Centre for Academic Development

Foundations of teaching and learning

A female and a male hand build a tower of bricks. There is a British eagle flag in the right corner.

The course Foundations of teaching and learning is mandatory, just like the courses Legal certainty and effectiveness in teaching and Developing Teaching and Learning. These three courses (in total, the equivalent of 8 weeks of full-time study) must be included in the 10 weeks of qualifying pedagogical training required for a permanent position at Örebro University. For the other two weeks, you may choose from our themed courses

During the course, each participant develops an academic learning moment, and the final assignment is to write a pedagogical reflection on that academic developmental work. The development of the academic learning moment should take into account educational, pedagogical and legal implications, and therefore issues such as national regulations and local governing documents as well as different perspectives on learning, different types of learning activities and different forms of examination will be covered during the course sessions.

Credits, course dates and language

The course comprises 160 hours (equivalent of 4 weeks of full-time study). It is offered digitally and consists of four course sessions (full days) and one examination seminar. If attendance goes below 75%, the participant must retake the course in its entirety.

The course will be given in English. 

Eligibility and selection

No selection is made. Eligible applicants are given a place when the complete application has been received as long as places are still available. If application rates are low, the course may be cancelled.

Course fee

Employees at Örebro University:
1000 sek/week including VAT
Total cost: 4 000 sek including VAT

External applicants:
3 000 sek/week excluding VAT
Totalt: 12 000 sek excluding VAT

The course fee will be invoiced after the deadline for registration for the course. In the event of cancellation after the last day of registration or an interruption of the course, no refund will be made. 

If you have any questions regarding the application process, feel free to contact us at hogskolepedagogisktcentrum@oru.se.


Registration for the autumn semester's course 2025 opens on Monday 17 March 2025. 

Please note! We do not accept registrations after the start of the course.

Swedish version: Högskolepedagogikens grunder.


Qualifying course in teaching higher education, 4 weeks
(Högskolepedagogikens grunder)


Örebro University’s courses in academic development have been developed in accordance with recommendations adopted on April 14, 2016 by the Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF) regarding the scope, objectives and eligibility for professional university teacher training in order to facilitate the mutual recognition of courses between institutions. The courses are offered as competence development for faculty members.

During the course, participants work toward the following goals from SUHF for eligibility for teaching higher education:


The participant shall demonstrate the ability to

  • discuss and problematise student learning in the participant’s own subject area, on the basis of research in educational sciences and/or subject didactics of relevance for teaching in higher education
  • independently and together with others plan, implement and evaluate teaching and assessment in higher education with a scientific, scholarly or artistic basis and within their own area of knowledge
  • apply relevant national and local rules and regulations, and to discuss society’s objectives for higher education and the academic teaching role in terms of the participant’s own practice and students’ active participation in higher education
  • collect, analyze and communicate their own and others’ experiences of teaching
  • and learning practices, and relevant outcomes of research, as a basis for the development of educational practice and of the academic profession.


The Foundations of Teaching and Learning course equals 160 working hours or four weeks full time study, as decided by the director of the Centre for Academic Development.  

2.1  Course goals

After completing the course participants should be able to

  • develop a teaching element on the basis of selected pedagogical principles and subject-specific pedagogical considerations, taking into account relevant laws and regulations as well as local policies,
  • describe, analyze and evaluate various forms of learning activities and assessment practices in relation to established course goals,
  • identify educational problems and challenges and reflect on possible and sustainable solutions, drawing on academic development theory and research and subject-specific pedagogical considerations,
  • independently and together with others plan and carry out a learning activity that promotes sustainable learning, and
  • critically and constructively discuss their own educational and pedagogical positions and choices as well as those of others.

2.2  Course content

In the Foundations of Teaching and Learning course, participants work with academic development focused on student learning. During the course, each participant develops an academic learning moment, and the final assignment is to write a pedagogical reflection on that academic developmental work. The development of the academic learning moment should take into account educational, pedagogical and legal implications, and therefore issues such as national regulations and local governing documents as well as different perspectives on learning, different types of learning activities and different forms of examination will be covered during the course sessions.

2.3  Teaching methods

The teaching methods used are presentations, seminars, workshops, reflections and discussions. Learning activities are done individually (preparatory), in the whole group and in smaller work groups. Course materials and course information is published on Örebro university’s learning platform.

2.4 Attendance requirements

As the collegial exchange of experiences and knowledge is an important element of the course, a high level of attendance is required. In the case of absence, participants are asked to contact the course convenor for a discussion about how the learning activity can be carried out or the course content obtained in another way. If the attendance rate is lower than 75%, the participant must retake the course.

2.5  Examination

The course is examined with an examination seminar, a peer-reviewed reading log and a pedagogical reflection assignment.

The course is examined with the grading scale U (failed) or G (pass). In case of a failed result the participant has the right to re-examination during a period of two years after the end of the course.

2.6  Literature

Elmgren, M. & Henriksson, A-S. (2018). Academic teaching. Second edition. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 368 pages.

The Higher Education Ordinance. (Revised 2014). Available at the website of the Swedish Council for Higher Education, under “Laws and Regulations” https://www.uhr.se/en/start/

The Swedish Higher Education Act. (Revised 2013). Available at the website of the Swedish Council for Higher Education, under “Laws and Regulations” https://www.uhr.se/en/start/.

In addition, there are about 350 pages of compulsory and optional literature that will be available at the start of the course.

2.7  Certificate

A certificate will be presented after satisfactory completion of the course.


To be eligible for this course, you need a university degree of at least three years of full time study.

Read the course syllabus a pdf document

For questions regarding the course content please contact Stefan Karlsson at stefan.t.karlsson@oru.se

For questions about practical issues such as the application, location, invoicing, please contact us at hogskolepedagogisktcentrum@oru.se .