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Research projects

Trust and distrust in Sweden's covid-19 management: The pandemic rhetoric project extended (PAR-EX)

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress 2021 - 2022



Research subject

Research environments

It is well known that trust is important in risk communication, yet we know relatively little about how trust is shaped communicatively in today's multifaceted and digital media landscape. Sweden's management of and risk communication regarding the covid-19 pandemic make these issues relevant to the highest degree. The project therefore aims to analyze the communicative mechanisms behind the emergence of trust and doubt in relation to Sweden's management of the pandemic. The project is an extension of the Scandinavian project Pandemic Rhetoric (PAR), hence the name PAR-EX. The new project is based on the studies of the authorities' communication strategies that are in focus for the Swedish part of PAR. The unique focus of the expanded project is that it then explores how these communication activities in Sweden are represented in national media and interpreted by citizens, with special focus on how trust and doubts are clarified or indicated as well as reasons why these positions are taken. The analysis of communication spans editorial material and focus group interviews, with an approach throughout to understanding the actors' different situations, communicative problems, strategies and dilemmas.


Research funding bodies

  • The Swedish Research Council Formas
  • Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency