Malin Persson
Malin Persson Befattning: Forskningsrådgivare Organisation: Grants OfficeE-post: bWFsaW4ucGVyc3NvbjtvcnUuc2U=
Telefon: 019 302041
Rum: E1212

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Artiklar i tidskrifter
- de Winter, J. M. , Molenaar, J. P. , Yuen, M. , van der Pijl, R. , Shen, S. , Conijn, S. , van de Locht, M. , Willigenburg, M. & et al. (2020). KBTBD13 is an actin-binding protein that modulates muscle kinetics. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 130 (2), 754-767. [BibTeX]
- Persson, M. , Steinz, M. M. , Westerblad, H. , Lanner, J. T. & Rassier, D. E. (2019). Force generated by myosin cross-bridges is reduced in myofibrils exposed to ROS/RNS. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 317 (6), C1304-C1312. [BibTeX]
- Matusovsky, O. S. , Månsson, A. , Persson, M. , Cheng, Y. & Rassier, D. E. (2019). High-speed AFM reveals subsecond dynamics of cardiac thin filaments upon Ca2+ activation and heavy meromyosin binding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (33), 16384-16393. [BibTeX]
- Månsson, A. , Persson, M. , Shalabi, N. & Rassier, D. E. (2019). Nonlinear Actomyosin Elasticity in Muscle?. Biophysical Journal, 116 (2), 330-346. [BibTeX]
- Steinz, M. M. , Persson, M. , Aresh, B. , Olsson, K. , Cheng, A. J. , Ahlstrand, E. , Lilja, M. , Lundberg, T. R. & et al. (2019). Oxidative hotspots on actin promote skeletal muscle weakness in rheumatoid arthritis. JCI Insight, 4 (9). [BibTeX]
- Lard, M. , ten Siethoff, L. , Generosi, J. , Persson, M. , Linke, H. & Månsson, A. (2015). Nanowire-Imposed Geometrical Control in Studies of Actomyosin Motor Function. IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 14 (3), 289-297. [BibTeX]
- Bengtsson, E. , Persson, M. & Månsson, A. (2013). Analysis of Flexural Rigidity of Actin Filaments Propelled by Surface Adsorbed Myosin Motors. Cytoskeleton, 70 (11), 718-728. [BibTeX]
- Kumar, S. , ten Siethoff, L. , Persson, M. , Albet-Torres, N. & Månsson, A. (2013). Magnetic capture from blood rescues molecular motor function in diagnostic nanodevices. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 11. [BibTeX]
- Persson, M. , Bengtsson, E. , ten Siethoff, L. & Månsson, A. (2013). Nonlinear Cross-Bridge Elasticity and Post-Power-Stroke Events in Fast Skeletal Muscle Actomyosin. Biophysical Journal, 105 (8), 1871-1881. [BibTeX]
- Persson, M. , Gullberg, M. , Tolf, C. , Lindberg, A. M. , Månsson, A. & Kocer, A. (2013). Transportation of Nanoscale Cargoes by Myosin Propelled Actin Filaments. PLOS ONE, 8 (2). [BibTeX]
- van Zalinge, H. , Aveyard, J. , Hajne, J. , Persson, M. , Mansson, A. & Nicolau, D. V. (2012). Actin Filament Motility Induced Variation of Resonance Frequency and Rigidity of Polymer Surfaces Studied by Quartz Crystal Microbalance. Langmuir, 28 (42), 15033-15037. [BibTeX]
- Kumar, S. , ten Siethoff, L. , Persson, M. , Lard, M. , Kronnie, G. t. , Linke, H. & Månsson, A. (2012). Antibodies Covalently Immobilized on Actin Filaments for Fast Myosin Driven Analyte Transport. PLOS ONE, 7 (10). [BibTeX]
- Persson, M. , Albet-Torres, N. , Ionov, L. , Sundberg, M. , Höök, F. , Diez, S. , Månsson, A. & Balaz, M. (2010). Heavy Meromyosin Molecules Extending More Than 50 nm above Adsorbing Electronegative Surfaces. Langmuir, 26 (12), 9927-9936. [BibTeX]
- Albet-Torres, N. , Gunnarsson, A. , Persson, M. , Balaz, M. , Höök, F. & Månsson, A. (2010). Molecular motors on lipid bilayers and silicon dioxide: different driving forces for adsorption. Soft Matter, 6 (14), 3211-3219. [BibTeX]
- Balaz, M. , Sundberg, M. , Persson, M. , Kvassman, J. & Månsson, A. (2007). Effects of surface adsorption on catalytic activity of heavy meromyosin studied using a fluorescent ATP analogue. Biochemistry, 46 (24), 7233-7251. [BibTeX]
- Bengtsson, E. , Persson, M. , Kumar, S. & Månsson, A. (2015). Altered Structural State of Actin Filaments Upon MYOSIN II Binding. I: Biophysical Journal. Biophysical Society. [BibTeX]
- Bengtsson, E. , Persson, M. , Kumar, S. & Månsson, A. (2013). Actomyosin Interactions and Different Structural States of Actin Filaments. I: Biophysical Journal. Konferensbidrag vid 57th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, Philadelphia, USA, February 2-6, 2013. (ss. 480A-481A). Biophysical Society. [BibTeX]
- Lard, M. , ten Siethoff, L. , Persson, M. , Månsson, A. & Linke, H. (2012). Detection of Single Actin Filaments at Fluorescence Interference Contrast Checkpoints. I: Biophysical Journal. Konferensbidrag vid 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Diego, USA, February 25-29, 2012. (ss. 727A-727A). Biophysical Society. [BibTeX]
- Persson, M. , Bengtsson, E. , ten Siethoff, L. , Gullberg, M. , Tolf, C. , Lindberg, A. M. & Månsson, A. (2012). In Vitro Motility Assay Studies at Low [MgATP] - Evidence For Inter-Head Cooperativity in Fast Skeletal Myosin II. I: Biophysical Journal. Konferensbidrag vid 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Diego, USA, February 25-29, 2012. (ss. 146A-146A). Biophysical Society. [BibTeX]
- Bengtsson, E. , Persson, M. , Kumar, S. & Månsson, A. (2012). Winding Actin Filament Paths Provide Mechanistic Insights Into Actomyosin Function. I: Biophysical Journal. Konferensbidrag vid 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Diego, USA, February 25-29, 2012. (ss. 146A-146A). Biophysical Society. [BibTeX]
- Balaz, M. , Persson, M. , Albet-Torres, N. , Sundberg, M. , Gunnarsson, A. , Höök, F. & Månsson, A. (2009). Protein-surface Interactions and Functional Geometry of Surface-adsorbed Myosin Motor Fragments. I: Biophysical Journal. Konferensbidrag vid 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, San Diego, USA, February 25-29, 2012. (ss. 495A-495A). Biophysical Society. [BibTeX]