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Research projects


About this project

Project information

Project status



Liisa Husu

Research subject

Research environments

Funded by EU FP7 2013-2017. Many organisations have made sustained efforts to advance gender equality in science - through research, practical action and policy development. A wealth of gender and science resources has been produced in the process. However, despite the enormous potential for knowledge sharing, these resources are scattered in various locations, with varying degrees of visibility and usability. GenPORT provides a single open entry-point to high-quality research, policy and practical materials on gender, science, technology and innovation (STI) in order to enhance the potential for their more effective exploitation.

The GenPORT portal can be reached at
GenPORT was an EU FP7 funded project developing an online community of practitioners, served by an internet portal and made up of organisations and individuals working across the globe for gender equality and excellence in science, technology or innovation. GenPORT covers all sciences - natural and social sciences, and humanities.
GenPORT offers an arena for organisations and individuals to showcase and access best research resources, practical materials, policy briefings, experiences, and much more. Constantly evolving online information and services will be shaped by the activities and contributions of community members.
• Sharing resources on a global internet platform makes them prominent and visible to a huge user base.
• Allowing users to shape the portal and its contents allows users to tailor these resources to their own needs, and to make them more easily accessible and searchable.
• The creation of the online community offers a fast track to experience sharing, and supports continuing policy and practical learning in pursuit of good practices in gender equality.
GenPORT offers
• A global space to showcase a huge range of work on gender and science, to maximise its reach and influence.
• A single point from which to browse, search and access the highest quality resources on gender and science issues, organised thematically, linguistically, or geographically, and linked to related items.
• Support for users to seek advice and advance their understanding of the gender issues in science
• A role in shaping the design of the portal and its contents according to particular information needs and search practices.
• Additional services to support user activities on gender and science – news and announcements, events calendars, translations and reviews, discussion groups, and much more.
Partners: Open University of Catalonia, Spain; Fundacao Giacomo Brodolini, Italy; Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskey Bystrici, Slovakia; Portia Ltd, UK; GESIS – Leibnitz Institute for Social Sciences, Germany


Research funding bodies

  • EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)