Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknik

AASS Seminar - Ex nihilo nihit fit: a commonsense reasoning framework for dynamic knowledge invention via conceptual combination and blending

13 oktober 2022 13:00 Hörsal T, Teknikhuset

For more information about the AASS Seminar Series, please contact:
Alessandro Saffiotti

The research centre AASS arranges a seminar with Antonio Lieto, University of Turin, Italy.

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(Dial-in +46 8 5016 3827, Meeting ID: 650 9662 3293)


Commonsense reasoning is one of the main open problems in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) while, on the other hand, seems to be a very intuitive and default reasoning mode in humans and other animals. In this lecture, I will present the TCL reasoning framework ( that has been developed to address the problem of dynamic, goal-directed, knowledge invention and will show how it has been applied to different case studies and applications in the areas of cognitive architectures and computational creativity.


Antonio Lieto is a tenure-track Senior Researcher (i.e. Assistant Professor) in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Turin (Italy) and a Research Associate at the ICAR-CNR Institute in Palermo (Italy). His research interests include commonsense reasoning, language and knowledge technologies, cognitive architectures for intelligent interactive agents (embodied and not). He is the current Vice-President of the Italian Association of Cognitive Sciences (AISC, 2017-2022), the recipient of the "Outstanding BICA Research Award" from the Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architecture Society and is an ACM Distinguished Speaker on the topics of cognitively inspired AI. He has authored the book "Cognitive Design for Artificial Minds" (Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2021).