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LEADER - About

LEADER is a research environment that comprises researchers dedicated to the understanding of various aspects of human functioning and development. Broadly stated, our research aims to understand lifespan development using mixed methods to track changes in behavior, personality, social relationships, attitudes, and neurocognitive processes. We are also interested in the role of contextual conditions on human development and how to prevent negative development and promote adjustment. Our research involves children, adolescents and adults from diverse social backgrounds and often use a longitudinal approach in which individuals are followed over time.

Our aim is to be an internationally leading research environment with a focus on multiple aspects of human development. We approach this aim by collaboration through international collaboration with other researchers across many different disciplines. If you are interested in collaboration on topics related to our research or have questions about potential membership of the environment, contact any of the researchers.



Jonas Persson

Research domains
  • Humanities-Social sciences
Areas of research
  • Family Research
  • Parenting
  • Inclusion and Integration
  • Climate change
  • Cognitive Functioning
  • Migration
  • Neuroscience
  • Adolescents
  • Aging

Research projects

Active projects