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Research projects

Pilot study of "Let's Get Organized" - a group intervention to improve time management skills

About this project

Project information

Project status




Research subject

The group intervention "Let’s get organized" (LGO) aims to improve time management in everyday life for people with cognitive impairments. In this pilot project, LGO was evaluated with respect to time management, organization and planning, emotion regulation, executive functions, and satisfaction with daily activities in a pretest-posttest study. Participants were 75 people with reduced time management skills as a result of mental or neuropsychiatric impairment. Time management and organizational skills and satisfaction with daily activities improved and the improvement was maintained for three months after the end of group treatment. An interview study with group participants showed the participants' experience of their process during and after the intervention as "a roller coaster towards better time management".

The following articles were published as a result of this study:

Research funding bodies

  • Regional Research Council Mid Sweden
  • Örebro University
