Software for students
Here you will find information about software. For example Bb Learn, Kaltura, Zoom, Teams, Office 365, SPSS, Matlab, Azure DevTools for teaching and software from computer rooms.
Software and systems for students
Bb Learn for students
Blackboard Learn is the university's e-learning platform.
Zoom for students
Zoom (Sunet E-meeting) is a program for meetings via internet.
Office 365
All students enrolled on a course may download Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus for free. You will have access to the latest versions of familiar Office applications, wherever you need them.
Teams for students
Teams is a tool for online meetings and collaboration. All students have access to Microsoft Teams via their ORU account.
Örebro University's application portal
The portal provides access to Örebro University's published applications and virtual machines. The resources here can be used in any browser on any computer.
Studenttjänster is the name of Örebro University’s student portal.
Kaltura for students
Kaltura (Sunet Play) is a system for the recording and distribution of media.
ORU-Survey is an online Survey software for gathering and evaluating feedback.
Ouriginal (formerly Urkund)
Ouriginal (formerly Urkund) is the university's system for plagiarism.
Matlab for students
Örebro University has a Campus-Wide License for MATLAB, Simulink, and add-on products. Faculty, researchers, and students may use these products for teaching, research, and learning.
The Application portal is a virtual space where you can run SPSS and other software for free. In the Application portal you can also access your home directory where you can save SPSS files. SPSS and home directory is also available in computer rooms.
TorTalk Text-to-speech (TTS) is a type of assistive technology that reads digital text aloud. TorTalk is only available for students at Örebro university.
Azure Dev Tools for Teaching
Active students at Örebro University have access to Azure Dev Tools for Teaching. Azure Dev Tools also includes Microsoft's standard developer tools and software.