , Andershed, H. , Chang, Z. , Faraone, S. & Larsson, H. (2021). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder as a risk factor for dementia and mild cognitive impairment: a population-based register study. European psychiatry, 65 (1). [BibTeX]
- Camacho Doyle, M. , Gerell, M. & Andershed, H. (2021). Exploring Violent and Property Crime Geographically: A Comparison of the Accuracy and Precision of Kernel Density Estimation and Simple Count. Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing, 8 (1), 1-21. [BibTeX]
- Aghajani, M. , Klapwijk, E. T. , Andershed, H. , Fanti, K. A. , van der Wee, N. J. A. , Vermeiren, R. R. J. M. & Colins, O. F. (2021). Neural processing of socioemotional content in conduct-disordered offenders with limited prosocial emotions. Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 105. [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Owiredua, C. , Boersma, K. , Andershed, H. & Hellfeldt, K. (2021). Presence of Meaning in Life in Older Men and Women: The Role of Dimensions of Frailty and Social Support. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. [BibTeX]
- López-Romero, L. , Romero, E. , Salekin, R. T. , Andershed, H. & Colins, O. F. (2021). Studying Configurations of Psychopathic Traits: Exploring the Viability of Psychopathic Personality in Early Childhood. Journal of Personality Disorders, 35, 97-U141. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , Fanti, K. A. & Andershed, H. (2021). The DSM-5 Limited Prosocial Emotions Specifier for Conduct Disorder: Comorbid Problems, Prognosis, and Antecedents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 60 (8), 1020-1029. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , Roetman, P. J. , Lopez-Romero, L. & Andershed, H. (2020). Assessing Psychopathic Traits Among Children: The First Validation Study of the Child Problematic Traits Inventory in a Clinical Sample. Assessment, 27 (6), 1242-1257. [BibTeX]
- Pechorro, P. , Braga, T. , Ray, J. V. , Goncalves, R. A. & Andershed, H. (2019). Do incarcerated male juvenile recidivists differ from first-time offenders on self-reported psychopathic traits?: A retrospective study. European Journal of Criminology, 16 (4), 413-431. [BibTeX]
- Lopez-Romero, L. , Romero, E. , Colins, O. F. , Andershed, H. , Hare, R. D. & Salekin, R. T. (2019). Proposed Specifiers for Conduct Disorder (PSCD): Preliminary Validation of the Parent Version in a Spanish Sample of Preschoolers. Psychological Assessment, 31 (11), 1357-1367. [BibTeX]
- Lopez-Romero, L. , Molinuevo, B. , Bonillo, A. , Andershed, H. , Colins, O. F. , Torrubia, R. & Romero, E. (2019). Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Child Problematic Traits Inventory in 3-to 12-Year-Old Spanish Children. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 35 (6), 842-854. [BibTeX]
- Lopez Romero, L. , Maneiro, L. , Colins, O. F. , Andershed, H. & Romero, E. (2019). Psychopathic Traits in Early Childhood: Further Multi-informant Validation of the Child Problematic Traits Inventory (CPTI). Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 41 (3), 366-374. [BibTeX]
- Fanti, K. A. , Colins, O. F. & Andershed, H. (2019). Unraveling the longitudinal reciprocal associations between anxiety, delinquency, and depression from early to middle adolescence. Journal of criminal justice, 62, 29-34. [BibTeX]
- Vrettou, M. , Nilsson, K. W. , Tuvblad, C. , Rehn, M. , Åslund, C. , Andershed, A. , Wallén-Mackenzie, Å. , Andershed, H. & et al. (2019). VGLUT2 rs2290045 genotype moderates environmental sensitivity to alcohol-related problems in three samples of youths. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 28 (10), 1329-1340. [BibTeX]
- Fanti, K. A. , Hellfeldt, K. , Colins, O. F. , Meehan, A. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2019). Worried, sad, and breaking rules?: Understanding the developmental interrelations among symptoms of anxiety, depression, and conduct problems during early childhood. Journal of criminal justice, 62, 23-28. [BibTeX]
- Salekin, R. T. , Andershed, H. , Batky, B. D. & Bontemps, A. P. (2018). Are Callous Unemotional (CU) Traits Enough?. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40 (1), 1-5. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Colins, O. F. , Salekin, R. T. , Lordos, A. , Kyranides, M. N. & Fanti, K. A. (2018). Callous-Unemotional Traits Only Versus the Multidimensional Psychopathy Construct as Predictors of Various Antisocial Outcomes During Early Adolescence. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40 (1), 16-25. [BibTeX]
- Frogner, L. , Gibson, C. L. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2018). Childhood Psychopathic Personality and Callous-Unemotional Traits in the Prediction of Conduct Problems. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 88 (2), 211-225. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , Andershed, H. , Salekin, R. T. & Fanti, K. A. (2018). Comparing Different Approaches for Subtyping Children with Conduct Problems: Callous-Unemotional Traits Only Versus the Multidimensional Psychopathy Construct. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40 (1), 6-15. [BibTeX]
- Bergman, L. R. , Andershed, A. , Meehan, A. & Andershed, H. (2018). Individual development and adaptation (IDA): A life-span longitudinal program suited for person-oriented research. Journal for Person-Oriented Research, 4 (2), 63-77. [BibTeX]
- Somma, A. , Andershed, H. , Borroni, S. , Salekin, R. T. & Fossati, A. (2018). Psychopathic Personality Traits in Relation to Self-report Delinquency in Adolescence: Should We Mind About Interaction Effects?. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40 (1), 69-78. [BibTeX]
- Frogner, L. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2018). Psychopathic Personality Works Better than CU Traits for Predicting Fearlessness and ADHD Symptoms among Children with Conduct Problems. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40 (1), 26-39. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , Fanti, K. A. , Salekin, R. T. , Mulder, E. & Andershed, H. (2018). Psychopathy in Detained Boys: The Search for Primary and Secondary Variants in a Clinical Setting. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 9 (5), 408-419. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. , Veen, V. , Veenstra, M. , Frogner, L. & Andershed, H. (2018). The Child Problematic Traits Inventory in a Dutch General Population Sample of 3- to 7-Year-Old Children. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 34 (5), 336-343. [BibTeX]
- Wang, M. , Colins, O. F. , Deng, Q. , Deng, J. , Huang, Y. & Andershed, H. (2018). The Child Problematic Traits Inventory in China: A multiple informant-based validation study. Psychological Assessment, 30 (7), 956-966. [BibTeX]
- Fanti, K. A. , Kyranides, M. N. , Lordos, A. , Colins, O. F. & Andershed, H. (2018). Unique and Interactive Associations of Callous-Unemotional Traits, Impulsivity and Grandiosity with Child and Adolescent Conduct Disorder Symptoms. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40 (1), 40-49. [BibTeX]
- Zwaanswijk, W. , van Geel, M. , Andershed, H. , Fanti, K. A. & Vedder, P. (2018). Variants of Psychopathy and the Dependence on Gender, Age, and Ethnic Background. Journal of Personality Disorders, 32 (6), 721-737. [BibTeX]
- Fanti, K. A. , Kyranides, M. N. , Georgiou, G. , Petridou, M. , Colins, O. F. , Tuvblad, C. & Andershed, H. (2017). Callous-unemotional, impulsive-irresponsible, and grandiose-manipulative traits: Distinct associations with heart rate, skin conductance, and startle responses to violent and erotic scenes. Psychophysiology, 54 (5), 663-672. [BibTeX]
- Nylander, I. , Todkar, A. , Granholm, L. , Vrettou, M. , Bendre, M. , Boon, W. , Andershed, H. , Tuvblad, C. & et al. (2017). Evidence for a Link Between Fkbp5/FKBP5, Early Life Social Relations and Alcohol Drinking in Young Adult Rats and Humans. Molecular Neurobiology, 54 (8), 6225-6234. [BibTeX]
- Pechorro, P. , Goncalves, R. A. , Andershed, H. & DeLisi, M. (2017). Female Psychopathic Traits in Forensic and School Context: Comparing the Antisocial Process Screening Device Self-Report and the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory-Short. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 39 (4), 642-656. [BibTeX]
- Pechorro, P. , da Silva, D. R. , Rijo, D. , Goncalves, R. A. & Andershed, H. (2017). Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory - Short Version among Portuguese Youth. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 39 (3), 486-497. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , Fanti, K. A. , Andershed, H. , Mulder, E. , Salekin, R. T. , Blokland, A. & Vermeiren, R. R. J. M. (2017). Psychometric Properties and Prognostic Usefulness of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI) as a Component of a Clinical Protocol for Detained Youth: A Multiethnic Examination. Psychological Assessment, 29 (6), 740-753. [BibTeX]
- Wang, M. , Colins, O. F. , Deng, Q. , Andershed, H. , Deng, J. & Ye, H. (2017). Psychometric Properties of the Original and Shortened Version of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory among Chinese Adolescents. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 39 (4), 620-634. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , Fanti, K. A. , Salekin, R. T. & Andershed, H. (2017). Psychopathic Personality in the General Population: Differences and Similarities Across Gender. Journal of Personality Disorders, 31 (1), 49-74. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Fanti, K. A. , Andershed, H. , Colins, O. F. & Larsson, H. (2017). Psychopathic personality traits in 5 year old twins: the importance of genetic and shared environmental influences. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 26 (4), 469-479. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , Fanti, K. , Larsson, H. & Andershed, H. (2017). Psychopathic Traits in Early Childhood: Further Validation of the Child Problematic Traits Inventory. Assessment, 24 (5), 602-614. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , van Damme, L. , Andershed, H. , Fanti, K. A. & DeLisi, M. (2017). Self-Reported Psychopathic Traits and Antisocial Outcomes in Detained Girls: A Prospective Study. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 15 (2), 138-153. [BibTeX]
- Fanti, K. A. , Colins, O. F. , Andershed, H. & Sikki, M. (2017). Stability and Change in Callous-Unemotional Traits: Longitudinal Associations With Potential Individual and Contextual Risk and Protective Factors. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 87 (1), 62-75. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , Van Damme, L. , Fanti, K. A. & Andershed, H. (2017). The prospective usefulness of callous-unemotional traits and conduct disorder in predicting treatment engagement among detained girls. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 26 (1), 75-85. [BibTeX]
- Zwaanswijk, W. , Veen, V. C. , van Geel, M. , Andershed, H. & Vedder, P. (2017). The Relation Between the Bifactor Model of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory and Conduct Problems in Adolescence: Variations Across Gender, Ethnic Background, and Age. Psychological Assessment, 29 (8), 1065-1070. [BibTeX]
- Isaksson, J. , Comasco, E. , Åslund, C. , Rehn, M. , Tuvblad, C. , Andershed, H. & Nilsson, K. W. (2016). Associations between the FKBP5 haplotype, exposure to violence and anxiety in females. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 72, 196-204. [BibTeX]
- Aghajani, M. , Colins, O. F. , Klapwijk, E. T. , Veer, I. M. , Andershed, H. , Popma, A. , van der Wee, N. J. & Vermeiren, R. R. J. M. (2016). Dissociable relations between amygdala subregional networks and psychopathy trait dimensions in conduct-disordered juvenile offenders. Human Brain Mapping, 37 (11), 4017-4033. [BibTeX]
- Klingzell, I. , Fanti, K. , Colins, O. , Frogner, L. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2016). Early Childhood Trajectories of Conduct Problems and Callous-Unemotional Traits: The Role of Fearlessness and Psychopathic Personality Dimensions. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 47 (2), 236-247. [BibTeX]
