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Welcome to the University chaplaincy

We are available for everyone at Örebro University regardless of faith or ideology. We are willing to help you find a congregation or fellowship in Örebro of the faith you belong to. Our ordinary staff consists of a priest, a deacon and a pastor.

Follow us on social media

To follow us and see what we do and offer, check out our Facebook page or follow us on Instagram. We offer a great variety of activities, meetings and services. Each semester lectures are held and study groups are organised. 

Confidential counselling

You can come to us and talk about anything; life issues, faith, relationships, personal problems, identity, grief, thoughts concerning studies etc. We are bound to secrecy, don't keep records and the counselling is free of charge. Welcome to make an appointment or just drop by and visit us.

Places of rest during the week

Every Tuesday during the semesters  at 12.10 we invite students and staff to “Rastplats”, a peaceful time of prayer.

Quiet Room

Örebro University has prepared three Quiet Rooms for staff and students. Quiet Room Forum is located on the second floor in Forumhuset, just above the restaurant. Quiet Room Prisma is placed on the second floor in Prismahuset and Quiet Room Campus USÖ on the fourth floor at Campus USÖ.

These rooms are open when the university is open. They offer an opportunity to get away from studies and work for a moment, an environment of stillness and reflection. The quiet rooms are open to all students and staff at the university regardless of beliefs or ideology.

Silent Retreat

The University Church invites you to take part in a silent retreat once every semester. Retreat means withdrawing, getting away for a while to rest and gather new strength. The retreat is open to students and staff at Örebro University in need of a break and silence. It is designed and based on the Christian faith and its tradition of prayer times, Bible meditations and silence. There is a small fee.

Each semester we arrange a new retreat. Please visit our Facebook page.

Drop In

Are you reflecting on basic life questions and matters of faith? Do you want to discuss the meaning of life, issues of identity, grief, as well as thoughts concerning studies and what the Christian faith is all about? Maybe you are interested in baptism or confirmation? Or perhaps you are interested in just meeting someone to chat with for a while?

You are welcome to knock on our door at any time in Forumhuset, next to Stilla Rummet. If you do not find us there, we are available by phone and mail (see below)




Titel: University Chaplain
Room: F2265

Anna Forsström

Title: University Deacon
Phone: 076-772 03 24
Room: F2267

Stina Pejmo Lundin

Title: University Chaplain
Phone: 076-772 03 34
Room: F2269