This page in Swedish

Research projects

Risk Management for Domestic Violence

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2015 - 2017


Susanne Strand

Research subject

Research environments

For several years the Swedish police have been trained to assess risk for violence in a structured way when they assess risks for intimate partner violence, honor based violence or stalking. The aim of this project is to examine how well the police's threat and risk assessments are linked to the support and protective measures taken, and to see how it helps to reduce the repeated victimization. This will be done by investigating recidivism for cases of domestic violence reported to the police, and to explore the relationship between the risk assessments and the initiated and implemented protective actions used to prevent recidivism. The project also aims to find the most effective methods to use for protecting the victims and how that knowledge can be passed on within the police, social services and others who are working to protect victims of intimate partner violence, honor based violence or stalking.

Research funding bodies

  • The Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority