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Maria Jaensson

Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Health Sciences


Phone: +46 19 303405

Room: P2455

Maria Jaensson
Research subject

About Maria Jaensson


Maria Jaensson is senior lecturer, associate professor in nursing science  and  excellent teaching practitioner. She  qualified as a nurse in 1988 and qualified as a registered nurse anesthetist  in 1992. Maria completed her PhD studies in 2013 with a thesis entitled ’Post-operative sore throat and hoarseness. Clinical studies in patients undergoing general anaesthesia. 


Maria Jaensson is teaching in anesthesiological nursing including postoperative care and research methodology. She supervise theses at the undergraduate, advanced and third cycle level. 


Maria Jaenssons research projects is mainly about perioperative care with a focus on postoperative recovery. Several projects examines patients' experiences, needs and conditions for obtaining an optimal recovery. Maria also perform research about professional development for nurses and students learning during education and clinical practice.

Maria´Jaensson is main supervisor for one PhD student and co-supervisor for one PhD student. She has had several assignments as external expert. 

Current projects

  • The SEHLO project
    The project investigates health literacy and self-efficacy impact on postoperative recovery in a group that has undergone bariatric surgery.
  • Patient safety 
    The project investigates threats  to patient safety in surgical care. 
  • Learning during work-based training
    Doctoral project that examines and describes the learning situation in an operating room, from the perspective of anesthesia nursing students and supervisors.
  • Supervision during Bachelor thesis (BT) course
    The project map and describe studentns and teachers experience of supervison during BT course.
  • Team in occupational health care
    Doctoral project that maps and describes occupational health care in Sweden from an employee and manager perspective with a focus on interprofessional team collaboration.
  • IHLA's Special Interest Group (SIG) Health Literacy and Nursing
    International collaboration in conducting a review about health litteracy and nursing.
  • HLS19-Q12
    Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version of an instrument measuring health literacy.
  • Evaluation of clinical placement for nurses
    The project examines nurses experiences during clinical placements with different instruments.


Articles in journals |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Chapters in books |  Conference papers |  Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |  Manuscripts |  Other |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Articles, reviews/surveys

Chapters in books

Conference papers

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries


