Högskolepedagogiskt centrum

Seminarium 20 maj

Leading higher education as and for public good 

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This seminar discusses key ideas and findings from the 2020 book Leading Higher Education as and for Public Good: Rekindling as Praxis. It attempts to put into practice a deliberative conversation about what it means to lead higher education in the twenty-first century as and for public good, in light of the challenges faced by universities in the super-complexity with which they are obliged to grapple. It draws on key concepts — a tool kit for the analytical journey — that includes praxis, institutional orientations, public good, deliberative communication, professional responsibility, web of commitments and legitimate compromise. Central to the discussion will be questions about how deliberative leadership can build sustainable leadership in universities around the globe in face of an unpredictable and precarious future.

Presentatörer: Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke, Ciaran Sugrue, Molly Sutphen och Tomas Englund 

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