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Research projects

Acceptance factors of assistive technology solutions for elderly with cognitive disabilities

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2016 - 2020


Karin Hedström

Research subject

Research environments

One of the challenges that today's society face, is the demographic shift which shows that people live longer and healthier lives than in the past. Although this shift can be seen as a positive thing, it comes with drawbacks associated with an aging population such as increased economic and societal costs. For that reason, there is a lot of research on developing assistive technologies to reduce the healthcare costs. With this demographic shift, we can also see a rise of elderly with cognitive disabilities (mainly alzheimer or dementia). Today there is little knowledge about how this group of people view assistive technologies. The main objective of this project is to investigate two countries (Sweden and Greece) and compare their differences regarding how their elderly population view assistive technologies, especially regarding their acceptance.