Sammyh Khan
Sammyh Khan Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Institutionen för beteende-, social- och rättsvetenskapE-post: c2FtbXloLmtoYW47b3J1LnNl
Telefon: 019 301438
Rum: L2606

Om Sammyh Khan
Jag påbörjade min nuvarande tjänst vid Institutionen för beteende-, social- och rättsvetenskap vid Örebro universitet 2020 och är enhetschef för psykologiämnet vid universitetet sedan augusti 2023.
Jag doktorerade vid Centre of Applied Cross Cultural Research (CACR) vid Victoria University of Wellington i Nya Zeeland (2011). Innan jag tillträdde min nuvarande tjänst vid Örebro Universitet arbetade jag som universitetslektor vid University of Keele (2015-2020), och som forskare vid University of Exeter (2012-2014), University of St Andrews och University of Dundee (2009-2012).
Min forskning tenderar att ligga i korsningarna mellan kulturell, social, politisk och hälsosykologi. Hittills har min forskning haft två huvudsakliga fokusområden, dessa involverar tillämpning av sociala identitets- och kategoriseringsprocesser för att utforska: a) grupprocesser och intergrupprelationer; och b) hälsobeteenden och hälsoutfall.
Metodologiskt ligger min expertis i enkätundersökning och multivariat- och latent variabelstatistik. Jag föredrar dock att kombinera kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder för att triangulera forskningsresultat.
Jag är medlem i den verkställande kommittén för Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), samt verkar som chefredaktör för British Journal of Social Psychology (BJSP) och som senior redaktionell rådgivare för Asian Journal of Social Psychology (AJSP).
Pågående projekt
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- McKeown, S. , Khan, S. , Gibson, S. & Smith, L. G. E. (2024). In memoriam: Dr Francesco Foroni. British Journal of Social Psychology, 63 (1), 1-2. [BibTeX]
- Jones, S. M. & Khan, S. (2024). 'We need to get better at making research accessible to lay, practice and policy audiences'. Psychologist (Leicester), 37 (7-8), 21-28. [BibTeX]
- Vargas Salfate, S. , Khan, S. S. , Liu, J. H. & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2023). A Longitudinal Test of the Conservative-Liberal Well-Being Gap. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49 (10), 1439-1453. [BibTeX]
- Zhao, X. , Jogdand, Y. , Sharma, P. & Khan, S. (2023). Sun protection practices in India: Preliminary findings from a nationally representative sample. Preventive Medicine Reports, 36. [BibTeX]
- Liu, J. H. & Khan, S. S. (2021). If the past weighs on the present, then the present also weighs on the past: Collective remembering as an open system for human science. Asian journal of social psychology (Print), 24 (3), 263-271. [BibTeX]
- Liu, J. H. & Khan, S. (2021). Implications of a Psychological Approach to Collective Remembering: Social Representations as Cultural Ground for Interpreting Survey and Experimental Results. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 15, 1-11. [BibTeX]
- Hult Khazaie, D. , Stott, C. & Khan, S. (2021). Mass meets mosh: Exploring healthcare professionals' perspectives on social identity processes and health risks at a religious pilgrimage and music festivals. Social Science and Medicine, 272. [BibTeX]
- Tam, K. , Leung, A. K. -. & Khan, S. (2021). The new normal of social psychology in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights and advice from leaders in the field. Asian journal of social psychology (Print), 24 (1), 8-9. [BibTeX]
- Paez, D. , Delfino, G. , Vargas-Salfate, S. , Liu, J. H. , Gil De Zúñiga, H. , Khan, S. & Garaigordobil, M. (2020). A longitudinal study of the effects of internet use on subjective well-being. Media Psychology, 23 (5), 676-710. [BibTeX]
- Khan, S. , Tarrant, M. , Kos, K. , Daly, M. , Gimbuta, C. & Farrow, C. V. (2020). Making connections: Social identification with new treatment groups for lifestyle management of severe obesity. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 27 (5), 686-696. [BibTeX]
- Khan, S. , Garnett, N. , Hult Khazaie, D. , Liu, J. H. & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2020). Opium of the people? National identification predicts well-being over time. British Journal of Psychology, 111 (2), 200-214. [BibTeX]
