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Research projects

Frames for the clinical education in the Nursing program

About this project

Project information

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Research subject

This project is part of a research program focusing on learning in professional education. The project is carried out in cooperation between Örebro University, Karlstad University, the University of Skövde and the health care services where the student nurses perform their clinical practice. Organization of the clinical education in the Nursing program differs between the universities regarding supervision models, the clinical teachers' function and the length of the clinical training period. Similarly, the organization of the health care services and the leadership where the clinical placement is located varies. The frames for the clinical education are complex and there is a need of knowledge if they have an impact on the learning environment.

The purpose of this project is to compare the frames for the clinical education in the Nursing program and their impact on the learning environment. The project comprises seven studies, three with qualitative approach and five with quantitative approach. Strategic samples of students, clinical supervisors, clinical teachers and managers have been interviewed. In addition, students at the three universities involved in the research program have answered questionnaires after completion of a clinical course in the final semester in the nursing program. The project also includes tests of an instrument. The project is important for the planning of the clinical education in the nursing program. The results intend to provide knowledge of how the clinical education should be organized to promote student learning and professional development. 

Publications and conference papers in the project

Sundler, A.J., Björk, M., Bisholt, B., Ohlsson, U., Kullén Engström, A. & Gustafsson, M. (2013). Student nurses' experiences of the clinical learning environment in relation to the organization of supervision: A questionnaire survey.  Nurse Education Today, Epub ahead of print,

Sundler, A.J., Björk, M., Ohlsson, U., Bisholt, B., Kullén Engström, A., Blomberg, K. &  Gustafsson, M. (2013). Nursing students’ experiences of the supervisory relationship during their last clinical placement in the nursing programme. Oral presentation at NET2013, 24th International Networking for Health Education conference, sept 2013, Cambridge, UK

Gustafsson, M., Bisholt, B., Blomberg, K., Kullén Engström, A., Ohlsson, U. & Sundler, A.J. (2013). Different nurse teacher models in the clinical practice of nursing students. Oral presentation at NET2013, 24th International Networking for Health Education conference, sept 2013, Cambridge, UK. 

Blomberg K, Bisholt B, Johansson Sundler A, Kullén Engström A, Ohlsson U, Gustafsson M (presenterade pga. sjukdom) (2012). Riskfaktorer för stress hos sjuksköterskestudenter i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning. Oral presentation at Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning i högskolans vårdutbildningar – möjligheter och utmaningar. 17-18 November, Stockholm, Svensk sjuksköterskeförening och Linnéuniversitetet.

Bisholt B, Blomberg K, Johansson Sundler A, Kullén Engström A, Ohlsson U, Gustafsson M. (2012). Vårdorganisation och sjuksköterskestudenters värdering av lärandemiljö. Oral presentation at Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning i högskolans vårdutbildningar – möjligheter och utmaningar. 17-18 November 2012, Stockholm, Svensk sjuksköterskeförening och Linnéuniversitetet.

Sundler A.J. (2011). Ramar och pedagogiska verktyg för lärande i sjuksköterskeutbildningen – ett forskningsprojekt i samverkan med tre lärosäten. Oral presentation at Vilär-konferensen för verksamhetsintegrerat lärande, Skövde 8-9 dec.

Ohlsson, Ulla (2009): Vägen in i ett yrke – en studie av lärande och kunskapsutveckling hos nyutbildade sjuksköterskor. Örebro: Örebro Studies in Education 26. Örebro Studies in Conditions of Democracy 2 (monografi).

Ohlsson, Ulla (2008): Sjuksköterskors första tid i yrket – en studie över möjligheter och hinder för yrkestillblivelse. Bidrag presenterat vid konferens: Om Narrativa studier vid Linköping juni 2008.

Ohlsson, Ulla (2006): Report of a situation by a nurse in the conduct of her work. Bidrag presenterat vid NFPF-konferensen i Örebro, mars 2006.

Ohlsson, Ulla (2006): Hur ska jag veta vad som är viktigt att vara med på, ingen tar ansvar –Relationen mellan teoretiska och praktiska studier: en demokratifråga? Bidrag presenterat vid konferens: Demokratins dilemman – mångvetenskaplig forskning och nya möjligheter, i Örebro september 2006.