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Research projects

Consumer behaviour as a challenge and opportunity for circular food packaging - what do we know?

About this project

Project information

Project status



Anna Kremel

Research subject

Research environments

Although the food system has been highlighted as a potential site for fruitful implementation of the principles of circular economy, most studies engage with food production and little attention is paid to food consumption, despite the fact that a circular economy will require transformation of both. Among the studies and literature reviews that focus on the consumer, most are concerned with food waste, although to achieve a circular and sustainable food system, it is not enough to minimize food waste. Indeed, circular food packaging is another key issue for a sustainable food sector due to its high production volume, short usage time and problems related to waste management and littering. The here proposed study complements existing literature by shifting the focus from consumer behaviour and food waste, which has already been reviewed many times, to consumer behaviour in the case of food packaging. The aim of this study is to offer an overview of our knowledge of consumer behaviour and circular food packaging. We achieve this aim by conducting a systematic literature review within the different stages of consumer interaction with circular food packaging: acquisition, use and end of use. 

Research funding bodies

  • The Swedish Research Council Formas


  • Axfood
  • Förpacknings- och Tidningsinsamlingen (FTI)
  • Returpack