This page in Swedish Staff at the Department for Digitalisation and IT Head of Digitalisation and IT Emil Lundberg Emil Lundberg Position: Head of IT Services School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Emil Lundberg Email: ZW1pbC5sdW5kYmVyZztvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 301008 Room: L2150 All staff Marie Andersson Marie Andersson Position: Application Administrator School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Marie Andersson Email: bWFyaWUuYW5kZXJzc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303844 Room: L2157 Mattias Bengtsson Mattias Bengtsson Position: IT Support Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Mattias Bengtsson Email: bWF0dGlhcy5iZW5ndHNzb247b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 301371 Room: L1337 Anso Berg Anso Berg Position: IT Purchaser School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Anso Berg Email: YW5zby5iZXJnO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303067 Room: L2145 Peter Berg Peter Berg Position: Systems Developer School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Peter Berg Email: cGV0ZXIuYmVyZztvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303467 Room: L1307 Madeleine Boström Madeleine Boström Position: Systems Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Madeleine Boström Email: bWFkZWxlaW5lLmJvc3Ryb207b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303995 Room: L1325 Frank Cullum Frank Cullum Position: IT Support Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Frank Cullum Email: ZnJhbmsuY3VsbHVtO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 301245 Room: - Jonny Ehrnberg Jonny Ehrnberg Position: IT Architect School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Jonny Ehrnberg Email: am9ubnkuZWhybmJlcmc7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303851 Room: L1327 Ola Eriksson Ola Eriksson Position: Systems Developer School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Ola Eriksson Email: b2xhLmVyaWtzc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 301492 Room: L1305 Joakim Frisö Joakim Frisö Position: AV Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Joakim Frisö Email: am9ha2ltLmZyaXNvO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 301453 Room: L1419 Conrad Granath Conrad Granath Position: IT Architect School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Conrad Granath Email: Y29ucmFkLmdyYW5hdGg7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 302256 Room: L2148 Tony Gustafsson Tony Gustafsson Position: AV Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Tony Gustafsson Email: dG9ueS5ndXN0YWZzc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303931, +46 702 683931 Room: L1419 Samuel Halvardsson Samuel Halvardsson Position: IT Support Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Samuel Halvardsson Email: c2FtdWVsLmhhbHZhcmRzc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303193 Room: L1419 Jonatan Hazell Jonatan Hazell Position: IT Architect School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Jonatan Hazell Email: am9uYXRhbi5oYXplbGw7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303346 Room: L1321 Lars Holmström Lars Holmström Position: AV Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Lars Holmström Email: bGFycy5ob2xtc3Ryb207b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303934, +46 702 683934 Room: L1333 David Hruza David Hruza Position: Teacher School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: David Hruza Email: ZGF2aWQuaHJ1emE7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Hans Jevrell Hans Jevrell Position: IT Architect School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Hans Jevrell Email: aGFucy5qZXZyZWxsO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303767 Room: L2148 Towe Johansson Towe Johansson Position: Manager School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Towe Johansson Email: dG93ZS5qb2hhbnNzb247b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 301074 Room: L2147 Catrin Karling Catrin Karling Position: Enterprise Architect School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Catrin Karling Email: Y2F0cmluLmthcmxpbmc7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303364 Room: L2148 Matus Kuchalik Matus Kuchalik Position: Systems Developer School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Matus Kuchalik Email: bWF0dXMua3VjaGFsaWs7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 301425 Room: L1305 Tomas Larsson Tomas Larsson Position: Systems Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Tomas Larsson Email: dG9tYXMubGFyc3NvbjtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303255 Room: L1331 Kristian Ledung Kristian Ledung Position: Systems Developer School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Kristian Ledung Email: a3Jpc3RpYW4ubGVkdW5nO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303036 Room: L1303 Tomas Liljebergh Tomas Liljebergh Position: Systems Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Tomas Liljebergh Email: dG9tYXMubGlsamViZXJnaDtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303167 Room: L1317 Anders Liljenbring Anders Liljenbring Position: AV Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Anders Liljenbring Email: YW5kZXJzLmxpbGplbmJyaW5nO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303930, +46 702 683930 Room: L1419 Andreas Linder Andreas Linder Position: Network Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Andreas Linder Email: YW5kcmVhcy5saW5kZXI7b3J1LnNl Phone: No number available Room: - Johan Lott Johan Lott Position: Systems Developer School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Johan Lott Email: am9oYW4ubG90dDtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303165 Room: L1303 Emil Lundberg Emil Lundberg Position: Head of IT Services School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Emil Lundberg Email: ZW1pbC5sdW5kYmVyZztvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 301008 Room: L2150 Christer Lässman Christer Lässman Position: Application Administrator School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Christer Lässman Email: Y2hyaXN0ZXIubGFzc21hbjtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303939 Room: L2155 Jakob Mellberg Jakob Mellberg Position: IT Architect School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Jakob Mellberg Email: amFrb2IubWVsbGJlcmc7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 302174 Room: L1321 Elisabeth Miles Elisabeth Miles Position: Project Manager School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Elisabeth Miles Email: ZWxpc2FiZXRoLm1pbGVzO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 302320 Room: L2146 Niloofar Nickaeen Niloofar Nickaeen Position: Research Data Administrator School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Niloofar Nickaeen Email: bmlsb29mYXIubmlja2FlZW47b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 302327 Room: X2215 Anna Nilsson Anna Nilsson Position: Application Administrator School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Anna Nilsson Email: YW5uYS5uaWxzc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303212 Room: L2153 Henrik Palmér Henrik Palmér Position: IT Support Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Henrik Palmér Email: aGVucmlrLnBhbG1lcjtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303125 Room: L1337 Tony Persson Tony Persson Position: Systems Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Tony Persson Email: dG9ueS5wZXJzc29uO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303902 Room: L1315 Ivan Ponce Ivan Ponce Position: - School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Ivan Ponce Email: aXZhbi5wb25jZTtvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: - Michael Sambrink Michael Sambrink Position: Systems Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Michael Sambrink Email: bWljaGFlbC5zYW1icmluaztvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: L1323 Mikael Sivebratt Mikael Sivebratt Position: Systems Developer School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Mikael Sivebratt Email: bWlrYWVsLnNpdmVicmF0dDtvcnUuc2U= Phone: +46 19 303127, +46 073 8131292 Room: L1309 Samuel Starkenberg Samuel Starkenberg Position: IT Support Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Samuel Starkenberg Email: c2FtdWVsLnN0YXJrZW5iZXJnO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: No number available Room: L1419 Gustav Sundh Gustav Sundh Position: AV Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Gustav Sundh Email: Z3VzdGF2LnN1bmRoO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303983, +46 790 618900 Room: L1419 Malin Tinjan Malin Tinjan Position: Digitalisation Development Officer School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Malin Tinjan Email: bWFsaW4udGluamFuO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 303682 Room: L2144 Henrik Valstedt Henrik Valstedt Position: Systems Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Henrik Valstedt Email: aGVucmlrLnZhbHN0ZWR0O29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 19 301259 Room: L1325 Jakob Vesterlund Jakob Vesterlund Position: IT Support Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Jakob Vesterlund Email: amFrb2IudmVzdGVybHVuZDtvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: L1419 Mats Wendel Mats Wendel Position: IT Support Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Mats Wendel Email: bWF0cy53ZW5kZWw7b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 303056 Room: L1419 David Wirén David Wirén Position: Systems Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: David Wirén Email: ZGF2aWQud2lyZW47b3J1LnNl Phone: +46 19 301090 Room: L1419 Viktor Åkerlund Viktor Åkerlund Position: Consultant, RPA School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Viktor Åkerlund Email: dmlrdG9yLmFrZXJsdW5kO29ydS5zZQ== Phone: +46 735 116623 Room: - Daniel Åslund Daniel Åslund Position: IT Support Technician School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT Profile page: Daniel Åslund Email: ZGFuaWVsLmFzbHVuZDtvcnUuc2U= Phone: No number available Room: L1419