- Doyle, M. , Frogner, L. , Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2016). Feelings of safety in the presence of the police, security guards and police volunteers. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 22 (1), 19-40. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2016). Improving evidence-based social work practice with youths exhibiting conduct problems through structured assessment. European Journal of Social Work, 19 (6), 887-900. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Narusyte, J. , Comasco, E. , Andershed, H. , Andershed, A. , Colins, O. F. , Fanti, K. A. & Nilsson, K. W. (2016). Physical and verbal aggressive behavior and COMT genotype: Sensitivity to the environment. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 171 (5), 708-718. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. , Andershed, H. , Hawes, S. W. , Bijttebier, P. & Pardini, D. A. (2016). Psychometric Properties of the Original and Short Form of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits in Detained Female Adolescents. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 47 (5), 679-690. [BibTeX]
- Fossati, A. , Somma, A. , Borroni, S. , Frera, F. , Maffei, C. & Andershed, H. (2016). The Factor Structure and Construct Validity of the Short Version of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory in Two Independent Samples of Nonreferred Adolescents. Assessment, 23 (6), 683-697. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, A. , Gibson, C. L. & Andershed, H. (2016). The role of cumulative risk and protection for violent offending. Journal of criminal justice, 45, 78-84. [BibTeX]
- Somma, A. , Andershed, H. , Borroni, S. & Fossati, A. (2016). The Validity of the Child Problematic Trait Inventory in 6–12 Year Old Italian Children: Further Support and Issues of Consistency Across Different Sources of Information and Different Samples. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 38 (3), 350-372. [BibTeX]
- Pechorro, P. , Ribeiro da Silva, D. , Andershed, H. , Rijo, D. & Abrunhosa Gonçalves, R. (2016). The Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory: Measurement Invariance and Psychometric Properties among Portuguese Youths. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13 (9). [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. & Andershed, H. (2016). The Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory-Short Version in a General Population Sample of Emerging Adults. Psychological Assessment, 28 (5), 449-457. [BibTeX]
- Fanti, K. A. , Kyranides, M. N. , Drislane, L. E. , Colins, O. F. & Andershed, H. (2016). Validation of the Greek cypriot translation of the triarchic psychopathy measure. Journal of Personality Assessment, 98 (2), 146-154. [BibTeX]
- Cater, Å. K. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2016). Victimized as a child or youth: To whom is victimization reported and from whom do victims receive professional support?. International Review of Victimology, 22 (2), 179-194. [BibTeX]
- Svensson, B. , Andershed, H. & Janson, S. (2015). A Survey of Swedish Teachers' Concerns for Preschool Children at Risk of Maltreatment. Early Childhood Education Journal, 43 (6), 495-503. [BibTeX]
- Drislane, L. E. , Brislin, S. J. , Kendler, K. S. , Andershed, H. , Larsson, H. & Patrick, C. J. (2015). A triarchic model analysis of the youth psychopathic traits inventory. Journal of Personality Disorders, 29 (1), 15-41. [BibTeX]
- Lopez-Romero, L. , Romero, E. & Andershed, H. (2015). Conduct problems in childhood and adolescence: developmental trajectories, predictors and outcomes in a six-year follow up. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 46 (5), 762-773. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. , Andershed, H. & Pardini, D. A. (2015). Psychopathic traits as predictors of future criminality, intimate partner aggression, and substance use in young adult men. Law and human behavior, 39 (6), 547-558. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. & Andershed, H. (2015). The DSM-5 with limited prosocial emotions specifier for conduct disorder among detained girls. Law and human behavior, 39 (2), 198-207. [BibTeX]
- Orue, I. & Andershed, H. (2015). The Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory-Short Version in Spanish Adolescents-Factor Structure, Reliability, and Relation with Aggression, Bullying, and Cyber Bullying. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 37 (4), 563-575. [BibTeX]
- Pechorro, P. , Andershed, H. , Ray, J. V. , Maroco, J. & Goncalves, R. A. (2015). Validation of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory and Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory: Short Version Among Incarcerated Juvenile Delinquents. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 37 (4), 576-586. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , Andershed, H. , Frogner, L. , Lopez-Romero, L. , Veen, V. & Andershed, A. (2014). A New Measure to Assess Psychopathic Personality in Children: The Child Problematic Traits Inventory. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 36 (1), 4-21. [BibTeX]
- Colins, O. F. , Bijttebier, P. , Broekaert, E. & Andershed, H. (2014). Psychopathic-like traits among detained female adolescents: reliability and validity of the antisocial process screening device and the youth psychopathic traits inventory. Assessment, 21 (2), 195-209. [BibTeX]
- Borroni, S. , Somma, A. , Andershed, H. , Maffei, C. & Fossati, A. (2014). Psychopathy dimensions, Big Five traits, and dispositional aggression in adolescence: Issues of gender consistency. Personality and Individual Differences, 66, 199-203. [BibTeX]
- Cater, Å. , Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2014). Youth victimization in Sweden: prevalence, characteristics and relation to mental health and behavioral problems in young adulthood. International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect, 38 (8), 1290-1302. [BibTeX]
- Frogner, L. , Andershed, H. , Lindberg, O. & Johansson, M. (2013). Directed Patrol for Preventing City Centre Street Violence in Sweden - A Hot Spot Policing Intervention. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 19 (4), 333-350. [BibTeX]
- Veen, V. C. , Stevens, G. W. J. M. , Andershed, H. , Raaijmakers, Q. A. W. , Doreleijers, T. A. H. & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2011). Cross-ethnic generalizability of the three-factor model of psychopathy: the youth psychopathic traits inventory in an incarcerated sample of native Dutch and Moroccan immigrant boys. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 34 (2), 127-130. [BibTeX]
- Veen, V. , Andershed, H. , Stevens, G. W. J. M. , Doreleijers, T. A. H. & Vollebergh, W. A. M. (2011). Psychopathic subtypes and associations with mental health problems in an incarcerated sample of adolescent boys. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 10 (4), 295-304. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, I. , Cater, Å. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2011). What protects youths from externalising and internalising problems?: a critical review of research findings and implications for practice. Australian journal of guidance and counselling, 21 (2), 113-125. [BibTeX]
- Forsman, M. , Lichtenstein, P. , Andershed, H. & Larsson, H. (2010). A longitudinal twin study of the direction of effects between psychopathic personality and antisocial behaviour. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 51 (1), 39-47. [BibTeX]
- van Baardewijk, Y. , Andershed, H. , Stegge, H. , Nilsson, K. W. , Scholte, E. & Vermeiren, R. (2010). Development and tests of short versions of the youth psychopathic traits inventory and the youth psychopathic traits inventory-child version. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 26 (2), 122-128. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Fredriksson, J. , Engelholm, K. , Ahlberg, R. , Berggren, S. & Andershed, A. (2010). Initial test of the new risk-need assessment instrument for youths with or at risk for conduct problems: ESTER-assessment. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 488-492. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2010). Risk-need assessment for youth with or at risk for conduct problems: introducing the assessment system ESTER. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 377-383. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2009). Normbrytande beteende bland barn: risker och skydd och strukturerad bedömning. Elevhälsan, 3. [BibTeX]
- Bergman, L. R. , Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2009). Types and continua in developmental psychopathology: Problem behaviors in school and their relationship to later antisocial behavior. Development and psychopathology (Print), 21 (3), 975-992. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Koehler, D. , Louden, J. E. & Hinrichs, G. (2008). Does the three-factor model of psychopathy identify a problematic subgroup of young offenders?. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 31 (3), 189-198. [BibTeX]
- Forsman, M. , Lichtenstein, P. , Andershed, H. & Larsson, H. (2008). Genetic effects explain the stability of psychopathic personality from mid- to late adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117 (3), 606-617. [BibTeX]
- van Baardewijk, Y. , Stegge, H. , Andershed, H. , Thomaes, S. , Scholte, E. & Vermeiren, R. (2008). Measuring psychopathic traits in children through self-report: The development of the Youth Psychopathic traits Inventory-Child Version. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 31 (3), 199-209. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, H. , Tuvblad, C. , Rijsdijk, F. V. , Andershed, H. , Grann, M. & Lichtenstein, P. (2007). A common genetic factor explains the association between psychopathic personality and antisocial behavior. Psychological Medicine, 37 (1), 15-26. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Hodgins, S. & Tengstrom, A. (2007). Convergent validity of the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI) - Association with the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL : YV). Assessment, 14 (2), 144-154. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2007). Normbrytande beteende bland barn: ett angeläget men eftersatt problem. Psykisk hälsa (1), 43-53. [BibTeX]
- Forsman, M. , Larsson, H. , Andershed, H. & Lichtenstein, P. (2007). The association between persistent disruptive childhood behaviour and the psychopathic personality constellation in adolescence: A twin study. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 25, 383-398. [BibTeX]
- Skeem, J. , Johansson, P. , Andershed, H. , Kerr, M. & Louden, J. E. (2007). Two subtypes of psychopathic violent offenders that parallel primary and secondary variants. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 116 (2), 395-409. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, H. , Andershed, H. & Lichtenstein, P. (2006). A genetic factor explains most of the variation in the psychopathic personality. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 115 (2), 221-230. [BibTeX]
- Johansson, P. , Kerr, M. & Andershed, H. (2005). Linking adult psychopathy with childhood hyperactivity-impulsivity-attention problems and conduct problems through retrospective self-reports. Journal of Personality Disorders, 19 (1), 94-101. [BibTeX]
- Johansson, P. , Andershed, H. , Kerr, M. & Levander, S. (2002). On the operationalization of psychopathy: further support for a three-faceted personality oriented model. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 106 (suppl. s412), 81-85. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. A. , Gustafson, S. B. , Kerr, M. & Stattin, H. (2002). The usefulness of self-reported psychopathy-like traits in the study of antisocial behaviour among non-referred adolescents. European Journal of Personality, 16 (5), 383-402. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Kerr, M. & Stattin, H. (2002). Understanding the abnormal by studying the normal. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 106 (Suppl. 412), 75-80. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Kerr, M. & Stattin, H. (2001). Bullying in school and violence on the streets: are the same people involved?. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 2 (1), 31-49. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Dobrosavljevic, M. , Solares, C. , Cortese, S. , Cortese, S. , Andershed, H. & Larsson, H. (2020). Prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 118, 282-289. [BibTeX]
- Solares, C. , Dobrosavljevic, M. , Larsson, H. , Cortese, S. & Andershed, H. (2020). The mental and physical health of older offenders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 118, 440-450. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2015). Risk and protective factors among preschool children: integrating research and practice. Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work, 12 (4), 412-424. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, I. , Cater [Källström Cater], Å. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2010). What we know and need to know about factors that protect youth from problems: a review of previous reviews. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 5, 477-482. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Andershed, A. & Wallin Weihe, H. (2007). Normbrytende atferd hos barn: Hva sier forskningen? (1ed.). Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2005). Normbrytande beteende i barndomen: Vad säger forskningen?. Stockholm: Gothia. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2022). Desistance from Conduct Problems During Childhood: Potential Explanatory Factors and Assessment. In: Calvin M. Langton; James R. Worling, Facilitating Desistance from Aggression and Crime: Theory, Research, and Strength-Based Practices (pp. 167-188). . John Wiley & Sons. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Salekin, R. T. & Clark, A. P. (2018). Psychopathy in children and adolescents: Assessment and critical questions regarding conceptualization. In: Christopher J. Patrick, Handbook of psychopathy (pp. 479-508). New York: Guilford Publications. [BibTeX]
- Corovic, J. , Andershed, A. , Colins, O. F. & Andershed, H. (2017). Risk Factors and Adulthood Adjustment Outcomes for Different Pathways of Crime: Key Findings from the Swedish IDA Program.. In: A. Blokland & V. van der Geest, The Routledge Handbook on Life-Course Criminology (pp. 220-244). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Tuvblad, C. (2016). Utveckling av psykopati från barndom till vuxen ålder. In: Mette K. F. Kreis, Helge Andreas Hoff, Henrik Belfrage & Stephen D. Hart, Psykopati (pp. 49-71). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2013). En introduktion till longitudinell forskning och IDA-programmet. In: Andershed, A-K., & Andershed, H., Att studera människors utveckling: resultat från forskningsprogrammet IDA 1965-2013. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Andershed, A. & Tuvblad, C. (2013). Psykologiska och biologiska perspektiv på sociala anpassningsproblem. In: Meeuwisse, Anna & Swärd, Hans, Perspektiv på sociala problem (pp. 242-261). Stockholm: Natur och kultur. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2012). Externalizing and internalizing problems among Youths and the need to understand the heterogeneity of these problems. In: Martin McKee, For the sake of the children: social paediatrics in action. A festschrift in honour of Staffan Jansson (pp. 60-68). Karlstad: Karlstad University Press. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Andershed, A. , Söderholm Carpelan, K. , Brännström, L. & Nyström, M. (2010). Bokens bakgrund, syfte, innehåll och målgrupp. In: Henrik Andershed, Anna-Karin Andershed, Kerstin Söderholm Carpelan, Ungdomar som begår brott: vilka insatser fungerar? (pp. 13-24). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB. [BibTeX]
- Fredriksson, J. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2010). Den vetenskapliga uppföljningen av Pinocchio II: resultat så långt av den vetenskapliga utvärderingen av Pinnochio-II-projektet : beskrivning av barnen och praktikernas arbete med att tillämpa mer evidensbaserad kunskap i praktik [bilaga 2]. In: Projekt Pinocchio: erfarenheter från ett nationellt genombrottsprojekt med syfte att förbättra arbetet kring barn upp till 12 år som riskerar utveckla ett varaktigt normbrytande beteende (pp. 79-88). Stockholm: Sveriges kommuner och landsting. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Andershed, A. & Söderholm Carpelan, K. (2010). Hur fungerar insatser till ungdomar som begår brott och hur kan vi bli bättre i praktik?. In: Henrik Andershed, Anna-Karin Andershed, Kerstin Söderholm Carpelan, Ungdomar som begår brott: vilka insatser fungerar? (pp. 150-177). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB. [BibTeX]
- Söderholm Carpelan, K. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2010). Insatser till ungdomar som begår brott: det svenska systemet. In: Henrik Andershed, Anna-Karin Andershed, Kerstin Söderholm Carpelan, Ungdomar som begår brott: vilka insatser fungerar? (pp. 42-50). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, A. , Andershed, H. & Söderholm Carpelan, K. (2010). Om insatser som kan användas i ungdomsvård och deras effekter. In: Henrik Andershed, Anna-Karin Andershed, Kerstin Söderholm Carpelan, Ungdomar som begår brott: vilka insatser fungerar? (pp. 51-102). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2010). Om normbrytande beteende bland barn. In: Projekt Pinocchio: erfarenheter från ett nationellt Genombrottsprojekt med syfte att förbättra arbetet kring barn upp till 12 år som riskerar utveckla ett varaktigt normbrytande beteende : slutrapport (pp. 23-28). Stockholm: Sveriges kommuner och landsting. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Wirius, A. (2010). Riskbedömning: aktuella principer, praktik och en blick framåt. In: Anne H. Berman, Carl Åke Fabring, Kriminalvård i praktiken: strategier för att minska återfall i brott och missbruk (pp. 55-67). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. (2010). Stability and change of psychopathic traits: what do we know?. In: Randall Salekin, Donald Lynam, Handbook of child and adolescent psychopathy (pp. 233-250). New York: Guilford Press. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2010). Ungdomsbrottslighet: hur vanligt är det och vad beror det på?. In: Henrik Andershed, Anna-Karin Andershed, Kerstin Söderholm Carpelan, Ungdomar som begår brott: vilka insatser fungerar? (pp. 25-41). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB. [BibTeX]
