Karin Falk-Brynhildsen
Karin Falk-Brynhildsen Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Health SciencesEmail: a2FyaW4uZmFsay1icnluaGlsZHNlbjtvcnUuc2U=
Phone: +46 19 303615
Room: P2451

About Karin Falk-Brynhildsen
Karin Falk-Brynhildsen is a senior lecturer and associate professor in Nursing science.
She has a theatre nurse degree from the University of Göteborg and in 2013 she received the PhD degree of Medical doctor from the University of Örebro. Karin was appointed to the staff at Örebro university in 2014 in the department of nursing /health sciences. She had previously worked as a theatre nurse at the department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, at Örebro university hospital.
Research areas
Karin’s research deals with intra operative care which encompasses both the patient and staff perspective. Included in her research are clinical interventions, psychometric studies, and studies with both qualitative and quantitative perspectives. Research is undertaken with national and international collaboration. She is responsible for a research project ‘’Pressure ulcer and surgery’ which is a national and international project in association the Swedish Centre for Skin and Wound Research team.
In the research team ‘’Learning and professional development" Karin is responsible for a pedagogy project in association with Karlstad University, Ersta Bräcke Sköndal, and Jönköping University. The project deals with describing student active learning during supervision of degree theses within nurse education. The research also involves interprofessional learning and clinical reasoning.
Karin is responsible for the project ‘Good and safe care for elderly people treated with indwelling bladder catheters’. This project is in association with the Kumla and Örebro councils.
Karin as a co-supervisor has supervised a PhD student, Camilla Wistrand, to graduation and she is currently co-supervisor to four PhD students; Hanna Unosson (Örebro University), Ida Markström (Linköping University), Emely Sager (Örebro University) and Erin Rajhathy (Örebro University).
Karin's teaching consists of:
- Course leadership and supervision of theses at undergraduate, advanced and master levels. She also has teaching in method courses at these levels.
- Teaching in aseptic sterile techniques at undergraduate and advanced levels.
- Course leader for a freestanding care hygiene course for specialist nurses (7.5p)
- Teaching and Examiner in the Clinical Training Centre (KTC).
- Examiner in nursing courses in the radiography nursing and biomedical analyst programmes.
Other duties
Member of the National association of theatre nurses scientific branch.
Research projects
Active projects
- To describe student-active learning during the supervision process of thesis work within the framework of nursing education.
- The Swedish version of the Attitude towards Pressure ulcer Prevention instrument for use in an operating theatre (APuP-OR): A Nationwide Psychometric Evaluation
- Good and safe care for elderly persons treated with a catheter in the urinary bladder
- Skin and wound care at end-of-life: A systematic review
- How crooked do I really see? Subjective and objective improvement after epiretinal membrane surgery.
- Perioperative routines and complications after saphenous vein graft harvesting during coronary arterial surgery
- Wound Irrigation to Cleanse Non-Infected Chronic Wounds: Clinical Effectiveness and Exploration of International Practice in Home and Community Care
Completed projects
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Markström, I. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Bachrack-Lindström, M. , Hollman Frisman, G. , Mernelius, S. & Bjerså, K. (2024). Impact of postoperative skin disinfection with chlorhexidine on bacterial colonisation following shoulder arthroplasty surgery: a controlled randomised study. Infection Prevention in Practice, 6 (2). [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Wätterbjörk, I. , Isaksson, A. & Falk-Brynhildsen, K. (2024). Nursing students' expectations of group supervision while writing a bachelor thesis: A pre-post survey. Nurse Education Today, 139. [BibTeX]
- Unosson, H. , Hälleberg Nyman, M. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & Friberg, Ö. (2024). Risk factors for infection at the saphenous vein harvest site after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery: a retrospective cohort study. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 19 (1). [BibTeX]
- Larsson, H. , Hälleberg Nyman, M. & Falk-Brynhildsen, K. (2023). Patients’ experiences regarding severe leg wound infection associated with coronary artery bypass grafting: A qualitative study. Journal of Vascular Nursing, 41 (1), 12-18. [BibTeX]
- Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Raepsaet, C. , Wistrand, C. , Bååth, C. , Leo Swenne, C. , Gifford, M. , Gunningberg, L. , von Vogelsang, A. & et al. (2023). Swedish translation, cultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of the pressure ulcer knowledge assessment tool for use in the operating room. International Wound Journal, 20 (5), 1534-1543. [BibTeX]
- Wistrand, C. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & Sundqvist, A. (2022). Important interventions in the operating room to prevent bacterial contamination and surgical site infections. American Journal of Infection Control, 50 (9), 49-1054. [BibTeX]
- Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Raepsaet, C. , Wistrand, C. , Leo Swenne, C. , Gifford, M. , Gunningberg, L. , Bååth, C. , von Vogelsang, A. & et al. (2022). The Swedish version of the attitude towards pressure ulcer prevention instrument for use in an operating room context (APUP-OR): A nationwide psychometric evaluation. Journal of Tissue Viability, 31 (1), 46-51. [BibTeX]
- Jans, J. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & Salzmann-Erikson, M. (2021). Nurse anesthetists' reflections and strategies when supervising master's students. Nurse Education in Practice, 54. [BibTeX]
- Markström, I. , Bjerså, K. , Bachrach-Lindström, M. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & Frisman, G. H. (2020). Operating room nurses' experiences of skin preparation in connection with orthopaedic surgery: A focus group study. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 26 (5). [BibTeX]
- von Vogelsang, A. , Swenne, C. L. , Gustafsson, B. Å. & Falk-Brynhildsen, K. (2020). Operating theatre nurse specialist competence to ensure patient safety in the operating theatre: A discursive paper. Nursing Open, 7 (2), 495-502. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, H. , Hälleberg Nyman, M. , Friberg, Ö. & Falk-Brynhildsen, K. (2020). Perioperative routines and surgical techniques for saphenous vein harvesting in CABG surgery: a national cross-sectional study in Sweden. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 15 (1). [BibTeX]
- Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Jaensson, M. , Bridgid, G. & Nilsson, U. (2019). Swedish operating room nurses and nurse anesthetists' perceptions of competence and self-efficacy. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 34 (4), 842-850. [BibTeX]
- Wistrand, C. , Söderquist, B. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & Nilsson, U. (2018). Exploring bacterial growth and recolonization after preoperative hand disinfection and surgery between operating room nurses and non-health care workers: a pilot study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 18 (1). [BibTeX]
- Wistrand, C. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & Nilsson, U. (2018). National Survey of Operating Room Nurses' Aseptic Techniques and Interventions for Patient Preparation to Reduce Surgical Site Infections. Surgical Infections, 19 (4), 438-445. [BibTeX]
- Gillespie, B. M. , Harbeck, E. B. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Nilsson, U. & Jaensson, M. (2018). Perceptions of perioperative nursing competence: a cross-country comparison. BMC Nursing, 17. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Gillespie, B. M. , Wallentin, F. Y. & Nilsson, U. (2018). Psychometric Validation of the Perceived Perioperative Competence Scale-Revised in the Swedish Context. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 33 (4), 499-511. [BibTeX]
- Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Söderquist, B. , Friberg, Ö. & Nilsson, U. (2014). Bacterial growth and wound infection following saphenous vein harvesting in cardiac surgery: a randomized controlled trial of the impact of microbial sealant. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 33 (11), 1981-1987. [BibTeX]
- Prag, G. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Jacobsson, S. , Hellmark, B. , Unemo, M. & Söderquist, B. (2014). Decreased susceptibility to chlorhexidine and prevalence of disinfectant resistance genes among clinical isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica (APMIS), 122 (10), 961-967. [BibTeX]
- Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Friberg, Ö. , Söderquist, B. & Nilsson, U. G. (2013). Bacterial colonization of the skin following aseptic preoperative preparation and impact of the use of plastic adhesive drapes. Biological Research for Nursing, 15 (2), 242-248. [BibTeX]
- Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Söderquist, B. , Friberg, Ö. & Nilsson, U. (2013). Bacterial recolonization of the skin and wound contamination during cardiac surgery: a randomized controlled trial of the use of plastic adhesive drape compared with bare skin. Journal of Hospital Infection, 84 (2), 151-158. [BibTeX]
- Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Söderquist, B. , Friberg, Ö. & Nilsson, U. G. (2013). Response to MH Stevens and NM Klinger, re: Bacterial recolonization of the skin and wound contamination during cardiac surgery. Journal of Hospital Infection, 85 (4), 325-325. [BibTeX]
- Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & Nilsson, U. (2009). Cardiac surgery patients' evaluation of the quality of theatre nurse postoperative follow-up visit. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 8 (2), 105-111. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Rajhathy, E. , Meer, J. V. , Valenzano, T. , Laing, L. E. , Woo, K. Y. , Beeckman, D. & Falk-Brynhildsen, K. (2023). Wound irrigation versus swabbing technique for cleansing noninfected chronic wounds: A systematic review of differences in bleeding, pain, infection, exudate, and necrotic tissue. Journal of tissue viability, 32 (1), 136-143. [BibTeX]
- Raepsaet, C. , Blomberg, K. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Gethin, G. & Beeckman, D. (2022). Promoting and Maintaining Skin Integrity in End-of-Life Care: A Systematic Review. Advances in Skin & Wound Care, 35 (11), 617-631. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Falk-Brynhildsen, K. , Jaensson, M. , Gillespie, B. M. & Nilsson, U. (2019). Differences in Perceptions of Competence and Self-Efficacy between Operating Room Nurses and Nurse Anesthetists. Paper presented at 5th International Conference for PeriAnaesthesia Nurses (ICPAN 2019), Cancun, Mexico, November 5-8, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & Jaensson, M. (2017). Hur har ni det med kompetensen?. Paper presented at AnIva Höstkongress 2017, 23-24 November, 2017, Upplands Väsby, Sweden,. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Falk Brynhildsen, K. & Jaensson, M. (2016). Hur har ni det med kompetensen?. Paper presented at Höstkongress 2016. Riksföreningen för operationssjukvård. Stockholm, 1-2 december, 2016. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
- Falk-Brynhildsen, K. (2013). The effect of peroperative skin preparation on bacterial growth during cardiac surgery. (Doctoral dissertation). (Comprehensive summary) Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Wistrand, C. , Söderquist, B. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & Nilsson, U. Bacterial growth and recolonization after preoperative hand disinfection and surgery : a pilot study. [BibTeX]
- Wistrand, C. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & Nilsson, U. National survey of operating room nurses’ aseptic techniques and interventions to reduce surgical site infections. [BibTeX]
- Rajhathy, E. , Vander Meer, J. , Valenzano, T. , Laing, L. , Bouckhuyt, S. , Downs, C. , Woo, K. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & et al. (2021). Wound irrigation versus swabbing technique for cleansing non-infected chronic wounds: A systematic review of differences in bleeding, pain, infection, exudate and necrotic tissue. University of York, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD). [BibTeX]
- Raepsaet, C. , Blomberg, K. , Falk-Brynhildsen, K. & Beeckman, D. (2020). The effects and effectiveness of skincare interventions to promote and to maintain skin integrity in end-of-life patients: a systematic review. University of York, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD). [BibTeX]