Högskolepedagogiskt centrum

Paperpresentation 20 maj

Research literacy and critical thinking

This paper addresses a strand in the literature on academic writing and research literacy that warrants more attention, we argue: empirical analyses of authentic student work as texts on a micro level – how students build their arguments in relation to previous research, and how can this be understood in terms of authentic critical thinking. The texts selected for this study were the ten highest and ten lowest ranked bachelor theses assessed in a previously randomized and anonymized sample of 169 theses with passing grades, from the 14 largest Education departments in Sweden. Results from a content analysis suggests that the two groups of theses are surprisingly similar on a surface level. Only after a more in-depth analysis of language, argument and use of sources, more substantial differences could be discerned. Possible implications for assessment, teaching and supervision are discussed. 

Presentatörer: Stefan Ekecrantz och Jeanna Wennerberg

Mediating student responses to exploratory exercises in a preparatory course for the degree project essay

This presentation reports on a study that traces the mediating work of two teachers as they guide students preparing to write the degree project essay through exploratory exercises designed to help them pose a genuine question in response to a disciplinary-specific problem. The study examines written exchanges in discussion forums in which teachers challenge students to focus their thinking at the discovery stage of the writing process. According to rhetorical pedagogical theory, exploratory exercises empower students by giving them insider knowledge of discourse strategies. However, this study finds that it is not enough to direct students to exploratory exercises for self-study. Students new to research writing benefit from the mediating guidance of teachers. The analysis shows how students develop their arguments in response to teacher interventions. Results show that mediating teachers can enhance the heuristic value of exploratory exercises by scaffolding students while also promoting their autonomy. 

Presentatör: Claire Hogarth

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