Sara Edlund
Sara Edlund Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesEmail: c2FyYS5lZGx1bmQ7b3J1LnNl
Phone: +46 19 301266
Room: L2607

About Sara Edlund
Sara is a licensed clinical psychologist, PhD and lecturer in psychology. She graduated with a master's degree in psychology from Örebro University in 2010 and defended her dissertation in 2017.
In 2020 she was also awarded Excellent teacher.
Sara's area of research is emotion regulation, chronic pain, and communication (validating communication specifically). She is still active as a researcher in Center for Health and Medical Psychology (CHAMP), and her research is related to different aspects of validating communication.
Research projects
Active projects
Completed projects
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Silberstein Katzeff, A. , Ligård, E. , Edlund, S. M. & Ullsten, A. (2024). Family-centered Music Therapy as Procedural Support in the Pediatric Outpatient Unit: A Mixed Methods Pilot Study. Music & Science. [BibTeX]
- Sundström, A. E. , Glatz, T. , Hakelind, C. , Bergbom, S. & Edlund, S. (2024). Psychology Students' Experiences of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination as an Assessment of Professional Skills in Psychology. Psychology Learning & Teaching (PLAT), 23 (3), 390-404. [BibTeX]
- Edlund, S. , Söderstrand, J. C. , Åkerman, B. , Hed, E. , Larsson, M. , Tillfors, M. & Olsson, C. (2023). Facing negative emotions: Evaluation of a brief training in validating communication for contact nurses in cancer care. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 66. [BibTeX]
- Holopainen, R. , Lausmaa, M. , Edlund, S. , Carstens-Söderstrand, J. , Karppinen, J. , O’Sullivan, P. & Linton, S. J. (2023). Physiotherapists’ validating and invalidating communication before and after participating in brief cognitive functional therapy training: Test of concept study. European Journal of Physiotherapy, 25 (2), 73-79. [BibTeX]
- Glatz, T. , Bergbom, S. & Edlund, S. (2022). Lessons Learned and Preliminary Results from Implementing Simulation-Based Elements in a Clinical Psychology Programme. Psychology Learning & Teaching (PLAT). [BibTeX]
- Linton, S. J. , Flink, I. , Nilsson, E. & Edlund, S. (2017). Can training in empathetic validation improve medical students' communication with patients suffering pain?: A test of concept. Pain Reports, 2 (3). [BibTeX]
- Edlund, S. , Wurm, M. , Holländare, F. , Linton, S. J. , Fruzzetti, A. E. & Tillfors, M. (2017). Pain patients´ experiences of validation and invalidation from physicians before and after multimodal pain rehabilitation: Associations with pain, negative affectivity and treatment outcome. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 17, 77-86. [BibTeX]
- Wurm, M. , Edlund, S. , Tillfors, M. & Boersma, K. (2016). Characteristics and consequences of the co-occurrence between social anxiety and pain-related fear in chronic pain patients receiving multimodal pain rehabilitation treatment. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 12, 45-52. [BibTeX]
- Edlund, S. M. , Carlsson, M. L. , Linton, S. J. , Fruzzetti, A. E. & Tillfors, M. (2015). I see you're in pain: the effects of partner validation on emotions in people with chronic pain. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, 6, 16-21. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Edlund, S. , Carstens-Söderstrand, J. , Åkerman, B. , Hed, E. , Larsson, M. , Tillfors, M. & Olsson, C. (2022). Facing negative emotions: Evaluating the effects of training in affirmative communication for contact nurses in cancer care. In: Annals of Oncology. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the European-Society-for-Medical-Oncology (ESMO), Electronic Network, September 9-13, 2022. (pp. S1368-S1368). Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Wurm, M. , Edlund, S. , Boersma, K. & Tillfors, M. (2013). Comorbid social anxiety and pain: Relationship with transdiagnostic psychological processes. Paper presented at 8th congress of the European Pain Federation (EFIC 2013), 20 years of building bridges, Florence, Italy, October 9-12, 2013. [BibTeX]
- Edlund, S. M. , Carlsson, M. L. , Linton, S. J. , Fruzzetti, A. E. & Tillfors, M. (2013). I see you're in pain: the effects of partner validation on emotions in people with chronic pain. Paper presented at 8th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC, Florence, Italy, October 9-12, 2013. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
- Edlund, S. (2017). Calm down: strategies for emotion regulation in clinical practice. (Doctoral dissertation). (Comprehensive summary) Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
- Edlund, S. M. , Fruzzetti, A. E. , Holländare, F. , Linton, S. J. & Tillfors, M. Dialectical behavior therapy to augment standard cognitive behavioral therapy for treatment-resistant anxiety disorders : A replicated single-subject pilot study. [BibTeX]