- Hult Khazaie, D. & Khan, S. (2020). Shared social identification in mass gatherings lowers health risk perceptions via lowered disgust. British Journal of Social Psychology, 59 (4), 839-856. [BibTeX]
- Hult Khazaie, D. & Khan, S. (2020). Social psychology and pandemics: Exploring consensus about research priorities and strategies using the Delphi method. Asian journal of social psychology (Print), 23 (4), 363-371. [BibTeX]
- Stott, C. , Khan, S. , Madsen, E. & Havelund, J. (2020). The value of Supporter Liaison Officers (SLOs) in fan dialogue, conflict, governance and football crowd management in Sweden. Soccer & Society, 21 (2), 196-208. [BibTeX]
- Xygalatas, D. , Khan, S. , Lang, M. , Kundt, R. , Kundtová-Klocová, E. , Krátký, J. & Shaver, J. (2019). Effects of extreme ritual practices on psychophysiological well-being. Current Anthropology, 60 (5), 699-707. [BibTeX]
- Madsen, E. , Khan, S. , Williams, N. & Havelund, J. (2019). Swedish Supporter Liaison Officers in Action. sport science forum (2019-02-26), 1-18. [BibTeX]
- Khan, S. , Tarrant, M. , Weston, D. , Shah, P. & Farrow, C. (2018). Can Raising Awareness about the Psychological Causes of Obesity Reduce Obesity Stigma?. Health Communication, 33 (5), 585-592. [BibTeX]
- Licata, L. , Khan, S. , Lastrego, S. , Cabecinhas, R. , Valentim, J. P. & Liu, J. H. (2018). Social representations of colonialism in Africa and in Europe: Structure and relevance for contemporary intergroup relations. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 62, 68-79. [BibTeX]
- Vargas-Salfate, S. , Paez, D. , Khan, S. , Liu, J. H. & Gil de Zúñiga, H. (2018). System justification enhances well-being: A longitudinal analysis of the palliative function of system justification in 18 countries. British Journal of Social Psychology, 57 (3), 567-590. [BibTeX]
- Khan, S. , Svensson, T. , Jogdand, Y. A. & Liu, J. H. (2017). Lessons from the past for the future: The definition and mobilisation of Hindu nationhood by the Hindu nationalist movement of India. The Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 5 (2), 477-511. [BibTeX]
- Tarrant, M. , Khan, S. , Farrow, C. V. , Shah, P. , Daly, M. & Kos, K. (2017). Patient experiences of a bariatric group programme for managing obesity: A qualitative interview study. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22 (1), 77-93. [BibTeX]
- Becker, J. C. , Butz, D. A. , Sibley, C. G. , Barlow, F. K. , Bitacola, L. M. , Christ, O. , Khan, S. , Leong, C. -. & et al. (2017). What do national flags stand for?: An exploration of associations across 11 countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48 (3), 335-352. [BibTeX]
- Hopkins, N. , Reicher, S. D. , Khan, S. , Tewari, S. , Srinivasan, N. & Stevenson, C. (2016). Explaining effervescence: Investigating the relationship between shared social identity and positive experience in crowds. Cognition & Emotion, 30 (1), 20-32. [BibTeX]
- Wakefield, J. R. H. , Sani, F. , Herrera, M. , Khan, S. & Dugard, P. (2016). Greater family identification—but not greater contact with family members—leads to better health: Evidence from a Spanish longitudinal study. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46 (4), 506-513. [BibTeX]
- Khan, S. , Hopkins, N. , Reicher, S. , Tewari, S. , Srinivasan, N. & Stevenson, C. (2016). How Collective Participation Impacts Social Identity: A Longitudinal Study from India. Political Psychology, 37 (3), 309-325. [BibTeX]
- Jogdand, Y. A. , Khan, S. & Mishra, A. K. (2016). Understanding the persistence of caste: A commentary on cotterill, Sidanius, Bhardwaj and Kumar (2014). The Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 4 (2), 554-570. [BibTeX]
- Tarrant, M. , Khan, S. & Qin, Q. (2015). Effects of norm referent salience on young people's dietary orientation. Appetite, 85, 160-164. [BibTeX]
- Hanke, K. , Liu, J. H. , Sibley, C. G. , Paez, D. , Gaines Jr, S. O. , Moloney, G. , Leong, C. , Wagner, W. & et al. (2015). “Heroes” and “Villains” of World History across Cultures. PLOS ONE, 10 (2). [BibTeX]
- Khan, S. , Hopkins, N. , Reicher, S. , Tewari, S. , Srinivasan, N. & Stevenson, C. (2015). Shared identity predicts enhanced health at a mass gathering. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 18 (4), 504-522. [BibTeX]
- Khan, S. , Hopkins, N. , Tewari, S. , Srinivasan, N. , Reicher, S. D. & Ozakinci, G. (2014). Efficacy and well-being in rural north India: The role of social identification with a large-scale community identity. European Journal of Social Psychology, 44 (7), 787-798. [BibTeX]
- Srinivasan, N. , Hopkins, N. , Reicher, S. D. , Khan, S. , Singh, T. & Levine, M. (2013). Social Meaning of Ambiguous Sounds Influences Retrospective Duration Judgments. Psychological Science, 24 (6), 1060-1062. [BibTeX]
- Liu, J. H. , Khan, S. & Suwa, K. (2012). Cross-cultural dimensions of meaning in the evaluation of events in world history? Perceptions of historical calamities and progress in cross-cultural data from thirty societies. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43 (2), 251-272. [BibTeX]
- Tewari, S. , Khan, S. , Hopkins, N. , Srinivasan, N. & Reicher, S. (2012). Participation in Mass Gatherings Can Benefit Well-Being: Longitudinal and Control Data from a North Indian Hindu Pilgrimage Event. PLOS ONE, 7 (10). [BibTeX]
- Sibley, C. G. , Liu, J. H. & Khan, S. (2010). Implicit representations of ethnicity and nationhood in New Zealand: A function of symbolic or resource-specific policy attitudes?. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 10 (1), 23-46. [BibTeX]
- Sibley, C. G. , Overall, N. C. , Duckitt, J. , Perry, R. , Milfont, T. L. , Khan, S. , Fischer, R. & Robertson, A. (2009). Your sexism predicts my sexism: Perceptions of men's (but not women's) sexism affects one's own sexism over time. Sex Roles, 60 (9-10), 682-693. [BibTeX]
- Khan, S. & Liu, J. H. (2008). Intergroup attributions and ethnocentrism in the Indian subcontinent: The ultimate attribution error revisited. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39 (1), 16-36. [BibTeX]
- Sibley, G. C. , Liu, J. H. , Duckitt, J. & Khan, S. (2008). Social representations of history and the legitimation of social inequality: The form and function of historical negation. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38 (3), 542-565. [BibTeX]
- Sibley, C. G. , Liu, J. H. & Khan, S. (2008). Who are 'we'? Implicit associations between ethnic and national symbols for Maori and Pakeha in New Zealand. New Zealand journal of psychology (Christchurch. 1983), 37 (2), 38-49. [BibTeX]
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
- Jogdand, Y. , Khan, S. & Reicher, S. (2020). The Context, Content, and Claims of Humiliation in Response to Collective Victimhood. I: Johanna Ray Vollhardt, The Social Psychology of Collective Victimhood (ss. 77-99). New York: Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Hopkins, N. , Stevenson, C. , Shankar, S. , Pandey, K. , Khan, S. & Tewari, S. (2016). Being together at the Magh Mela: The social psychology of crowds and collectivity. I: Avril Maddrell, Alan Terry, Tim Gale, Sacred Mobilities: Journeys of Belief and Belonging (ss. 19-40). . Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Farrow, C. , Tarrant, M. & Khan, S. (2016). Using social identity to promote health: The impact of group memberships on health in the context of obesity. I: Sarah Buckingham, David Best, Addiction, Behavioral Change and Social Identity: The Path to Resilience and Recovery (ss. 52-70). . Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Liu, J. H. & Khan, S. (2014). Nation building through historical narratives in pre-independence India: Gandhi, Nehru, Savarkar, and Golwalkar as entrepreneurs of identity. I: Hanne, M; Crano, WD; Mio, JS, Warring with Words: Narrative and Metaphor in Politics (ss. 211-237). London: Psychology Press. [BibTeX]
- Khan, S. & Sen, R. (2009). Where Are We Going? Perspective on Hindu–Muslim Relations in India. I: Noraini M. Noor, Cristina Jayme Montiel, Peace Psychology in Asia (ss. 43-64). New York: Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. [BibTeX]
- Giles, C. , Skoog, T. & Khan, S. (2024). A comparative Delphi study of immigrant youths’ psychosocial needs in the sociocultural integration process. I: Action Research for Citizen Health, Education & Social Sustainability Book of Abstracts. Konferensbidrag vid Collaborative Action Research Network Conference, Action Research for Citizen Health, Education & Social Sustainability (CARN 2024), Malmö, Sweden, October 24-26, 2024. (ss. 25- [BibTeX]