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Research projects

Climate justice, argumentation, and dialogue: Communication adopted from experts and activists on social media

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress


Mats Landqvist

Research subject

Research environments

The purpose of this project is to explore the role of social media in reflecting, promoting, and creating equality in relation to a climate and environment-changing life situation. Specifically examined will be how climate and environmental experts' messages and arguments about climate change and the loss of biodiversity are used in discussions on social media about three cases of exploitation of nature in Sweden. These three cases raise questions about how measures to reduce climate change relate to the loss of biodiversity and where questions about justice and responsibility are raised by various actors. Through case analysis, the project examines how arguments from the IPCC and Swedish experts are used and travel through various discussion threads on social media to recontextualize and create notions of justice and responsibility.


Research funding bodies

  • Örebro University


  • Frida Buhre, Uppsala universitet
  • Maria Dahlin, Södertörns högskola