- Ahlgren, T. , Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2010). Vad fungerar i Sverige?: Om svenska utvärderingar av insatser till ungdomar som begår brott. In: Henrik Andershed, Anna-Karin Andershed, Kerstin Söderholm Carpelan, Ungdomar som begår brott: vilka insatser fungerar? (pp. 126-149). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2009). Bedömning av risk- och skyddsfaktorer för normbrytande beteende hos unga: hur kan vi använda teori och forskning i praktiken?. In: Barn och unga som begår brott: handbok för socialtjänsten (pp. 161-201). Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2008). Implications of heterogeneity among individuals with antisocial behaviour. In: David Canter, Rita Žukauskienė, Psychology and law: bridging the gap (pp. 103-118). Aldershot: Ashgate. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, A. , Enebrink, P. & Andershed, H. (2007). Normbrytande beteende bland internationellt adopterade barn: riskfaktorer och interventioner. In: Margareta Carlberg, Karin Nordin Jareno, Internationellt adopterade i Sverige: vad säger forskningen? (pp. 121-165). Stockholm: Gothia. [BibTeX]
- Stattin, H. & Andershed, H. (2004). Psykologiske, neuropsykologiske og biologiske faktorers betydning for udvikling af sociale tilpasningsproblemer. In: Anna Meeuwisse, Hans Swärd, Perspektiver på sociale problemer (pp. 216-237). Köpenhamn: Hans Reitzels forlag. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. A. , Kerr, M. , Stattin, H. & Levander, S. (2002). Psychopathic traits in non-referred youths: a new assessment tool. In: Eric Blaauw, Lorraine Sheridan, Psychopaths: current international perspectives (pp. 131-158). Den Haag: Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Stattin, H. & Andershed, H. (2002). Psykologiska, neuropsykologiska och biologiska faktorer: betydelse för utveckling av sociala anpassningsproblem. In: Anna Meeuwisse, Hans Swärd, Perspektiv på sociala problem (pp. 228-250). Stockholm: Natur och kultur. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Andershed, A. (ed.) & Andershed, H. (ed.) (2013). Att studera människors utveckling : resultat från forskningsprogrammet IDA1965-2013. Lund: Studentlitteratur. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. (ed.) , Andershed, A. (ed.) & Söderholm Carpelan, K. (ed.) (2010). Ungdomar som begår brott: vilka insatser fungerar? (1ed.). Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Colins, O. F. , Andershed, H. , Lopez-Romero, L. & Romero, E. (2023). The Prognostic Usefulness of Multiple Specifiers for Subtyping Conduct Problems in Early Childhood. In: Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Paper presented at 70th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP 2023), New York, USA, October 23-28, 2023. (pp. S160-S161). Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Evans, B. , Hellfeldt, K. , Andershed, H. & Boersma, K. (2022). Vulnerability for perceived unsafety among older adults: A latent profile analysis. Paper presented at 26th Nordic Congress of Gerontology (26NKG), Odense, Denmark, June 8-10, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Boersma, K. , Andershed, H. & Hellfeldt, K. (2021). Affective fear of crime and its associations with depressive feelings and life satisfaction in older adults: Cognitive emotion regulation as a moderator?. In: The Stockholm Criminology Symposium Program & Abstracts. Paper presented at The Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 15-16, 2021. (pp. 29-29). The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå). [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Andershed, H. , Boersma, K. & Hellfeldt, K. (2021). Feelings of unsafety and well-being in advanced age. Paper presented at 25th Nordic Gerontology Congress, Reykjavik, Iceland, (Virtual Congress), June 2-4, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Owiredua, C. , Boersma, K. , Andershed, H. & Hellfeldt, K. (2021). Presence Of Meaning In Older Men And Women: The Role Of Frailty Dimensions And Social Support. Paper presented at SWEAH (The Swedish National Graduate School for Competitive Science on Ageing and Health) Milestone Conference, Lund university, Lund, Sweden, Online conference, October 19-20, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Hellfeldt, K. , López-Romero, L. & Andershed, H. (2019). Cyberbullying and Psychological Well-being in Young Adolescence: The Potential Protective Mediation Effects of Social Support from Family, Friends, and Teachers. In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. MDPI. [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Andershed, H. & Hellfeldt, K. (2019). The +65 and Safe Study: Feelings of unsafety and fear of crime in advanced age. Paper presented at International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 23-25, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Hellfeldt, K. , Andershed, H. , Göransson, S. , Meehan, A. & Sverke, M. (2018). Student Generated Violence towards Teachers in Swedish Schools: Prevalence and Characteristics of Victimization and Identification of Risk and Protective Factors. Paper presented at The Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 12-14, 2018. (pp. 172-173). [BibTeX]
- Hellfeldt, K. , Andershed, H. , Göransson, S. , Meehan, A. & Sverke, M. (2018). Teacher-victimization in Swedish schools: Identification of risk factor. Paper presented at 6th European Association for Forensic Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychology & other involved professions Congress (EFCAP 2018). Young victims and young offenders. Prevention and intervention within families and institutions, Venice, Italy, June 20-22, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Frogner, L. & Andershed, A. (2017). Psychopathic personality works better than CU traits for predicting fearlessness and ADHD symptoms in children with conduct problems. Paper presented at Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 19-21, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Bergstrøm, H. , Frogner, L. , Colins, O. F. , Fanti, K. A. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2017). Psychopathic traits during early childhood: Stable over time or rapidly changing?. Paper presented at Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 19-21, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2017). The SOFIA-study: A prospective longitudinal study on social adjustment. Paper presented at Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 19-21, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Hellfeldt, K. , Frogner, L. , Andershed, A. , Källström, Å. & Andershed, H. (2017). Understanding preschool precursors to early school adjustment. Paper presented at Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 19-21, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Selenius, H. , Strand, S. & Andershed, H. (2016). Childhood maltreatment, school-related problems and psychopathic traits among offenders admitted to forensic psychiatric care. Paper presented at Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 14-16, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Vrettou, M. , Nillson, K. W. , Tuvblad, C. , Rehn, M. , Andershed, A. , Wallén-Mackenzie, Å. , Andershed, H. , Nylander, I. & et al. (2016). VGLUT2 genotype interacts with environmental experiences to predict alcohol misuse in young adults. In: ISBRA ESBRA World Congress on Alcohol an Alcoholism, Berlin, Germany. Paper presented at ISBRA ESBRA World Congress on Alcohol and Alcoholism, Berlin, Germany, 2-5 September, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Doyle, M. , Johansson, M. , Mill, J. & Andershed, H. (2015). Hur polis och universitet effektivt kan samverka. In: Rolf Granér and Ola Kronkvist, The Past, the Present and the Future of Police Research Proceedings from the fifth Nordic Police Research seminar. Paper presented at The Fifth Biennial Nordic Police Research Seminar, Växjö, Sweden, August 19-21, 2014. (pp. 183-200). Växjö: Linnéuniversitetet, Polisutbildningen. [BibTeX]
- Corovic, J. , Andershed, A. , Andershed, H. & Colins, O. (2014). Criminal pathways: key findings from the Swedish IDA-program concerning early predictors and adulthood adjustment outcomes. Paper presented at The Stockholm Criminology Symposium,9-11 June 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Doyle, M. , Frogner, L. & Andershed, H. (2014). Feelings of safety in the presence of the police, security guards and police volunteers. Paper presented at The Nordic Police Research Seminar, Växjö, Sweden, August 19-21, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Doyle, M. & Andershed, H. (2014). New ways to interview eyewitnesses of crime: a comparison between interviews done face-to-face, by telephone and via online chat. Paper presented at The Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 9-11, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, I. , Fanti, K. A. , Frogner, L. , Andershed, A. , Colins, O. & Andershed, H. (2014). Temperamental and personality dimensions associated with stability and change of conduct problems and CU traits during childhood. Paper presented at The Stockholm Criminology Symposium,9-11 June 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Frogner, L. , Colins, O. F. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2014). The Importance of CU traits and Other Psychopathic Personality Traits in Predicting Early Childhood Conduct Problems. Paper presented at Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 9-11, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Källström Cater, Å. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2014). Youth victimization in Sweden: prevalence, characteristics and relation to mental health and behavioral problems in young adulthood. Paper presented at The Stockholm Criminology Symposium, June 9-11 2014, Stockholm, Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Doyle, M. , Frogner, L. & Andershed, H. (2013). Feelings of safety in the presence of the police, security guards and police volunteers. Paper presented at The Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, June 10-12, 2013. [BibTeX]
- Lopez Romero, L. & Andershed, H. (2012). Can psychopathic traits be meaningfully measured in preschool children?: test of the child problematic traits inventory. Paper presented at 3rd EFCAP Congress - Young Offenders and Victims - Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology for Children, Adolescents and Young Adults, Berlin, Germany, March 7-9, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2012). Risk and protective factors among preschool children for long-lasting psychosocial problems: what we know from research and how it can be used in practice. Paper presented at Nordic Day 2012: Early childhood interventions – attractive and effective? Copenhagen, Denmark, June 24, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Frogner, L. , Andershed, H. & Lindberg, O. (2011). Evaluation of a hot spot policing project using private security guards to prevent violent crime. Paper presented at 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC), November 16-19, 2011, Washington DC, USA. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. (2011). Ongoing activities to summarize effective work with children: the Nordic countries. Paper presented at Investing in Children:Early Years Services and Child Protection - ESN Autumn Seminar, November 14-15, 2011, Paris, France. [BibTeX]
- Bond, H. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2011). Risk-need assessments of youth with or at risk for criminal behavior: structure or no structure?. Paper presented at 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC), November 16-19, 2011, Washington DC, USA. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. (2011). The importance of using knowledge from research on risk and protective factors in practice with children. Paper presented at Early Childhood Intervention – Getting in Touch, Establishing Relationships, Developing Structures, September 12-13, 2011, Berlin, Germany. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, I. , Cater [Källström Cater], Å. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2011). When callous-unemotional-traits come together with conduct problems and when they do not. Paper presented at 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC), November 16-19, 2011, Washington DC , USA. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2010). Empirical test of a new screening questionnaire of risk factors for conduct problems among youths: external validity and internal consistency tests of ESTER-screening. Paper presented at World Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Guidance. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Engelholm, K. , Frediksson, J. & Andershed, A. (2010). Initial test of the new risk-need assessment instrument for youths with or at risk for conduct problems: ESTER-assessment. Paper presented at World Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Guidance. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, I. , Cater [Källström Cater], Å. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2010). Protection against externalizing and internalizing behavior problems among children at risk. Paper presented at 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC), November 17-20, 2010 San Francisco, USA. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2010). Risk-need assessment for youth with or at risk for conduct problems: introducing the computerized assessment system ESTER. Paper presented at World Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Guidance. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. & Andershed, A. (2010). Subgroups of children with conduct problems. Paper presented at 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC), November 17-20, 2010 San Francisco, USA. [BibTeX]
- Svensson, B. , Janson, S. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2010). The SOFIA study: a multi-disciplinary large scale longitudinal study of social, behavioral and physical development. Paper presented at 5th Conference of Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe (CELSE), October 13-15, 2010 Paphos, Cyprus, Greece. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, I. , Cater [Källström Cater], Å. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2010). What we know and need to know about childhood resilience. Paper presented at World Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Guidance, April 21-25 2010, Antalya, Turkey. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, I. , Cater [Källström Cater], Å. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2010). What we know and need to know about factors that protects youth from problems: a review of reviews. Paper presented at Pathways to resilience II: The Social Ecology of Resilience, June 7-10, 2010, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. [BibTeX]
- Tuvblad, C. , Larsson, H. , Viding, E. , Plomin, R. , Andershed, H. & Lichtenstein, P. (2007). Genetic contributions to environmental correlates of psychopathy. Paper presented at 2nd biannual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy (SSSP), St. Pete's Beach, Florida, USA, April 26-28, 2007. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
- Andershed, H. (2002). Antisocial behavior in adolescence: the role of individual characteristics. (Doctoral dissertation). (Comprehensive summary) Örebro: Örebro universitetsbibliotek. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, H. , Kerr, M. & Stattin, H. Callous, unemotional traits in violent and frequent conduct-problem behavior among non-referred youths. [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Evans, B. , Hellfeldt, K. , Andershed, H. & Boersma, K. Older and feeling unsafe? Differences in underlying vulnerability, anxiety, and life satisfaction among older adults. [BibTeX]
- Frogner, L. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. Psychopathic Personality Works Better than CU Traits for Predicting Fearlessness and ADHD Symptoms among Children with Conduct Problems. [BibTeX]
- Frogner, L. , Bergstrøm, H. , Colins, O. F. , Fanti, K. A. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. Psychopathic Traits During Early Childhood: Stable Over Time or Rapidly Changing?. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2019). Risk- och skyddsfaktorer för normbrytande beteende bland unga: Att använda teori och forskning i praktiken. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen (Underlag till Socialstyrelsens kunskapsstöd kring barn och unga som begår brott ). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. , Doyle, M. , Andershed, H. , Svensson, S. , Johansson, P. & Ammer, T. (2016). Effektiv samordning för trygghet: Handbok. Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
- Doyle, M. , Andershed, H. & Winberg, J. (2016). Handbok för SIG: RBM: Evidensbaserade och Struktuerade Riktlinjer för Sociala Insatsgrupper med fokus på Risk, Behov, Mottaglighet (SIG: RBM).. Brottsförebyggande Rådet. [BibTeX]
- Doyle, M. , Frogner, L. & Andershed, H. (2015). Tryggare kan ingen vara?: Människors trygghet i närvaro av poliser, ordningsvakter och polisvolontärer. Stockholm: Polismyndigheten (Polismyndigheten, Rikspolischefens kansli 2015:1). [BibTeX]
- Alexandersson, P. , Andershed, H. , Andershed, A. & Cater, Å. (2015). Utsatthet i unga år och psykisk ohälsa i vuxen ålder : sammanfattning av resultat från en intervjustudie av 2 500 unga vuxna. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. [BibTeX]
- Andershed, A. , Andershed, H. & Farrington, D. P. (2012). Risk- och skyddande faktorer för psykosociala problem bland förskolebarn: vad vi vet från forskning och hur det kan användas i praktiken.. . [BibTeX]