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Research subject


Old photography of a traditional market in Örebro

Image source: Örebro City Archive


Subject information


Patrik Lundell

Research domains

  • Humanities-Social sciences

Research environments

In History, research is conducted in a wide chronological range, from the late Middle Ages to our time. The projects are often interdisciplinary and international. Our expertise concerns areas such as gender history, cultural history, media history, financial history, biographical research, migration, the Holocaust, democracy and political economy and culture, as well as didactic issues.

Cross-faculty activities go towards sociology, media and gender studies. History also has collaborations on didactic issues in a broad sense, including educational history. Researchers in History are also involved in various research environments both nationally and internationally. Through for example cooperation with the National Graduate School in Historical Studies, we contribute to the development of the graduate program, and we collaborate with the Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, and Bielefeld University.

Latest Publications

Dahl, I. A. (2022). From victim to survivor of Nazi persecution. Gendering the collection of the Polish Research Institute (PIŹ) in Lund. Der Archivar : Mitteilungsblatt für deutsches Archivwesen, 75 (12), 146-150.

Winton, P. (2022). Servants of liquidation: The clerical staff at the First Debt Office in Sweden, c. 1719-1730. Business History

Andersson, P. K. (2021). Äktenskapet och ångvelocipeden: Sveriges förste bilkonstruktör och den tekniska manlighetens bräcklighet. Personhistorisk Tidskrift (1).

Andersson, P. K. (2021). Drontmannen. Ellerströms förlag.

Andersson, P. K. (2021). Var på huvudet ska hatten sitta?: Subtila signaler inom hattbruk kring sekelskiftet 1900. I: Emma Severinsson, Philip Warkander, Modevetenskap: Nya perspektiv på mode, stil och estetik (ss. 66-85). Stockholm: Appell förlag.

Dahl, I. A. (2021). Witnessing the Holocaust: Jewish Experiences and the Collection of the Polish Source Institute in Lund. I: Johannes Heuman, Pontus Rudberg, Early Holocaust Memory in Sweden: Archives, Testimonies and Reflections (ss. 67-91). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.