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Karin Blomberg

Karin Blomberg Position: Professor School/office: School of Health Sciences

Email: a2FyaW4uYmxvbWJlcmc7b3J1LnNl

Phone: +46 19 301270

Room: P2237

Karin Blomberg
Research subject

About Karin Blomberg

Karin Blomberg is professor of Nursing Science at Örebro University and leader for the research group Research in Pallative care. 


Karin carries out research on palliative care with focus on healthcare in which relationships are created, promoting dignity, trust and participation, regardless of care context or patient group. 

She conducts intervention studies in which various methods, approaches and models are developed, tested and evaluated in clinical practice within both hospital-based nursing care and municipal healthcare services. Many of the studies focus on central concepts in nursing science such as dignity, compassion, trust and touch.

Karin’s research also focuses on professional development and learning within and between professions – crucial for sustainable relationship-generating healthcare services. 

Karin also conducts studies on interdisciplinary collaborations concerning perceptions of the risk of illness, as well as on primary and secondary prevention of cervical cancer. Other research areas include methodology development, such as development and psychometric testing of instruments and various data collection methods.

Karin has published a substantial array of scientific articles and teaching materials, and has been a presenter at national and international conferences. She has been engaged as a scientific expert in the development of national guidelines and nursing care programmes. She has also been appointed as a reviewer for international research applications and has served as an external examiner and as a member of examining committees for many national and international dissertation defences. 


Karin has extensive experience teaching both nursing students and medical students in fields such as palliative care, practical skills and scientific method at both the basic and advanced level, as well as teaching within postgraduate education and courses aimed at associate professors. She supervises several doctoral students as both principal supervisor and co-supervisor. Karin also has experience supervising/mentoring postdocs, research associates and junior researchers. Karins has also served as examiner for UKÄ for example for the evaluation of all nursing programmes in Sweden.


  • Deputy dean, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro University.
  • Chair for Lärarförslagskommittén -LFK, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro University.
  • Members of the scientific review panel of Health care and Health care organisation, FORTE - Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare. 
  • Member of the steering committee for Forum 2.0 Collaboration on health and living conditions for the elderly, Region Örebro County and Örebro county’s municipalities.
  • Chair for Regionalt vårdkompetensråd Mellansverige. 

Research projects

Active projects

Completed projects


Articles in journals |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Books |  Conference papers |  Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |  Manuscripts |  Other |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Articles, reviews/surveys


Conference papers

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries


