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YeS - Youth & Society

YeS publikationer


Dahl, Viktor., Abdelzadeh, Ali. & Sohl, Sofia. (2018) The moderating role of political interest: Investigating involvement in institutional and non-institutional political participation among young adults in Sweden. Politics, Culture & Socialization, Vol. 7 2016, No. 1-2.

Lundberg, Erik. & Abdelzadeh, Ali. (2018). The Role of School Climate in Explaining Changes in Social Trust Over Time. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2018.1434824


Dahl, Viktor. (2017). Reducing Adolescents’ Approval of Political Violence: The Social Influence of Universalistic and Immigrant-friendly Peers. Zeitschrift for Psychologie, 225 (4), 302-312.

Dahl, Viktor. & Abdelzadeh, Ali. (2017). Self-Selection or Socialization?: The Longitudinal Relation Between Civic Engagement and Political Orientations Among Adolescents. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 46 (6), 1250-1269.

Kim, Yunhwan., Russo, Silvia., & Amnå, Erik. (2017). The longitudinal relation between online and offline political participation among youth at two different developmental stages. New media & society, Vol 19, Issue 6, pp. 899 - 917.

Shehata, Adam & Amnå, Erik (forthcoming):  The Development of Political Interest Among Adolescents: A Communication Mediation Approach Using Five Waves of Panel Data. Communication Research. Article first published online: June 18, 2017. DOI:


Abdelzadeh, Ali & Lundberg, Erik (forthcoming): Solid or Flexible? Social Trust from Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood. Scandinavian Political Studies, Doi: 10.1111/1467-9477.12080

Abdelzadeh, Ali. & Lundberg, Erik. (forthcoming). Tolerans och andra medborgarkompetenser. I Lundberg, Erik. (Ed.) En antologi om tolerans. Stockholm: Forum för levande historia.

Abdelzadeh, Ali. Amnå, Erik. & Lundberg, Erik. (2016). En arena för tillit och tolerans?, In Dartsch, Christine., Norberg, Johan R., Pihlblad, Johan., Föreningen, laget och jaget – 7 perspektiv på idrottens demokratiska effekter sid. 27-46. Stockholm: centrum för idrottsforskning.

Amnå, Erik. (red.). (2016). För det allmänna bästa. Ett kungligt sällskap mellan stat och marknad under 250 år. Stockholm: Kungl. Sällskapet Pro Patria & Bokförlaget Atlantis. ISBN 978-91-7353-780-3. 405 sidor.

Amnå, Erik. (2016) Tidlösa dygder, ur Amnå, Erik. (red.)  För det allmänna bästa. Ett kungligt sällskap mellan stat och marknad under 250 år. Stockholm: Kungl. Sällskapet Pro Patria & Bokförlaget Atlantis, sid. 11-32.

Bayram Özdemir, Sevgi., Stattin, Håkan. & Özdemir, Metin. (2016) What Makes Youth Harass Their Immigrant Peers? Understanding the Risk Factors.  Journal of Youth Adolescence  doi:10.1007/s10964-016-0525-z.

Dahl, Viktor. (forthcoming). Vänners roll för framväxten av ungdomars tolerans gentemot invandrare. In Lundberg, Erik. (Ed.) En antologi om tolerans. Stockholm: Forum för levande historia.

Dahl, Viktor. & Stattin, Håkan. (2016). Beyond the limits: involvement in illegal political activities. European Political Science Review 8(1), 125-145.

Ekström, Mats. (2016). Young people’s everyday political talk: a social achievement of democratic engagement. Journal of Youth Studies 19(1), 1-19.

Ekström, Mats. & Shehata, Adam. (forthcoming). Social Media, Porous Boundaries and the Development of Online Political Engagement Among Young Citizens. New Media and Society.

Elgindy, Hebbah. & Tilton-Weaver, Lauree. (2016) Beyond frequency of discussion: Understanding how discussions with parents relate to adolescent political and civic development. Politics, Culture, and Socialization

Glatz, Terese. & Dahl, Viktor. (2016). The role of family experiences for adolescents’ readiness to use and participate in illegal political activity. International Journal of Behavioral Development 40(1), 11-20.

Kruikemeier, Sanne. & Shehata, Adam. (2016). News Media Use and Political Engagement Among Adolescents: An Analysis of Virtuous Circles Using Panel Data. Political Communication. Advance online publication.

Lundberg, Erik. &  Abdelzadeh, Ali. (2016) Skolor i tolerans? Föreningsengagemanget och ungdomars tolerans. In Lundberg, Erik. (Ed.) En antologi om tolerans. Stockholm: Forum för levande historia.

Lundberg, Erik. & Abdelzadeh, Ali. (2016): Utvecklingen av tolerans hos unga. In Lundberg, Erik. (Ed.) En antologi om tolerans. Stockholm: Forum för levande historia.

Miklikowska, Marta. (forthcoming) Av samma skrot och korn? In Lundberg, Erik. (Ed.) En antologi om tolerans. Stockholm: Forum för levande historia.

Russo, Silvia. & Amnå, Erik. (2016). The personality divide: Do personality traits differentially predict online political engagement? Social Science Computer Review 34 (3), 259-277.

Russo, Silvia. & Amnå, Erik. (2016). When political talks translate into political action: The role of personality traits. Personality and Individual Differences 100, 126-130 doi:10.1016/j.paid.2015.12.009.

Russo, Silvia., & Stattin, Håkan. (2016) Stability and Change in Youths’ Political Interest. Social Indicators Research doi:10.1007/s11205-016-1302-9.

Shehata, Adam. (2016). News Habits Among Adolescents: The Influence of Family Communication on Adolescents' News Media Use - Evidence From a Three-Wave Panel Study. Mass Communication & Society. Advance online publication.

Stattin, Håkan., Hussein, Oula., Özdemir, Metin. & Russo, Silvia. (2016). Why Do Some Adolescents Encounter Everyday Events That Increase. Their Civic Interest Whereas Others Do Not? Developmental Psychology doi:

Wölfer, Ralf. & Van Zalk, Maarten H.W., Schmid, K., & Hewstone, M. (in press). Developmental Dynamics of Intergroup Contact and Intergroup Attitudes: Long-Term Effects in Adolescence and Early Adulthood. Child Development.


Abdelzadeh, Ali. & Dahl, Viktor. (2015). En utvärdering av Skolval 2010. I Öva och ta ställning: En utvärdering av arbetet med skolvalen 2014. Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor.

Abdelzadeh, Ali (2015). Den missnöjda demokraten. I SOU 2015:96, Sverige 2014 års demokratiutredning, Låt fler forma framtiden! Forskarantologi: Bilaga till betänkande av 2014 års demokratiutredning - delaktighet och jämlikt inflytande. Stockholm: Wolters Kluwer.

Abdelzadeh, Ali., Özdemir, Metin & Van Zalk, Maarten H.W. (2015). Dissatisfied Citizens: An Asset to or a Liability on the Democratic Functioning of Society? Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 38, Issue 4, pp. 410-436.

Amnå, Erik & Ekman, Joakim (2015). Standby Citizens: Understanding Non-Participation in Contemporary Democracies, in Barrett, M. & Zani, B (Eds.) Political and Civic Engagement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 96-108) Abingdon: Routledge.

Ekström, Mats. & Östman, Johan. (2015). Information, Interaction, and Creative Production: The Effects of Three Forms of Internet Use on Youth Democratic Engagement. Communication Research 42:796-818.

Kim, YunHwan. & Amnå, Erik. (2015). Civic engagement among minority immigrant youth groups in Sweden: Civic engagement among migrant youths in Sweden: Do parental norms or immigration generation matter? In: M. Barrett & B. Zani (Ed.), Political and Civic Engagement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 248-267)London: Routledge.

Kim, YunHwan. & Amnå, Erik. (2015). Internet use and political engagement in youth, in Coleman, J. & Freelon, D. (Eds): Handbook of Digital Politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Miklikowska, Marta. (2015). Like parent, like child? Development of prejudice and tolerance towards immigrants. British Journal of Psychology doi:10.1111/bjop.1212.

Ojala, Maria. (2015). Climate change skepticism among adolescents. Journal of Youth Studies 18(9), 1135-1153.

Shehata, Adam., Ekström, Mats., & Olsson, Tobias. (2015). Developing Self-Actualizing and Dutiful Citizens: Testing the AC-DC Model Using Panel Data Among Adolescents. Communication Research doi:10.1080/17512786.2015.1071675.

Sohl, Sofia. & Arensmeier, Cecilia. (2015). The school's role in youths' political efficacy: can school provide a compensatory boost to students' political efficacy?. Research Papers in Education, Vol 30, Iss 2, pp. 133-163.


Abdelzadeh, Ali. (2014). The Impact of Political Conviction on the Relation Between Winning or Losing and Political Dissatisfaction: Findings From Sweden.  Sage Open, 4(2) doi:10.1177/2158244014535787.

Abdelzadeh, Ali. (2014). Transcending Dichotomies: The Many Faces of Youth Dissatisfaction in Democracy. Örebro: Örebro University, Örebro Studies in Political Science 35.

Abdelzadeh, Ali., Zetterberg, Per., & Ekman, Joakim. (2014). Procedural fairness and political trust among young people: Evidence from a panel study on Swedish high school students. Acta Politica nr 8 doi:10.1057//ap.2014.2.

Amnå, Erik. & Ekman, Joakim. (2014). Standby Citizens. Faces of Political Passivity. European Political Science Review, volume 6, issue 02, pp. 261-281.

Dahl, Viktor. & Zalk, Maarten. (2014). Peer networks and the development of illegal political behavior among adolescents. Journal of research on adolescence 24(2), 399-409. 

Dahl, Viktor. (2014). Breaking the Law: Adolescents' Involvement in Illegal Political Activity. Örebro: Örebro University, Örebro Studies in Political Science 34.

Ekström, Mats., Olsson, Tobias., & Shehata, Adam. (2014). Spaces for public orientation?: Longitudinal effects of Internet use in adolescence. In B. D. Loader, A. Vromer, & M. A. Xenos (Eds.), The networked young citizen : Social media, political participation and civic engagement Vol. 17, pp. 39-59. Routledge. (Information, Communication and Society). doi:10.1080/1369118X.2013.862288.

Ekström, Mats., Olsson, Tobias., & Shehata, Adam. (2014). Spaces for public orientation? Longitudinal effects of Internet use in adolescence. Information, Communication & Society 17(2), 168-183.

Sohl, Sofia (2014): Youths' Political Efficacy: Sources, Effects and Potentials for Political Equality. Örebro: Örebro University, Örebro Studies in Political Science 37.

Van Zalk, Maarten H.W. & Kerr, Margaret. (2014). Developmental trajectories of prejudice and tolerance toward immigrants from early to late adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 43, 1658-1671.

Östman, Johan. (2014). The influence of media use on environmental engagement: A political socialization approach. Environmental Communication 8(1), 92-109.


Dahl, Viktor. (2013). The origins of adolescents' involvement in illegal political activities: a function of demographic background, political dissatisfaction, affective commitment, or political communication. Politics, Culture and Socialization 4(2), 201-225.

Ekström, Mats. & Östman, Johan. (2013). Family talk, peer talk and young people's civic orientation. European Journal of Communication 28(3) 294-308.

Östman, Johan. (2013). When private talk becomes public political expression: Examining a practice-field hypothesis of youth political development. Political Communication Vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 602-619.


Abdelzadeh, Ali. & Ekman, Joakim. (2012). Understanding Critical Citizenship and Other Forms of Public Dissatisfaction: An Alternative Framework. Politics, Culture and Socialization 3 Vol. No. 1-2/2012, pp. 177-194.

Amnå, Erik (2012). Active, passive and standby citizens. Oslo: The European Wergeland Centre Statement Series.

Amnå, Erik, (2012). How is civic engagement developed over time? Emerging answers from a multidisciplinary field. Journal of Adolescence Volume 35, Issue 3, Pages 611–627.

Arensmeier, Cecilia. (2012). Medborgarkunskaper i sikte. Nordisk jämförelse och fördjupad analys av svenska elevers svårigheter i ICCS 2009. Stockholm: Skolverket.

Ekman, Joakim. & Amnå, Erik. (2012). Political participation and civic engagement: towards a new typology. Human Affairs vol 22, no 3, pp. 283-300.

Ojala, Maria. (2012). Hope and climate change: The importance of hope for pro-environmental engagement among young people. Environmental Education Research 18(5), 625–642.

Östman, Johan. (2012). Information, expression, participation: How involvement in user-generated content relates to democratic engagement among young people. New Media & Society Vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 1004-1021.


Ekman, Joakim. & Zetterberg, Pär. (2011). Democratic Socialization: Assessing the Impact of Different Educational Settings on Swedish 14-Year Olds' Political Citizenship. Politics, Culture & Socialization 2(2).

Ekman, Joakim. (2011). Skolan och medborgarskapandet. En kunskapsöversikt över aktuell forskning om hur svenska elever rustas för en framtid som samhällsmedborgare i en demokrati. Stockholm: Skolverket.

Ojala, Maria. (2011). Hope and climate change: the importance of hope for environmental engagement among young people (pdf), Environmental Education Research doi: 10.1080/13504622.2011.637157.

Ojala, Maria (2011). Ungas känslor inför klimatet. Miljöforskning, 3.

Sohl, Sofia. (2011). Pathways to political efficacy - Theoretical considerations and empirical illustrations on youths' acquisition of political efficacy. Politics, Culture and Socialization Vol. 2, No. 4, 2011, pp. 389-414.


Amnå, Erik & Zetterberg, Pär. (2010). A Political Science Perspective on Socialization Research : Young Nordic Citizens in a Comparative Light. In Sherrod, Flanagan & Torney-Purta (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Civic Engagement in Youth. New York: Wileys.

Amnå, Erik. (2010). Active, Passive, or Standby Citizens? Latent and manifest political participation. In Erik Amnå (Ed.) New Forms of Citizen Participation: Normative Implications (pdf). Baden-Baden: Nomos. Pp. 191-203.

Amnå, Erik., Arensmeier, Cecilia., Ekman, Joakim., Englund, Tomas & Ljunggren, Carsten. (2010). Skolornas institutionella karaktär och elevernas medborgarkompetens: en jämförelse av olika kommunala och fristående skolor över tid och rum. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 112 (1).

Amnå, Erik., Ekman, Joakim., Englund, Tomas., Ljunggren, Carsten., Unemar Öst, Ingrid., & Zetterberg, Pär. (2010). Skolor som politiska arenor. Medborgarkompetens och kontrovershantering. Stockholm: Skolverket.

Arensmeier, Cecilia. (2010). The democratic common sense: Young Swedes' understanding of democracy — theoretical features and educational incentives. Young 18 (2) 197-222.

Ekman, Joakim., & Amnå, Erik., (2010). Politiskt deltagande och andra former av samhällsengagemang: en typologi. I Ekman, Joakim., & Linde, Jonas., (red.) Politik, protest, populism - deltagande på nya villkor. Stockholm: Liber.

Persson, Stefan. (2010). Familjedemokrati. I Fokus 10 - om ungas inflytande. Stockholm: Ungdomsstyrelsen, sid. 52-75.


Amnå, Erik., Ekström, Mats., Kerr, Margaret., & Stattin, Håkan. (2009). Political socialization and human agency. The development of civic engagement from adolescence to adulthood. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 2009 Volume 111 No. 1, s. 27-40.